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John van de Waeter

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John van de Waeter last won the day on September 23 2024

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About John van de Waeter

  • Birthday 04/08/1958

Technical Information

  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. John van de Waeter

    iOS keyboard and Predictive text

    Hi All, Delphi 12.2, iOS Using a TMemo for user input did NOT show the word suggestions on the virtual keyboard. (predictive suggestions says Apple). Using Controltype PLATFORM instead of STYLED for the TMemo solved the issue. Just in case you have complaints from users, like I had... :) John
  2. John van de Waeter

    [PAClient Error] Error: E8712 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS:

    After hours of comparing between the debug and the release version..... I found that somehow 3 files in the deployment table got unchecked. No idea how that happened, but it did. After checking those files again, everything worked as expected.
  3. This error when deploying for Android64, Delphi 12.2.1. [PAClient Error] Error: E8712 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: The is no system variabele like JAVA_TOOL_OPTION Strange thing is: building and deploying a debug-version works ok... Anyone have an idea?
  4. John van de Waeter

    Listbox with images scrolls not smoothly

    Thanks Vinícius 🙂 BTW I noticed that the OnPaint event of the image is fired continuously as the image is scrolled in the visible part of the Listbox. I would have thought that if the size of the image is unaltered, the showing bitmap should not need to be repainted, only moved. But I'm not an expert on this....
  5. I used WinZip to unzip the archive, which allowed me to skip files with bad filenames. I figured if those filenames are not allowed in Windows, these files are probably not used anyway. It worked. ps, Dave, if I have questions about Kastri, should I ask them here?
  6. Lol.... I too had a hard fight to send those notifications to the v1-google fcm server.... I never realized that the converting part (apns->fcm) also required this new approach... Having apps online that suddenly don't receive pn's anymore forces one to be creative.... I'm now trying the Kastri-path.
  7. Yep, lots of other code in this file. But it contains the original firebase.zip, which in turn has the same problem....
  8. Dave, I'm trying Kastri now. Again 🙂 One thing I must do is download a copy of firebase.zip (SDK for iOS) from github. But both 11.2.0 as 11.3.0 give me an error when I try to unzip them: Invalid Zip-file. Tried on both win10 and win11. I tried to ask a question in the issues section of this github-repo, but my question does not appear in the discussion. Dunno why, no error reported. So I'm trying here: do you know an alternative to download this firebase.zip? Thanks, John
  9. I wonder why Google and Apple are making things more difficult.... :/
  10. Hi Vanar, I'm facing the same problem... did you find a solution? cheers, John
  11. John van de Waeter

    White screen on iPhoneX

    Found it. Mea culpa. In delphi 12.0 I applied a patch in FMX.Platform.iOS, like adding this line: WindowManager.RootViewController.Super.init; as per and thereby saving that file in the source-dir of my project. It nicely copied into the new source-dir, I didn't notice.) Removing the file from my source-dir did the job. John
  12. John van de Waeter

    Android SDK incomplete in 12.2 ?

    Alejandro, thanks. Tools, Manage Features. An uninstall followed by an install of the Android SDK did the job. cheers, John
  13. John van de Waeter

    Android SDK incomplete in 12.2 ?

    Hi All, just installed 12.2 after the installer uninstalled 12.1. The Android SDK manager reports some missing stuff. SDK Base Path, adb.exe location and SDK API level location have an error indicator. I noticed there are several files and directories missing (the new 2525-23.0.53571.9872 compared to the new 2525-23.0.50491.5718). What to do? cheers, John
  14. John van de Waeter

    Listbox with images scrolls not smoothly

    Thanks E., I'll keep an eye on those developments :)
  15. John van de Waeter

    Listbox with images scrolls not smoothly

    Hi All, D12.1, both android and iOS, skia enabled. I have this listbox with listitems. Every listitem contains an image and a couple of labels. There are about 20 listitems. Each listitem has a height about half the height of the listbox. When scrolling the listbox, the scrolling is not smooth. Well, the more faster the phone is, it's less notible. It looks like every image (visible or not) is repainted during scrolling. I also tried with a TVertScrollbox, but the effect is the same. Any suggestions to make the scrolling more smoothly? tia, John