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Attila Kovacs

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Everything posted by Attila Kovacs

  1. Attila Kovacs

    IsZero or SameValue

    Ok I thought he cited it from a working lib... @Anders Melander how dare you!??
  2. Attila Kovacs

    IsZero or SameValue

    match, matcher, matchest? The tolerance determines the result, isn't it?
  3. Attila Kovacs

    floating point error, [solved].

    or SameValue()
  4. Attila Kovacs

    SQL problem

    I wrote the battle of marathon back in 490 BC, yes.
  5. Attila Kovacs

    SQL problem

    guess work, because we can't see your code: remove the fields from the query component, leave it empty, set fetchall to false, do not use "select *", fetch the blobs separately, add a key field to the table, set the keyfield in the query component
  6. Attila Kovacs

    SQL problem

    why do you need the 2 different compare functions? why not just WHERE (A LIKE '%' + B + '%') OR (B LIKE '%' + A + '%') ? if you read it out loud, everybody beside to you will understand what you want
  7. Attila Kovacs

    SQL problem

    that's not how things work, I'm not sure your database is worth search anything...
  8. Attila Kovacs

    SQL problem

    Why would a search for "G:\Delphi Projects\image32_3.2.2\Examples\Layers101" find "G:\Delphi Projects\image32_3.2.2\" ?
  9. Attila Kovacs

    Huge memory problem

    You'll not have the drink Kimi
  10. Attila Kovacs

    Any advice when to use FileExists?

    in the very next second it could have the rights and vice versa
  11. Attila Kovacs

    Change 'DPI awareness' on runtime

    this looks strange, even a logical control hierarchy is missing, otherwise they would be cropped on the bottom you should try using alignments instead of fixed positions
  12. Attila Kovacs

    Change 'DPI awareness' on runtime

    or you have a common form with some extra methods 🙂
  13. Attila Kovacs

    Zip Compression library

    I'd still go with compressionmode 1 and 25sec instead of 18% better compression and almost twice the time. HDD is cheap, time isn't.
  14. Attila Kovacs

    Zip Compression library

    the one I just downloaded.... must be the latest
  15. Attila Kovacs

    Zip Compression library

    downloaded and installed zipforge, pretty same as W10
  16. Attila Kovacs

    Zip Compression library

    I did not believe those numbers so I did it myself. source enwik9.zip http://mattmahoney.net/dc/textdata.html compression routine zf := TZipFile.Create; zf.Open('MyFile.zip', zmWrite); zf.Add('enwik9', '', zcDeflate); zf.Close; But, I don't know what TZipFile is using, own code or winapi.
  17. Attila Kovacs

    Getters & Settters??

    We are not discussing here how to free a form, I'm always using caFree which is not part of the question.
  18. Attila Kovacs

    how would you do this? Pass API params from UI into API unit

    in this case you need a wrapper unit with either making a gateway or extending the API with helpers
  19. Attila Kovacs

    Getters & Settters??

  20. Attila Kovacs

    Getters & Settters??

    I would not bother with the constructor just add a method for setup and show: procedure TTracksAddEditForm.ShowForm(const AsMode: string; AiAlbum: integer; const AsTrack: string); begin FsMode := AsMode; FiAlbum := AiAlbum; // or set the controls directly FsTrack := AsTrack; Show; end; use it: TTracksAddEditForm.Create(Self).ShowForm('Insert', blah, buh); or for showmodal function TSomeValueReturningForm.ShowForm(var AVar: string): TModalResult; begin FVar := AVar; Result := ShowModal; AVar := FVar; end; use it: lStringVar := 'Initialvalue'; case TSomeValueReturningForm.Create(Self).ShowForm(lStringVar) of mrOk: DoSomething(lStringVar); else Whatever... end; the variable var TracksAddEditForm : TTracksAddEditForm; is only needed if the forms are created with Application.CreateForm() by the dpr itself. Otherwise it should be deleted immediately.
  21. Attila Kovacs

    Getters & Settters??

    reintroduce is missing
  22. Attila Kovacs

    Getters & Settters??

    are you really using "Show" ?
  23. Attila Kovacs

    Difficulty with component installation

    this is a joker error message from the IDE, it can be anything, path, old binaries in the path, missing dependencies, etc... fire up a process monitor and filter for bds.exe maybe you have luck and you can see it
  24. Attila Kovacs

    SynPdf - wrong colors in PDF export

    can synpdf 1A?
  25. Attila Kovacs

    SynPdf - wrong colors in PDF export

    Those bitmaps are set up diffeently, like pf32bit / pf24bit who knows what else? Could you check them with the same setup?