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Tommi Prami

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Everything posted by Tommi Prami

  1. https://curiouscoding.nl/posts/static-search-tree/ I have no clue does the claim of 40x speed hold up, but if it is 40% speed up, that would be very nice 🙂 -Tee-
  2. Also linked article: https://curiouscoding.nl/posts/cpu-benchmarks/ Could be interesting also. Article is work inn progress tough...
  3. Tommi Prami

    Zip Compression library

    Is there a (public) repository for this? Very interesting anyways, thanks...
  4. Tommi Prami

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    And Delphi 64bit compiler is slow (at compiling) and resulted ASM is not too fast either.
  5. Tommi Prami

    Minor Uninstaller bug

    Registry need cleanup I think... Could not find it tough. I'll let you know if I find where this is coming from. Had typo while searching, found from expected place at the registry. This also caught my eye. Should this registration also be gone at the uninstall
  6. Or just "setter" method with original code. Something like... function SetFloatParameter(const ADataSet: TDataSet; const AParamName: string; const AValueOK: Boolean; const AFloatValue: Double); begin Result := False; if AValueOK then begin ADataSet.ParamByName(AParamName).AsFloat := AFloatValue; Result := True; end else ADataSet.ParamByName(AParamName).Clear; end;
  7. Reported related that has annoyed me... https://embt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/RSS-2352
  8. Tommi Prami

    Buying a mini pc to install Delphi

    It depends quite a lot. But would go for I have and budget of xxx in my currency, what I can get with it. Ask people opinions about that, is it enough. And then decide to save more or purchase. I've been thinking of, if Company will get one, for my work computer. Mainly because I need laptop as laptop (the screen) maybe once or twice a year. Also with price of decent laptop, you get way better mini-PC (in terms of performance etc...). Problem being, for corporate use, that there are no good options usually from popular brands, and brands that make good models don't have support and service options that companies need. I think... IF someone has better info, I would be more than happy to stand corrected on this... -Tee-
  9. https://www.quantamagazine.org/computer-scientists-establish-the-best-way-to-traverse-a-graph-20241025/ -tee-
  10. Tommi Prami

    win11 24h2 msheap fastest

    Interesting... Hope someone also gets involved and helps making bench marks more comprehensive. -Tee-
  11. Tommi Prami

    What is your Update Process?

    Dunno (first time heard about GetIT command line client), but would be nice be able to use wildards: getitcmd -i=FmxLinux*;ParnassusCoreEditor*;CodeSite*;AWSSDKforDelphi* or even: getitcmd -i=FmxLinux*;*Parnassus*;CodeSite*;AWSSDKforDelphi* PS. GetIT Seems to be down... Are the GetIT based installer and ISO installer compatible with each other. At least they used not to be??
  12. Post bug reports or feature requests what you feel need some publicity. I'll post mine: Default "styled elements" appears to the inherited form needlessly (into dfm) https://embt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/RSS-779 Add Compiler/AST assisted "With remover" refactoring tool https://embt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/RSS-1666 SimpleRoundTo returns wrong value https://embt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/RSS-1651 -Tee-
  13. Helllo, Defining constants is pretty limited in delphi. some I think, related to single pass compiler. Latest was this case // Works MULTIPLIER = 1000; MULTIPLIED_CONSTANT = 1E-11 * MULTIPLIER; OTHER_FLOAT_CONSTANT: Double = 0.005; // Don't work MULTIPLIER: NativeInt = 1000; MULTIPLIED_CONSTANT = 1E-11 * MULTIPLIER; // <- E2026 Constant expression expected This seems kind of weird. Is this limitation or bug in the Compiler, or feature I don't know about. -Tee-
  14. Did not consider thsat they are those hybrid "varconsts", if type defined. If type could be defined for const could make some code cleaner. Make sure, some constant is always Double, not extended, in 32bit and also in 64bit... But anyways, thanks for info y'all... -tee-
  15. Tommi Prami

    Work-around for TEdit vertical alignment problem

    That feels like a bug to me. Seems that panel should not affect that, or am I missing something obvious. Vertical align into the edit would be quite nice to have. There must be palaces it would be useful. -tee-
  16. [dcc32 Fatal Error] GX_About.pas(8): E2213 Bad packaged unit format: c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\23.0\lib\Win32\release\rtl.dcp.Winapi.Windows - Expected version: 36.0, Windows Unicode(x86) Found version: 95.84, Unk(CIL) I think I've never seen this error. Debug version builds just fine. -Tee-
  17. Tommi Prami

    TLS v1.3

    Will get merged to main someday?`Right? Would it be better to get closer to the Embarcadero version, where possible, because every difference will cause some problems and confusion, I think. Also it would make things easier for Embarcadero to merge fixes to their version. etc,... And finally the one with New OpenSSL-stuff... Just my 0.02€ -tee-
  18. IF possible, check your tickets on the new Jira, that they are visible to others also... For example This is not visible to me; https://embt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/RSS-446 If no proprietary information, please make tickets public. -Tee-
  19. Most likely, all failed, at quick glance, where about 1800 or older...
  20. Tommi Prami

    TParallelArray Sort Performance...

    Average case has most likely very small amount of items to sort. I think I saw somewhere that Bubble Sort would be faster than QuickSort on very small item counts. Not sure tough. But better is always better and faster is faster, PDQSort was quite interesting, quick look had interesting cases when it is very fast. Seems that it has no really bad worst cases either. Did not find very good comparison against many other algorithms. Anyhow getting better default sort algorithms to RTL most likely would not hurt much 🙂 -Tee-
  21. First weirdness in D12.2 ISO8601ToDate('0600-12-31T13:13:13Z') returns wrong value https://embt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/RSS-1747
  22. Tommi Prami

    Delphi 12.2 available for download

    Seems to return wrong value... That is not only value it fails... I make bug report... https://embt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/RSS-1747
  23. Tommi Prami

    Delphi 12.2 available for download

    Yellow, Have following Issue, used to work with 12.1 and many older versions: ISO8601ToDate() fails on following '0600-12-31T13:13:13Z' -> 1.1.0601 10.46.47 (d.m.yyyy...) Can someone confirm, before file bugreport. Some online converter at least managed to parse that. So it should be valid issue. -Tee-
  24. I think you should repost them to new bugtracker, most likely voting on old tracker does nothing anymore, voting/commenting on new might have some benefit .
  25. Tommi Prami

    MSQuic for Delphi ?

    QUIC seems very interesting protocol. Dunno does MSQuic support HTTP/3 also on top of it tough. Would be nice to have implementation for Delphi... -tee-