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Die Holländer

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Everything posted by Die Holländer

  1. Die Holländer

    search between two dates

    If you use the TDateTimePicker component to select a date then take care of the Time part of the component (see object inspector) because Delphi sneaky adds the current time when you drop the component on the form.. If you have a time part also in the database table field then be sure your SQL does the right query when doing things like <=, = , >= if the time part of the component is set on 00:00:00.
  2. Die Holländer

    Calling python scripts. Returning python output.

    >>What I am looking for is the very, very basic of what Python4Delphi should offer to python programmers checking out Delphi. But that is exactly what the demo 1 is doing. Open your .py file (here with extra button-click) and click a button to execute the script and show the output in a memo. This demo is Gui based, so no output to a shell or something but to a visual component TMemo. Please tell why you don't find that very, very basic. (2 lines of code.) Maybe you want to execute a non GUI Delphi executable with two parameters and write the Python output to a shell??
  3. Die Holländer

    ChatGPT Example

    Just an idea.. Since the most OpenAI development I see in Python we can consider to use this development environment in combination with Delphi.. Search for "python" in Delphi GetIT package manager. https://www.embarcadero.com/new-tools/python/delphi-4-python
  4. Hello, I can't find in the IDE a way to set the compiler/builder to create/use the both directories when I switch between Release and Debug Build. In one of my projects it's going ok. I switch from Release build configuration to Debug and after build/compile there are two directories (Release and Debug) with the executable. But one of my projects this is not working and the switch is always compile/build into the Debug directory. When I switch to Release Build Configuration it is also using the Debug directory. What do I have to change in the IDE for this project, so that it is using the proper directory when switching?
  5. Project Options -> Building -> Delphi Compiler -> Menu Target Release configuration -> Output directory = .\$(Platform)\$(Config)
  6. If you pull the latest official Git Docker/PAServer buildfile it will use Ubuntu Jammy (22) and the latest PAServer. If you pull another version from GIT it will use Ubuntu Bionic (18) but with also an older PAServer that can't be used by the latest Delphi. Main problem: It seems that the Indy http components don't work on the latest Ubuntu 22 version because it raises SSL errors. My idea is to use the Ubuntu 18 version and make a dockerfile for building a dockerimage with the latest PAServer that I can use with Delphi 11.3 I made a dockerfile like the official one on Git but changed it using Ubuntu Bionic and PAServer for Delphi 11.3 (see under) I run the build command of docker to create the image: sudo docker build -t "delphidev:Dockerfile" . and the image is created in Windows Docker Desktop. I run the image to create the container but.. The last CMD should start paserver_docker.sh but whatever I do the container raises the error : paserver_docker.sh: no such file or directory. or /bin/sh: 1: ./paserver_docker.sh: not found. If I list the files in the container the paserver_docker.sh is there and everything in the image seems ok. I have no idea what the problem is. To make our life more easy: Is there a Pull from GIT with a lower Ubuntu version (18) AND the latest PAServer, so that the PAServer is working with Delphi 11 AND the indy HTTP components are working? I also tried to use the latest docker/PAServer and lower the SSL library in the image but that failed too.. Anyone??? Dockerfile: FROM ubuntu:bionic # bionic is the code name of 18.04, bionic-20230308 ARG password=hello ENV PA_SERVER_PASSWORD=$password RUN apt-get update && \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -yy install \ build-essential \ libcurl4-openssl-dev \ libcurl3-gnutls \ libgl1-mesa-dev \ libgtk-3-bin \ libosmesa-dev \ xorg ### Install PAServer ADD https://altd.embarcadero.com/releases/studio/22.0/113/LinuxPAServer22.0.tar.gz ./paserver.tar.gz RUN tar xvzf paserver.tar.gz RUN mv PAServer-22.0/* . COPY paserver_docker.sh ./paserver_docker.sh RUN chmod +x paserver_docker.sh # PAServer EXPOSE 64211 # broadwayd EXPOSE 8082 CMD ./paserver_docker.sh
  7. Die Holländer

    Try to create Docker image with latest PAServer but on Ubuntu 18

    This thread continues here: delphipraxis Indy forum
  8. Die Holländer

    SSL not found when using idHttp in docker image

    Maybe I started this thread in a wrong forum (Cross Platform), so I try it here to see if my problem can be solved. I'm using Delphi 11.3. On a Docker Linux platform I really want to access HTTP servers coded in Delphi. I've tried everything to use the indy components on Ubuntu running in a docker container and on my Windows I have installed the wsl Ubuntu 18, the PAServer and all the libraries and that is running fine with the HTTP components. I made a project that is connecting to a website and after login it fetches some data. The Ubuntu version 18 is using OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018. I forced to use Ubuntu 18 because the "official" latest Docker Pull is creating Ubuntu 22 and because it raises SSL errors I thought maybe the SSL library is too new for the indy components for this Ubuntu version. (found some old info from Remy on the web about this) To get an docker image that runs with Ubuntu 18 and the lastest PAServer (Delphi 11.3) I had to create my own Dockerfile to build this image and this went ok, as far i can understand.. The Fire Monkey form is working well and I can make small projects that works also. Only the indy components don't work in the docker container and always raises the 'Could not load SSL Library' message. I even tried to lower the SSL library in the docker image to 1.0.x without luck. I have no idea what the difference is between the local wsl linux and the image on docker. Both the image on docker and the wsl Ubuntu on Windows are using Ubuntu 18 and OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018 and this local Ubuntu is working fine with the indy HTTP components. Has anyone succeeded to run indy HTTP components in a docker container? Any suggestions what I can try to do to let the components work in a linux-docker situation? My previous thread:
  9. Die Holländer

    SSL not found when using idHttp in docker image

    Remy, many thanks. The IdOpenSSLSetCanLoadSymLinks() function set on false solved the problem.
  10. Die Holländer

    Try to create Docker image with latest PAServer but on Ubuntu 18

    I've tried everything I could building a dockerfile with Ubuntu 18, PAServer from Delphi 11.3. (solved somehow a Python library issue) but nothing is working on Docker with the HTTP indy components from Delphi 11. On my Windows I have installed the wsl Ubuntu 18, the PAServer and all the libraries and that is running fine with the HTTP components. I have no idea what the difference now is between the local wsl linux and the image on docker. Both the image on docker and the wsl Linux are using OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018.
  11. Die Holländer

    Try to create Docker image with latest PAServer but on Ubuntu 18

    The error message went away when I converted the paserver_docker.sh file from Windows file to Unix file. (UNIX EOL issue) That functionality is built into Notepad++. From the "Edit" menu, select "EOL Conversion" -> "UNIX/OSX Format". Now I got other errors but now I can go on...
  12. Die Holländer

    Delphi 11.3 is available now!

    I just went from D10.4 to D11.3 and this was the smoothest installation I've experienced. Installing about 30 extra components (with source 😉) on a huge code base and some components installed with use of GetIt. Nice that source and design can be separate screens again. I also experienced that the IDE is much more responsive and quick. Also tested code compiled to Linux running on Docker with Ubuntu and the PAServer. Just great. Thanks.
  13. In Delphi 11.3 I try to install JCL and then JVCL but I'm not able to install JCL. First I've tried to install it by the latest build on http://jcl.sourceforge.net/daily/ but when I download the required jedi.inc from https://github.com/project-jedi/jedi the install stops with the message that the jedi.inc is outdated. (Also tried a older build but same message) Second I tried to install JCL by GetIt from the Delphi IDE but the installer fails because it wants to find a Y: drive to locate the CatalogRepository directory but in my case it is on the H: drive. Whatever I try, like stop the auto-installer and add the proper path by hand, it still looks for this Y: drive later on of the installation. Any clue how I can install the JCL. How to change this Y: drive issue so that the installer doesn't look to it and use my H: or how to get the latest jedi.inc that will work with Delphi 11.3 JCL installation from sourceforge. Thanks.
  14. Die Holländer

    Failed to install JCL on Delphi 11.3

    I see what I've done wrong. The download of the jedi.inc was not OK. I went now to the RAW version in GitHub and copy the code and paste it in a new created textfile and renamed it to Jedi.inc
  15. Die Holländer

    How to free object compiled to Linux

    I just started in Delphi 10.4 to compile to Linux and need to know how to handle Free of objects, like how to handle the following code that compiles OK against Windows but not for Linux using the Delphi native JSon parser: LStringReader := TStringReader.Create(aLoginJSON); LJsonTextReader := TJsonTextReader.Create(LStringReader); try //parse the JSon string finally LStringReader.Free; <-- OK for both platforms LJsonTextReader.Free; <-- Segmentation Fault under Linux end; How to handle LJsonTextReader.Free; without causing mem leaks?
  16. Die Holländer

    How to free object compiled to Linux

    Thanks Dalija ! Yes, It seems i'm just lucky and wonder why its working OK under Windows but indeed it solved the issue.
  17. If I do "Find declaration"or CRTL-click and the editor jumps to another unit then I don't see the caret anymore and it is hard to see to which line it has jumped to. Only when I use the keyboard-arrows then the caret appears again. If the editor jumps within the same unit the caret stays visible. Delphi 10.4.1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caret_navigation
  18. If I do "Find declaration"or CRTL-click and the editor jumps to another unit then I don't see the caret anymore and it is hard to see to which line it has jumped to. Only when I use the keyboard-arrows then the caret appears again. If the editor jumps within the same unit the caret stays visible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caret_navigation
  19. Die Holländer

    Conflict JVCL and Styles

    Hello, I upgraded to Delphi 10.4.1. and now I got a conflict between JVCL and when an application style is selected. I use the TJvFilenameEdit and when I open the folder to select a filename in runtime and later close the appliction an access voilation error about the style will occur and at the end the famous Runtime Error 216 is displayed. Is this a known problem with JVCL? Anyone a suggestion how to use the JVCL and Styles? For now I have disabled the styles because I use the JVCL a lot in my applications. I come from Delphi 10.2 and there was no problem. Thanks.
  20. Die Holländer

    Conflict JVCL and Styles

    Quite bizar but you need an extra non-native library to let the dialogs work with Styles.. https://github.com/RRUZ/vcl-styles-utils and this is also using https://github.com/MahdiSafsafi/DDetours Now the Vista dialog has also the style added.
  21. I switched to 10.4.1. and this code complete, ctrl-right click is a nightmare again. Very slow or it doesn't work at all. I also switched back to Classic Code Insight and indeed you get a wait cursor every few seconds. I thought that these very important IDE issues would be solved by now. I rememberthat this issue was already many Delphi versions ago. (XE versions)
  22. Die Holländer

    Conflict JVCL and Styles

    It seems that is not the JVCL component that bugs me but the dialog used by this component. The TJvFilenameEdit is using the TOpenTextFileDialog and when I execute this component the same problem with Styles occur. I've also tried the standard TOpenDialog and also no luck. When I use the TFileOpenDialog (from the Vista Dialogs) then indeed a different filedialog is opened and no problem with styles occur when I close my application.
  23. Die Holländer

    Conflict JVCL and Styles

    I placed the TJvFilenameEdit on a new project form with a project style selected and now no access voilation occurs. I've no idea why the access voilation happens in my existing project..
  24. Die Holländer

    Error when installing JCL from GetIt

    During my install of the library I noticed that a destination path in the installer was suddenly pointing to a "Y:" disk that was not even mounted on my machine..