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Everything posted by rudy999

  1. Thank you for your responses, I changed my code to the following and it works: no need for a 'myParentNode' if Node.Level > 0 then begin strParentText := Node.Parent.Text; end; regards all
  2. Something curious is occurring in one of my VCL projects: The application works perfectly, and has several buttons, list boxes and one datagrid. The TOP property of only 1 button, the HEIGHT property of the Listobx and the TOP property of the datagrid change back to a fixed value when the form is closed. For example the button in question upon opening after a close unit, is off the form. (top value greater than form height). I move the button so it is visible again on the form. Close form. Open form - button TOP is back to the other value, 'out of sight'. Short solution is to redefine the respective property in the on form create event....? Not a real solution. Is this a DFM issue? This is a new application, other apps - seem ok. Thanks in advance
  3. rudy999

    Delphi 11 first look issues

    (Windows 10 - I am admin on PC) 1. install did not work on one PC (this had 10.4-and was-is my'new version test PC'. (I could install it on another PC no issue) 2. IDE modification -settings do not get save between IDE sessions. -- Fonts --customizing toolbars Once Delphi is started again -back to initial installation settings.
  4. I have seen the ICS demos and have successfully used the following components: TSslSmtpCli TSslContext TIcsRestEmail to connect and send emails from a user - based application, = outlook office, Microsoft Azure with proper API permissions for authentication. However, I cannot see this working for a Service-based application where there is no one logged in for the web page to appear. (send emails only, no need to read) Is there a demo or instructions if this is possible to implement? thank you in advance
  5. update: I have it working to my satisfaction. Thank you for your pointing me in the direction to a solution. I did have to 'store' the token securely and update it if it is refreshed. (I might have the terms wrong, but it works) Best regards all
  6. Update - I just noticed that if I initially use a RefrToken for the SslSmtpClient when sending, I get a NEW RefrToken. so if I save this new RefrToken and re-use it the next time this can continue and never need the web page authorization? regards
  7. Angus, I know I am confused... Thank you for your patience. I see that I am obtaining both a RefrToken string AND AccToken string. I am NOT saving the RefrToken string, at the moment. The AccToken has an expiry datetime which is one (1) hour into the future of the request moment. As a test, I did hard code the RefrToken into the SslSmtpClient.OAuthToken property and when I sent an email, there was NO web login authorization web page and the email was sent successfully. As you indicated, the RefrToken is the long-lived token. Is there a property on SslSmtpClient or ICsResetEmail that shows the expiry date of this token? A quick web search shows it is 90 days vs 1 hour for the AccToken. Question=with a proper RefrToken can I then use GetNewToken(False) or how would that be done? thanks in advance
  8. " I assume you are referring to an OAuth2 login page appearing in a browser during authentication " <<That is correct. The token I use with Microsoft Azure seems to be for 1 hour. For the non-service app this is not an issue and the browser pops up but the app continues. " Your service can email an admin to update the token manually if it expires. " <<Is this practical?How can the service email without a valid token? **The service runs on an unattended PC that is not the same as the working app** Thunderbird is a non-MS app that uses OAUTH2 and the browser pop up does not occur. So I thought that it was possible, even for an interactive app. Any ideas are appreciated. thks
  9. Martin thank you for this information. I had to set the PE Versions to 5.0 to get the O/S to recognize it, and now it runs. regards and all the best!
  10. rudy999

    Delphi 11 first look issues

    I had not tried the F1 - but yet it does not open a specific version 11 help - it refers to 10.x Doc Wiki link goes to Delphi 11 Alexandria page.
  11. rudy999

    Delphi 11 first look issues

    More feedback. 1. When I have a win application project open- and switch from win32 to win64 -- and I need to add a new library path to the Win64 environment- The Library .. Selected Platform DOES NOT FOLLOW - the initial Selected Platform is STILL win32.... 2. Exes generated by Delphi11 are 'slightly smaller' than those for the equivalent app generated in 10.4.2 The look and feel for Delphi 11 is nice but it seems to me the concentration was on eye candy and new code candy, not on basic IDE usability in regards to 10.x IDE (font, toolbar persistence, library path selection matching project)?
  12. rudy999

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    UPDATE: I deleted other applications that increased the system PATH variable to below 1800 and DID not get the install WARNING from the install routine and STILL got the error - BDS.EXE was not found in the folder, though many other files and folders were created.
  13. rudy999

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    web install exe failed for me, started install - then error -could not find bds.exe (in the Studio\22.0\bin folder? I will try the ISO image **ISO image has same issue. Many folders created, files copied. BUT there is ***no*** BDS.EXE in the 22.0 \bin folder ISSUE may be Path - I do get a warning but I have pruned down the path as best I can. WHY in this day and age would Delphi use PATH?
  14. I am looking at a non-https intraweb application. I see the iW authorization components and the Autherevent looks promising. I see that placing it on the servercontroller and using the oncheck event I get what I need. Before anything happens when connecting to the iw web server the prompt comes up. When this is sent back to the server from a browser is that message encrypted in anyway with iW functionality or is it open html text? Thanks in advance
  15. rudy999

    10.4.2 issue maybe

    in one of my applications there is a custom menu component -not TMenu i have been using it pre 10.4.2 in one application App A I am working on (so far), when I open up the project I get the message 'xx' component not found. --However it is installed (and in the pallette). If I open another application (not with this component) and add the menu vcl to this app and close this app and open up the first app then it appears again - no error message. HOWEVER when i close Delphi and re-open it and open App A - same error message until I run the excercise described above. I have not seen this before. (I have not yet checked other apps using this component since I just updated to 10.4.2) Any suggestions welcome. stay safe
  16. rudy999

    10.4.2 issue maybe

    Side note=I went back to TMENU and used screen font to set font size as desired. Otherwise issue still exists
  17. rudy999

    10.4.2 issue maybe

    Balabuev -It is the class of the menu component - not a menu item. See attached. As per earlier posts - I can always 'get it back' - temporarily and so far it only an issue in the one project. It is an OLD component I have carried over many Delphi versions. The only reason I use it is that I can set the FONT of the menu. I am looking at alternatives also thanks
  18. rudy999

    10.4.2 issue maybe

    Lars Do you have a possible idea on this one? There are no TFrames(s). The main form has a TPagecontrol on the TForm. I am using this code: procedure DockForm(Source: TControl; Destination: TWinControl); begin if Source = nil then Exit; if Destination <> nil then begin Source.ManualDock(Destination, Destination, alClient); Source.Align := alClient; Source.Show; end else begin Source.Visible := false; Source.ManualDock(nil); end; end; **This is from DOPC code - KASSL since this is an OPC client project -I implemented this from an example project from KASSL. This places some other forms visually in elements of the main form, but that code is ONLY executed at runtime, right? In other projects I make extensive use of TFrames, but not this one. **Again - this issue is new. Regards
  19. rudy999

    10.4.2 issue maybe

    If I open up RAD studio and the problematic applicaiton is the first one I open I have this issue. The VCL component is installed and the BPL exists in the correct location. "Class xxx not found" Ignore the error and continue etc. message. -If I close the project (without saving) - open another project with the same VCL component without error - close this project the problematic projects opens - WITHOUT this error. -If I open RAD Studio - FIRST open another project with the component -no errors - I close this project and open up the problematic project - NO ERROR. It may not be a general issue with 10.4.2 but there is some error - corruption with the project. This same project was being developed in 10.4.1 for weeks with no issue. Hope this helps. Any ideas - comments - suggestions will be looked into.
  20. I had the requirement to compare to two text files (via Tmemo) and found the TDIFF component that worked exactly as I wanted. win32 app. I just set the application to compile as a win64 bit app and the results were 'wrong'. (As verified with Notepad++ compare). No crash, no warning, just different results. I am guessing the optimizations within the TDIFF unit and pointer use do not work in 64 bit target platform. Description: Component to list differences between two integer arrays * * using a "longest common subsequence" algorithm. * * Typically, this component is used to diff 2 text files * * once their individuals lines have been hashed. * I could not find another Component in JVCL - any alternatives out there? Thank you in advance
  21. Thank you ! I was able to download the GITHUB TDIFF and got the app working with identical results in Win32 or Win64. I may have an incorrect setup but I had to add Winapi.Windows to the HashUnit (DWORD was not defined?) to compile properly. regards all