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- Birthday 01/14/1986
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And when you break the boolean check for the correct method and argument types into two different variables? function executeInstanceMethod(Reference: Pointer; const AName: string; const Args: array of TValue): TValue; var context: TRttiContext; instType: TRttiInstanceType; obj: TObject; meth: TRttiMethod; parameters: TArray<TRttiParameter>; MethodIsFound, ArgumentTypesAreEqual: Boolean; index: Integer; begin context := TRttiContext.Create; try meth := nil; MethodIsFound := false; obj := TObject(Reference); instType := (context.GetType(obj.ClassType) as TRttiInstanceType); for meth in instType.GetMethods do begin MethodIsFound := SameText(meth.Name, AName); if MethodIsFound then begin parameters := meth.GetParameters; ArgumentTypesAreEqual := False; if Length(Args) = Length(parameters) then begin for Index := 0 to Length(parameters) - 1 do begin ArgumentTypesAreEqual := parameters[Index].ParamType.Handle.Kind = Args[Index].TypeInfo.Kind; if not ArgumentTypesAreEqual then begin raise Exception.CreateFmt('Argument type of %s is not %s, is %s', [parameters[Index].Name, parameters[Index].ParamType.Name, Args[Index].TypeInfo.NameFld.ToString]); Break; end; end; end; if MethodIsFound then Break; end; end; if (meth <> nil) and MethodIsFound and ArgumentTypesAreEqual then begin result := meth.Invoke(obj, Args); end else raise Exception.CreateFmt('method %s not found', [AName]); finally context.Free; end; end;
Hm, for me it works in Win64 Debug with Delphi 11.3 with the direct use of a Cardinal/UInt32 variable. Do you get other results when you call from the C context? Call Stack FMX.Graphics.TBitmap.Clear(4278190080) System.Rtti.RawInvoke(???,???) System.Rtti.Invoke($E35330,(($E1DF70, Pointer($13D40A0) as IValueData, 0, 6656, 4038203904, $26BF0B21A00, TClass($26BF0B21A00), 0, 6656, -256763392, -4,40958110556075e+29, 1,31551053242737e-311, 1,31551053242737e-311, 2662622960128, 266262296,0128, 2662622960128, 2662622960128, ($26BF0B21A00, nil), $26BF0B21A00), ($C74CA0, Pointer($13D40A0) as IValueData, 0, 0, 4278190080, $FF000000, TClass($FF000000), 0, 0, -16777216, -1,70141183460469e+38, 2,11370674490681e-314, 2,11370674490681e-314, 4278190080, 427819,008, 4278190080, 4278190080, ($FF000000, nil), $FF000000)),ccReg,nil,False,False) System.Rtti.TRttiInstanceMethodEx.DispatchInvoke(($E1DF70, Pointer($13D40A0) as IValueData, 0, 6656, 4038203904, $26BF0B21A00, TClass($26BF0B21A00), 0, 6656, -256763392, -4,40958110556075e+29, 1,31551053242737e-311, 1,31551053242737e-311, 2662622960128, 266262296,0128, 2662622960128, 2662622960128, ($26BF0B21A00, nil), $26BF0B21A00),(...)) System.Rtti.TRttiMethod.Invoke($26BF0B21A00,(...)) Unit1.executeInstanceMethod($26BF0B21A00,'Clear',(...)) Unit1.TForm1.Button1Click(???)
Are you sure? Did you debug it properly? Because the line if parameters[Index].ParamType.Handle <> Args[Index].TypeInfo then works for me but because of the following line if Args[Index].IsObject AND Args[Index].AsObject.InheritsFrom (parameters[Index].ParamType.AsInstance.MetaclassType) then the Found variable is set to false. So, if you added a new if-condition (or just comment out the IsObject-condition), you will see, that the TRttiMethod is there and can be called: Full Example with a FMX form and a button: unit Unit1; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, FMX.Controls.Presentation, FMX.StdCtrls, System.Rtti; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private public end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.fmx} function executeInstanceMethod(Reference: Pointer; const AName: string; const Args: array of TValue): TValue; var context: TRttiContext; instType: TRttiInstanceType; obj: TObject; meth: TRttiMethod; parameters: TArray<TRttiParameter>; Found: Boolean; index: Integer; begin context := TRttiContext.Create; try meth := nil; Found := false; obj := TObject(Reference); instType := (context.GetType(obj.ClassType) as TRttiInstanceType); for meth in instType.GetMethods do begin if SameText(meth.Name, AName) then begin parameters := meth.GetParameters; if Length(Args) = Length(parameters) then begin Found := True; for Index := 0 to Length(parameters) - 1 do begin if parameters[Index].ParamType.Handle <> Args[Index].TypeInfo then begin if Args[Index].IsObject AND Args[Index].AsObject.InheritsFrom (parameters[Index].ParamType.AsInstance.MetaclassType) then begin end // I added this line, because TAlphaColor ist obviously a Ordninal and not a class else if Args[Index].IsOrdinal then begin // everything is okay, Found is still True end else begin Found := false; Break; end; end; end; end; if Found then Break; end; end; if (meth <> nil) and Found then begin result := meth.Invoke(obj, Args); end else raise Exception.CreateFmt('method %s not found', [AName]); finally context.Free; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var MyBitmap: TBitmap; begin MyBitmap := TBitmap.Create(256, 256); try // if you set a breakpoint in FMX.Graphics.TBitmap.Clear, you will see that the Clear() method is called twice MyBitmap.Clear(TAlphaColorRec.Black); executeInstanceMethod(MyBitmap, 'Clear', [TAlphaColorRec.Black]); finally MyBitmap.Free; end; end; end.
I can just de-select unit nodes via folders, but not the DPR-File itself. Like, that's no meaningful information, if you had 2000 units in your project, so in the resulting graph are 2000 lines to the project name node. But you already know, that your units are included in the project file. Example: I want to hide the RESTDebugger.dpr Node. At this moment, there is no possibiltity to do that.
Nice Tool, really helpful. Thanks for your effort. But it would be nice, if I can hide some nodes like the DPR/DSK node, because it's not useful information, that all units included here.
PowerShell is a powerful scripting language and you will find lot of materials (youtube, tutorials, books) about it.
Try something like that for I := 0 to myPlateTuple.Length - 1 do begin var Sub := myPlateTuple.GetItem(I); end; see:
First, maybe that helps: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6616121 Do you use this? https://github.com/maerlyn/old-delphi-codes/blob/master/_KOMPONENSEK/Comms.pas Check for Mainthread with a construct like procedure TForm62.comportclient1Receive(Sender: TObject; InQue: Integer); begin if TThread.Current.ThreadID = MainThreadID then begin SendMessage(handle, pm_ProcessBarcodeScan, WPARAM(0), LPARAM(0)); Application.ProcessMessages; end; end;
Check TNotificationWinRT.Create. I assume your lNotification is freed before it used here. constructor TNotificationWinRT.Create(const ANotificationCenter: TNotificationCenterWinRT; const ANotification: TNotification); var DeleateActivate: TNotificationCenterDelegateActivated; DelegateDismiss: TNotificationCenterDelegateDismiss; DelegateFailed: TNotificationCenterDelegateFailed; begin FToast := TToastNotification.Factory.CreateToastNotification(TToastTemplateGenerator.GetXMLDoc(ANotification)); DeleateActivate := TNotificationCenterDelegateActivated.Create(ANotification); FDelegateActivatedToken := FToast.add_Activated(DeleateActivate); DelegateDismiss := TNotificationCenterDelegateDismiss.Create(ANotificationCenter, ANotification.Name); FDelegateDismissToken := FToast.add_Dismissed(DelegateDismiss); DelegateFailed := TNotificationCenterDelegateFailed.Create(ANotificationCenter, ANotification.Name); FDelegateFailedToken := FToast.add_Failed(DelegateFailed); end;
The "Debug DCU" option is checked in the project options? Only with this you can debug in VCL and RTL source code (System, Winapi, etc.). Anyway, the use of Application.ProcessMessages looks like a code flaw and is the wrong approach in most cases.
I know, this thread is a little bit dated, but I take a look to your github repository. https://github.com/fpiette/OvbImgOrganizer/blob/main/Source/Direct2D_1/Vcl.Direct2D_1.pas Have you ever tried to change your SwapEffect in DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1? You use DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_DISCARD in Line 1207 but the most recent examples recommend DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_DISCARD or DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_SEQUENTIAL_DISCARD. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dxgi/ne-dxgi-dxgi_swap_effect Maybe you should use just the normal Present-Method of the Swap Chain. So, just write DXGISwapChain.Present instead DXGISwapChain.Present1 and get rid of the PresentParams : PDXGIPresentParameters because you don't use it anyway. https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/4737f4f6-68a4-45eb-8941-13f68802153a/why-direct2d-idxgiswapchain1present1-is-much-slower-than-directdraw?forum=windowssdk https://walbourn.github.io/care-and-feeding-of-modern-swapchains/ Are you familiar with the DirectX debug layers? So, if you do something fishy with your DirectX stuff, the Debug Layers will tell you in the (Debug) Event Log (you must read both links). It's a great help during development: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3d11/using-the-debug-layer-to-test-apps https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/Direct2D/direct2ddebuglayer-overview Please add D2D1_DEBUG_LEVEL_INFORMATION to FactoryOptions.DebugLevel before calling D2D1CreateFactory and D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG to the CreationFlags before calling D3D11CreateDevice. If you wrap it between {$IFDEF DEBUG} and {$ENDIF}, you have a clean Release code.
Does it work? Do you see a difference between the various interpolation modes?
You can check if your normal ID2D1RenderTarget/ID2D1HwndRenderTarget/ID2D1DCRenderTarget from the TDirect2DCanvas supports the newer Direct2D 1.1 ID2D1DeviceContext. Something like this: // Self.Handle is the HWND of your Form... FVCLCanvas := TDirect2DCanvas.Create(Self.Handle); var DeviceContext: ID2D1DeviceContext; if Supports(FVCLCanvas.RenderTarget, ID2D1DeviceContext, DeviceContext) then begin var YourPointer: Pointer; var DontForgetThePitch := 1024; var AllImportantBitmapProperties: D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES1; var D2D1Bitmap: ID2D1Bitmap1; DeviceContext.CreateBitmap(SizeU(1024,1024), YourPointer, DontForgetThePitch, @AllImportantBitmapProperties, D2D1Bitmap); DeviceContext.DrawImage(D2D1Bitmap, nil, nil, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE_HIGH_QUALITY_CUBIC); end; I assume you will find out the details on your own (Fill the Pointer to your Data, Pitch, Bitmap props). Or you build the entire Direct 2D 1.1 - 1.3 thing by yourself and forget the crappy TDirect2DCanvas. Microsoft had a lot of DirectX samples and all of them have a abstract class called "DirectXBase" (e.g. https://github.com/microsoft/VCSamples/blob/master/VC2012Samples/Windows 8 samples/C%2B%2B/Windows 8 app samples/Direct2D interpolation modes sample (Windows 8)/C%2B%2B/DirectXBase.cpp). You can use the attachment pascal unit as a starting point. I recommend the header translations from MfPack (https://github.com/FactoryXCode/MfPack) for this. DirectXBase.pas
Manager, I am using datasnap on fmx mobile. How can I handle it on mobile using TTask.Run(..)? Thanks in advance for your help.
TiGü replied to TELOS KIM's topic in FMX
I assume aQry and bQry are of the Datasnap.DBClient.TClientDataSet type? Please remove the Sleep(100) call and put all the logic after if bQry.RecordCount > 0 then ... in the AfterOpen event handler from bQry (see https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/Data.DB.TDataSet.AfterOpen).