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Nigel Thomas

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Posts posted by Nigel Thomas

  1. 5 hours ago, David Heffernan said:

    No, this is not possible in Delphi 2007. You can declare typed constants for fixed length arrays, but not dynamic arrays.

    Thanks. I've worked around it by declaring FileSig.arrSig as a fixed array, e.g: array [0..4] of byte, then I can set the const array using padding where necessary e.g. arrSig: ($00, $01, $02, $00, $00); By adding a SigLength to the FileSig type I will know what padded bytes I can remove when I come to using the array.

  2. Hi,


    The following access violation occurs when running the "HTTP Dowload List of Files" snippet with the program compiled as 64Bit:

    HTTP Error - Access violation at address 000000000090E55F in module 'OverbyteIcsSnippets.exe'. Read of address 0000000000000004

    It works seamlessly with no errors when the program is compiled as 32Bit.


    Using latest svn version of ICS 9.1, compiled using D11.3 CE running on Windows 10 and on Windows 11.


    Full diagnostic attached.


    Is this issue duplicatable or just something to do with my setup?


  3. 6 hours ago, Luis Enrique said:

    I've already seen that the old Embarcadero Getit server is not working. So, what should I do to make it work again?

    Check where the GetIt server is pointing and try an alternative. In the registry key HKCU\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\21.0\CatalogRepository look at the value for "ServiceUrl". If it isn't already, change this to https://getit.embarcadero.com and retry the installation. That's the url my copy of D10.4 (CE) is pointing at, and the GetIt Package Manager seems to connect fine.

  4. I've used FileZilla for some time. I've just checked my latest installation:


    Version 3.66.5









    As @Vincent Parrettsuggests, the installer referenced by the OP may indeed bundle "sponsorship" software. Each time FileZilla updates it shows a sponsorship screen stating who sponsored the latest update - but it's only shown the once and is not intrusive.

    • Like 1

  5. Ask yourself if you really need an alternative to what is already built into your Windows OS - Windows Defender. It's always-on, it's updated several times a day as new threats emerge, it's as built-in to the OS as any AV can be, it's configurable - and it's free.


    Edit to add: I rely far more on disk image backups to protect against malware occurrences (and other issues like hardware failure), and would recommend such as the first line of defence. No anti-malware program can protect you against the next 0-day, until many systems - maybe yours, maybe mine - have already been compromised.

  6. On 2/13/2024 at 10:44 PM, Uwe Raabe said:

    Currently there is no GetIt server for 11.2! They are still working on it. 

    Is it cynical to suggest that Embarcadero won't bother repairing getit servers for earlier versions? They don't seem to like having to support any version other than the current.

  7. Bite the bullet. Download and install Delphi CE 11.3 (the current available CE edition). When you register for it, you'll get a new key. Migrate your project to the new version - I doubt it will need much changing to work as-is. Frankly, it's not as if you have much choice unless you want to pay for a Professional version (which does give you licences for previous versions).


    One word of caution: I'd hang back for a few days before downloading/installing CE 11.3 until Embarcadero have all their servers working properly again.

  8. 19 hours ago, JohnLM said:

    The win+key command to bring up the change screen resolution is win+R+'ms-settings:display'. without the quotes...  thus, win+R and enter ms-settings:display.

    (I'm sure there is a way to call those commands in a cmd dos window but I don't know the proper syntax for it. Then I would make a .bat file and easily call it during testing/debug.)

    start ms-settings:display

    • Thanks 1

  9. 3 hours ago, everybyte said:

    It is an issue in the sense that advanced users suspect a nefarious activity in your application. 

    Really? Here's the VirusTotal Sysinternals Sandbox report for network activity from a scan of the Windows 10 x64 C:\Windows\regedit.exe: (not an application you'd expect to be accessing external IP addresses)


    IP Traffic (TCP) (TCP)
    a83f:8110:0:0:100:0:1800:0:53 (UDP)
    a83f:8110:1800:0:0:0:0:0:53 (UDP)


    Perhaps rather more worrying for your "Advanced" Users, if they see those IP addresses from a seemingly benign Microsoft application?


    If your Advanced Users are paranoid enough to be concerned about the Sysinternals Sandbox report, point them to the other sandbox reports for your app which do not show any network connectivity.



    • Like 1

  10. Hi,


    Updated my installation of ICS 9 from Subversion today, now when I compile the OverbyteIcsHttpRestTst sample compilation fails with undeclared identifiers in OverbyteIcsWSocket, in this function:


    function TX509Base.GetX509PubKeyTB: TBytes;    { V9.1 }
        ABio : PBIO;
        PubKey: Pointer;
        if NOT Assigned(FX509) then begin
            SetLength(Result, 0);
        ABio := BIO_new(BIO_s_mem);
        if Assigned(ABio) then
            PubKey := X509_get_X509_PUBKEY(FX509);
            if PubKey = Nil then
            if i2d_X509_PUBKEY_bio(ABio, PubKey) = 0 then
            Result := IcsReadTBBio(ABio, 0);



  11. Hi,


    Is it possible to specify the directory in which to search for the OpenSSL Dlls, rather than having them in the same directory as the executable?


    Forgive me if this should have been easy to find out for myself; I'm an ICS virgin and it's taking me a while to find my way around the source.


