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Brian Evans

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Everything posted by Brian Evans

  1. Brian Evans

    Upgarding from RAD Server 11 to RAD Server 12

    There is a help topic (been the same for a few versions); Upgrading Your RAD Server Engine - RAD Studio (embarcadero.com)
  2. Brian Evans

    New RAD Studio 11.3 (Build 2024) posted Feb 20, 2024

    Filter set to Subscription Only and Categories set to all and Bonus KSVC 7.0 shows up in GetIt for Delphi 11.3 here second from the top.
  3. Have less issues here after moving development directories out of the Documents directory and to a Dev Drive which for good measure is on an Intel Optane 905P SSD. Set up a Dev Drive on Windows 11 | Microsoft Learn
  4. Brian Evans

    How to quickly hash growing files

    For basic error / tamper detection a CRC would be easier and a lot faster since you can feed additional bytes into the calculation as the file grows. Can also keep a few length, CRC pairs around to re-check parts of the file as desired. The CRC value of the first 16MB could be used to either check the first 16MB of the file or to check from 16MB to another CRC at 20MB for example.
  5. It is missing WHY this specific task was chosen and WHY somebody might want to tackle it. Without either WHY the task itself seems silly and not worth much time. Read the blog post and readme from the point of view of somebody who had never heard of the "1 Billion Row Challenge". Only by following and reading some of the LINKS in the readme would they find or deduce answers for the two WHYs. This observation is not really meant as criticism but feedback for why the response here has been so lackluster: At first look it seems like a very silly contest so got silly and "who cares" answers.
  6. Would have been received better if you hadn't left out the background of the challenge - that it was a Java challenge originally and has subsequently been picked up by other languages. GitHub - gunnarmorling/1brc: 1️⃣🐝🏎️ The One Billion Row Challenge -- A fun exploration of how quickly 1B rows from a text file can be aggregated with Java
  7. Brian Evans

    Alternative to VMWare??

    Main Windows application development: Windows 11 Pro host, Linux development and use: WSL, quick look at Windows installers/software: Windows Sandbox and the rest on Hyper-V virtual machines. WSL is well integrated with Windows - can run Linux graphical applications and access files across Linux/Windows (\\wsl$\<distro_name> and /mnt/<drive letter> depending on which direction you want to go).
  8. Brian Evans

    Alternative to VMWare??

    Which product? I used to use VMWare Workstation Pro. I now use Hyper-V, WSL and Windows Sandbox on a system running Windows 11 Pro. Which of the three depends on the task.
  9. Brian Evans

    SMB/CIFS share from Linux

    Linode has a decent guide: Mount an SMB Share in Linux | Linode Docs
  10. Brian Evans

    Delphi and "Use only memory safe languages"

    They certainly added to the list between the 2022 and 2023 / 1.1 revision of the report. 2022: Examples of memory safe language include C#, Go, Java®, Ruby™, Rust®, and Swift® 2023: Examples of memory safe language include Python®, Java®, C#, Go, Delphi/Object Pascal, Swift®, Ruby™, Rust®, and Ada. CSI_SOFTWARE_MEMORY_SAFETY.PDF (defense.gov) CSI_SOFTWARE_MEMORY_SAFETY_V1.1.PDF (defense.gov).
  11. Brian Evans

    New RAD Studio 11.3 (Build 2024) posted Feb 20, 2024

    GetIt Update: RAD Studio 11 GetIt Online Installation along with Delphi and C++Builder Community Edition Are Now Available (embarcadero.com)
  12. Brian Evans

    CMake and bcc64 and Poco

    C++ Builder 22 (Compiler Versions - RAD Studio (embarcadero.com) is before C++17 support which came with Delphi 10.3 Rio / C++Builder 10.3 Rio which is product version 26 / compiler version .33.0.
  13. It is your device changing its own MAC address not the access point. It is meant as a privacy feature to prevent easy tracking of user devices. Windows 10/11 : How to use random hardware addresses in Windows - Microsoft Support On second thought - it looks like the access point is setup as a router not an ethernet bridge. That means packets all come from the router as it routes / passes on IP packets not ethernet frames.
  14. A code analyzer might be able to catch errors like that. Not sure if Pascal Analyzer (Peganza - PAL) would catch them in code using Spring4D dependency injection but they might add it if asked.
  15. Brian Evans

    Delphi 12 - Action Bar Menu painting issues with RDS

    Was not able to find a solution. Did a build with Delphi 12 patch 1 and tested in a Windows Sandbox and the issue persists.
  16. Brian Evans

    Hyper-V server as host for 3 VMS

    Windows 11 Pro and higher support running Hyper-V as an optional feature. I use a workstation running Windows 11 Pro as my main environment with WSL, Windows Sandbox, and some Hyper-V virtual machines for various other development, and testing tasks that require different/clean environments. Current machine is a P620 from Lenovo with a 16 core Threadripper PRO 3955WX with 128GB RAM using SSDs + Optane 905P for storage (the latter configured as a Dev Drive using ReFS) and a Radeon PRO W6400 graphics card. Newegg been slowly clearing out Optane 905P drives for much less than they used to go for, so I bought one, not sure if it has made much of a difference.
  17. Brian Evans

    Delphi 12 TADOConnection Provider not found?

    Open the ODBC Data Sources Administrator (64-bit) (search for ODBC Data Sources and select the 64-bit one) in Windows and check the Drivers tab to see which 64-bit databases drivers are installed. Can also use it to test connection strings to see if there is some other issue when using 64-bit.
  18. Brian Evans

    RAD 10.2 Startup Script Errors

    That looks like JavaScript errors in the start page. Usually just disable the Start Page IDE Package and Community Toolbar to get rid of them and have the IDE start faster. Putting an underscore in from of the package descriptions in the Known Packages section of the Windows registry is one way. See: Delphi packages I have disabled by prefixing their description with an underscore (and why) « The Wiert Corner – irregular stream of stuff
  19. STMicroelectronics provides a command line toolset (STM32CubeCLT) to do most of those things. See: STM32CubeCLT - STM32CubeCLT is a toolset for third-party integrated development environment (IDE) providers, allowing the use of STMicroelectronics proprietary tools within their own IDE frameworks. - STMicroelectronics
  20. Brian Evans

    A native VCL, and not Windows-based, TComboBox control.

    Common to populate the list in OnDropDown. procedure TForm1.ComboBox1DropDown(Sender: TObject); begin ComboBox1.Items.BeginUpdate; Try ComboBox1.Items.Clear; ComboBox1.Items.Add('None'); for var I:integer := 1 to 256 do ComboBox1.Items.Add(IntToStr(I)); Finally ComboBox1.Items.EndUpdate; End; end; Can also clear the list in OnExit. procedure TForm1.ComboBox1DropDown(Sender: TObject); begin Var AComboBox := TComboBox(Sender); If AComboBox.Items.Count = 0 then begin AComboBox.Items.BeginUpdate; Try AComboBox.Items.Add('None'); for var I:integer := 1 to 256 do AComboBox.Items.Add(IntToStr(I)); Finally AComboBox.Items.EndUpdate; End; end; end; procedure TForm1.ComboBox1Exit(Sender: TObject); begin TComboBox(Sender).Items.Clear; end;
  21. Looks like different definitions of CW_USEDEFAULT, it can happen for global constants. Add a unit prefix to specify a specific one on the line giving the error. See : Constant with same name in different Unit in Delphi - Stack Overflow
  22. Brian Evans

    FireDac Array DML Update query - omitting certain fields

    Null parameters and COALESCE () in the UDPATE statement would be one way. SQL.Text :='UPDATE persons SET name=COALESCE(:NAME,name), email=COALESCE(:EMAIL,email) WHERE id=:ID';
  23. Far as I can tell something causes it to screw up line counting so the line # in the editor and line # the parser sees the code at differ causing it to act very strangely. No luck trying to create a file that reliably reproduces the issue yet.
  24. Brian Evans

    GetIt installation does not work

    Works fine here as well - updated KSVC in Delphi 12 patch 1 without issues. There are dialogs for this will require a restart of the IDE and restart the IDE that some packages put up during installation.
  25. Brian Evans

    Mainform won't change width...

    More information would help - lots of places such code could hide. One place would be in FormCanResize but it could be elsewhere - likely includes width in some form so search for that. procedure TForm1.FormCanResize(Sender: TObject; var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer; var Resize: Boolean); begin NewWidth := (Sender as Tform).Width; end;