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Everything posted by Fritzew

  1. What are you smoking? Maybe you as technician should lern to read the docs? http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Rio/en/FMX.Grid.TStringGrid_Properties
  2. Why using a finally here and not an except block? Then you will only free it if there is a Exception.
  3. Yes, it was one of the best moves we have done. The Layout-Control is a amazing component. We have refactored a big application to it (around 300 Forms) and it that has solved all of the problems with High-DPI. But the best, all of the translations problems, length of text's in label's etc are gone now. We supporting 7 languages.
  4. Fritzew


    Hello all, is the a working actual modbus tcp implementation around? Got a new project to work on for a cnc. To be honest I have never used modbus myself so I'm don't know
  5. Fritzew

    Sourcetrail support for Delphi

    Wow, i was playing with this tool now for an hour or so, using a large c++ project. Amazing work
  6. Fritzew

    Code formatter in CnPack

    There could be done a lot in the language: In Elements: case myControl of Button: writeln("Looks like a button!"); CheckBox: writeln("This one's a checkbox"); else writeLn("No ide what this is!?"); end; or something like: var i: Integer; var s := case i of 0: 'none'; 1: 'one'; 2: 'two'; 3..5 : 'a few'; else 'many'; end; I like it. If somebody is interested in what can be done look at https://docs.elementscompiler.com/Oxygene/Language/ Using Elements a lot these days, it is always a shock come back to Delphi.... Not speaking about Lambdas..... Delphi: for item in List.Where( function(part : TPart): boolean begin result := part.isVisible; end ) do; Elements: for each item in List.Where(part -> part.isVisible) do;
  7. Fritzew

    With's the deal with "With"?

    Yes, please! proper namespacing like in Remobjects.Elements would be ...........
  8. Fritzew

    Spring4d and Rio

    It is in the master since sept 03 2018. Maybe you should update your clone?
  9. Fritzew

    Component Compatibility 10.3.2 vs. 10.3.1?

    For Devexpress it will work..... But if you want to go sure just use their installer and recompile
  10. Fritzew

    Overflow in Compile

    Delphi 10.3.2 This code will not compile! Stripped down from a TestSuite for our codebase. Can't believe it. program Project17; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils; Procedure Test; var int32max: Int64; begin int32max := MaxInt + 1; //Error here writeLn(Format('Integer %20d', [int32max])); writeLn(Format('Integer %20u', [-int32max])); end; begin try Test; readln; except on E: Exception do writeLn(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end. Error (in German) [dcc32 Fehler] Project17.dpr(13): E2099 Überlauf bei Konvertierung oder arithmetischer Operation
  11. Fritzew

    Overflow in Compile

    You are right and I I need a break for sure..... int32max := Int64(MaxInt) + 1; // will work Shame on me
  12. There is a commit from yesterday on Bitbucket, so I think you should update......
  13. Fritzew

    On The Design Of Uses Clauses

    Yes this look like a nightmare, if you want to parse the source and not only create a AST
  14. Fritzew

    Funny Code in System.Types

    You are completely wrong here.... It will never work...... procedure TestSmall; var lPoint : TPoint; sPoint : TSmallPoint; begin sPoint := default(TSmallPoint); lpoint.x := 255; lpoint.y := 255; writeln('lPoint.x: '+lPoint.x.ToString+ ' lPoint.y: '+lPoint.y.ToString); sPoint := TSmallPoint(lpoint); writeln('sPoint.x: '+sPoint.x.ToString+ ' sPoint.y: '+sPoint.y.ToString); end; Compile and run.......
  15. Fritzew

    Funny Code in System.Types

    Thanks Remy, not only for this also of your work over all the years now
  16. Fritzew

    FmxLinux bundling with Delphi and RAD Studio

    The funny thing is, there was a OpenGl Layer for Windows working really well at this time. (I'm also a lifetime customer, my "lifetime" was 4 or 5 month.....). After the purchase the OpenGl part was dropped, not longer usable, and older Delphi not more supported. It was one of the worth purchase i have ever done.
  17. Fritzew

    Bug in Delphi CODE INSIGHT?

    But all on the same day........
  18. If this is true, then Embarcadero is not anymore a Partner you can trust.
  19. Fritzew

    Linux Support on Pro Edition

    Hey, it is the decision from Embarcadero. And to be honest I can understand. I'm not "happy" about it, but.......
  20. Fritzew

    Linux Support on Pro Edition

    Hey, they need to earn money somewhere? Do you work for nothing?
  21. Yes that is for sure........ Remobjects shows what can be done with LLVM, working a lot with Elements these days. It is amazing what they have done with the language!
  22. Fritzew

    Error when installing ErrorSoft components

    At least they are honest🤓
  23. There is FPC, spend your time to help there. Then you will have your compiler
  24. Fritzew

    PDF Encryption

    I Would also tend to @tjoe if it comes to Pdf Questions. I don't think you will find a more competent person if it comes to Delphi and PDF https://uberpdf.org