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Posts posted by emileverh

  1. 55 minutes ago, joaodanet2018 said:

    YES! it's possible do it!

    my way around this little obstacle:

    1. go to "Tools -> Language -> Formatter -> Profiles and Status" and save your profile to disk!
    2. open this file and search for:
      1. <Option Name="DelphiFormatter.NewLineForEachVarAndConstElement" Type="Borland.Together.OpenAPI3.Config.LF_CASE" Category="DelphiLinebreaks" SubCategory="NewLines" Value="Yes" Levels="Formatter" />
    3. change the param "Value=Yes" to "Value=No"
    4. reload this profile in your IDE using "Profile and Status" option
    5. if necessary, close your IDE and re-open it

    Note: you can catch this dialog after this change and closing your IDE!!! Dont worry, just close it!



    • now, in your code try this:

     var MyVar:string := 'hello world';  // press Ctrl+D to reformat it



    image.thumb.png.704b42fe52747094234ed806d72eea67.png     image.thumb.png.64eebb8aac44a71987e4f970fd154361.png

    Thanks for the large explanation, but did not do the job still...... ;-(( Strange!!


      <Option Name="DelphiFormatter.NewLineForEachVarAndConstElement" Type="Borland.Together.OpenAPI3.Config.LF_CASE" Category="DelphiLinebreaks" SubCategory="NewLines" Value="No" Levels="Formatter" />

  2. Hi!


    For D11; Can anybody tell me what setting(s) I needin Tools-Options-Language-Formatter ( or may be it's not possible at all ) the format an inline var. I want to have the keyword in front of the variable, now a line break is added. By the way the line break is not added in a 'regular' declaration


    This is what I want:



    var x : integer;


      ... lots of code

       var  settings := dtmSettings.ReadRecord;




    And Delphi 11 does this:


    var x : integer;


      ... lots of code


       settings := dtmSettings.ReadRecord;



    Any help is welcome 😉

    • Like 1

  3. I have an invoicing app, there is 1 source and with conditional compiling I can create 2 differente .EXE's.  One for SQLite and one for MySQL ( I have one datamodule which really differs from both, which handles the connection, backup, etc.).  The question is I want to build myself(!) with Delphi of course an upgrade tool so that user can upgrade from SQLite to MySQL ( not from MySQL to SQLite ).  The datamodel is for both exact(!) the same on logical level, so all the indexes, foreign keys and constraints are the same. The model contains about 70 tables.


    What is a good Delphi way to copy to SQLite data into to MySQL? Batchmove?! Or any other suggestions?! Pleas don't answer that there are commercial tools, I know that they exist. But I am thinking to deliver the end-user my own conversion tool. The question for you as reader is, how would you solve this? Any help is welcome. 



  4. Just now, Uwe Raabe said:

    With developing in 96dpi they probably mean run the IDE with /highdpi:unaware. There is even a separate start menu entry for that. This is best when you need to keep your DFMs compatible with other systems or older Delphi versions.

    Thanks for all the remarks and workarounds.... But I am still not happy, EMB had to do a better (testing) job before releasing D11. 

  5. 1 hour ago, A.M. Hoornweg said:

    Some things (like Per-Monitor DPI-awareness V2) are really awkward to test through Remote Debugging.  Delphi 11 still has tons of issues regarding DPI Awareness, for which I had to devise workarounds until Embarcadero hopefully gets it right. I expect some improvements to this feature in Windows 11 and it would be really nice to be able to debug it natively rather than remotely.



    I agree. DPI awareness in Delphi 11 is a mess!!  People who are telling; you have to develop in 96dpi mode do not own a high-end PC with a high resolution screen. The forms are incredible small in that way, it's impossible to design a form. And frames are the worst part....

  6. 1 minute ago, mvanrijnen said:

    This discussion is every time a new delphi version is released it seems. 

    And there are people with no problems at all, and there are people with mediocre problems, and there are (as am i and my collegue) people who get frustrated with every update/ugrade 🙂

    Maybe EMB would do good to investegate why some (i don't know how many) people have still such big problems with Delphi, is it some specific component, but i do not see any efford from EMB to fix some problems for once and for all

    (LSP anyone) 



    keep noted, that this is just my opinion and i do not speak for the whole world. 





    I love Delphi, I am using it since V1.0 ( that's a long time ago ). Yes we are all developers, and we make mistakes, but in my opinion D11 was released (much too) early. And I just focussed on High DPI, don't know what the other issues are.....

  7. 9 minutes ago, David Heffernan said:

    It's really for you to decide. You have to test your app. We can't know what issues you will face. The big question to ask your self is what are the benefits and do they out weight the downsides which are primarily risk of new defects. 

    I was curious what other developers are experiencing, specially on high DPI screens....


    In 10.4  I have to restart the IDE 3-4 times a day. Because of internal compiler errors. I hope/hoped that that will be less in D11. For me is High DPI now the thing that I can literally see that is not quite good. And there are/where lots of issues on High DPI on https://quality.embarcadero.com/

  8. Question, I have a large D10.4 project ( approx. 80 forms and lots of frames, also DevExpress and ReportBuilder). Is it worth upgrading now to D11?  I did a quick test and I tried loading my project and I see still some high DPI issues, especially on frames. I can reposition the components and it seems to be okay.  I have the latest november patch loaded.


    But can I aspect new issues ( which I did not see now, because I did not went trough all my forms)? Or should I wait until D11 patch 1?


    Comments welcome 😉
