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Mauro Botta

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Everything posted by Mauro Botta

  1. Hi, i'm using Delphi 12.3, Skia4Delphi and Alcinoe. I have a problem in converting from 12.2 to 12.3 my (big) FMX project. Compile fine for Android 64 but stop on Deploy. Delete Android64 sub dir don't resolve. ERROR: [PAClient Error] Error: E8200 error: resource style/AppTheme.Base (aka com.xxxxxxx.xxxxx:style/AppTheme.Base) not found. [PAClient Error] Error: E8200 error: failed linking references.
  2. Mauro Botta

    Custom TrueType font in FMX Android app?

    Hi, @Dave Nottage i have update to Delphi 12, this patch don't work ( FMX.FontGlyphs.Android.pas is different ). Do you have any update for font problem ?
  3. Hi Open Delphi , create a new project with wizard, Set Android64, F9... after a minutes Fail deploy of all projects I open all examples and don't work the deploy to Android. i have change AndroidManifest.template.xml <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="%minSdkVersion%" android:targetSdkVersion="33" /> but don't work. All compile project work fine, Deploy for "Application Store" work fine !! but don't work : DEVELOPMENT mode. i have update SDK to Android 13 (33) sdkmanager.bat --install "platforms;android-33""platforms;android-33" sdkmanager.bat --install "build-tools;33.0.2" I'm using Delphi 11.3, with Android 13, Samsung S22 (Snapdragon). Hint ?
  4. Mauro Botta

    Delphi 11.3 - Android 13 - Fail deploy of all projects

    i have found this Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that an explicit value for android:exported be defined when intent filters are present] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70333565/targeting-s-version-31-and-above-requires-that-an-explicit-value-for-android
  5. Mauro Botta

    Android compile error - Manifest Malformed

    Hi I have this problem with EMPTY FMX project, too, -.- INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED
  6. Hi, I'm using in my project more TWebBrowser, i have a know problem with Internet Explorer, now , I know Embardero docs , like https://blogs.embarcadero.com/browsing-in-a-windows-application-from-internet-explorer-to-webview-2/ but i don't like it. I have tried https://stackoverflow.com/a/52788855/537347 exampe, ## Using WebView (EdgeHTML) in Delphi / C++ Builder ## const SWebViewControlProcess = 'Windows.Web.UI.Interop.WebViewControlProcess'; type // Interface with functionality to interact with WebBrowser Control // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.web.ui.iwebviewcontrol IWebViewControl = interface(IInspectable) ['{3F921316-BC70-4BDA-9136-C94370899FAB}'] procedure Placeholder_SourceGet; safecall; procedure Placeholder_SourcePut; safecall; .. and work fine. i can open any web sites on Windows 11 in very easy mode. But i can't open any local files ( and show ) , i need show a .P7M files. WinS:= TWindowsString.Create('file:\\V:\DelphiXE104_PROJECT\Test\test.xml.p7m'); don't work WinS:= TWindowsString.Create('V:\DelphiXE104_PROJECT\Test\test.xml.p7m'); don't work WinS:= TWindowsString.Create('V:\DelphiXE104_PROJECT\Test\BASE_HTML_TEMPLATE.html'); don't work Any Hint ? from chats: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52766249/using-webview-edgehtml-in-delphi-c-builder/52788855#52788855 You declared the TWebViewControlProcess as class(TWinRTGenericImportI<IWebViewControlProcess>). According to the official documentation, it also has a second constructor with parameters. I would need to access this to create a process that allows to display local files. Can you elaborate on how to call this constructor in Delphi? – Günther the Beautiful Oct 22 '19 at 17:50
  7. Mauro Botta

    WebView - Edge browser with local file access

    i have found any links: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsapps/en-US/3e759487-ea22-4ea6-8096-ff013fb099fd/how-to-load-a-local-htmlfile-into-webview?forum=winappswithcsharp and https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.ui.xaml.controls.webview.navigatetolocalstreamuri?view=winrt-22000 Loads local web content at the specified URI using an IUriToStreamResolver. public void NavigateToLocalStreamUri(System.Uri source, IUriToStreamResolver streamResolver); Only Delphi 11 have NavigateToLocalStreamUri property. how i can use this in Delphi 10.4.2 ? IWebView2 = interface(IInspectable) ['{D481759E-3EFF-4462-823D-FD52F9BA4CC8}'] function get_CanGoBack: Boolean; safecall; function get_CanGoForward: Boolean; safecall; function get_DocumentTitle: HSTRING; safecall; function add_NavigationStarting(handler: TypedEventHandler_2__IWebView__IWebViewNavigationStartingEventArgs): EventRegistrationToken; safecall; procedure remove_NavigationStarting(token: EventRegistrationToken); safecall; function add_ContentLoading(handler: TypedEventHandler_2__IWebView__IWebViewContentLoadingEventArgs): EventRegistrationToken; safecall; procedure remove_ContentLoading(token: EventRegistrationToken); safecall; function add_DOMContentLoaded(handler: TypedEventHandler_2__IWebView__IWebViewDOMContentLoadedEventArgs): EventRegistrationToken; safecall; procedure remove_DOMContentLoaded(token: EventRegistrationToken); safecall; procedure GoForward; safecall; procedure GoBack; safecall; procedure Refresh; safecall; procedure Stop; safecall; function CapturePreviewToStreamAsync(stream: IRandomAccessStream): IAsyncAction; safecall; function InvokeScriptAsync(scriptName: HSTRING; arguments: IIterable_1__HSTRING): IAsyncOperation_1__HSTRING; safecall; function CaptureSelectedContentToDataPackageAsync: IAsyncOperation_1__IDataPackage; safecall; procedure NavigateToLocalStreamUri(source: IUriRuntimeClass; streamResolver: IUriToStreamResolver); safecall; function BuildLocalStreamUri(contentIdentifier: HSTRING; relativePath: HSTRING): IUriRuntimeClass; safecall;
  8. Mauro Botta

    Using the New Edge browser control

    Hi, I have tried https://stackoverflow.com/a/52788855/537347 exampe, const SWebViewControlProcess = 'Windows.Web.UI.Interop.WebViewControlProcess'; type // Interface with functionality to interact with WebBrowser Control // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.web.ui.iwebviewcontrol IWebViewControl = interface(IInspectable) ['{3F921316-BC70-4BDA-9136-C94370899FAB}'] procedure Placeholder_SourceGet; safecall; procedure Placeholder_SourcePut; safecall; .. and work fine. i can open any web sites. But i can't open any local files ( and show ) , i need show a .P7M files. WinS:= TWindowsString.Create('file:\\V:\DelphiXE104_PROJECT\Test\test.xml.p7m'); don't work WinS:= TWindowsString.Create('V:\DelphiXE104_PROJECT\Test\test.xml.p7m'); don't work WinS:= TWindowsString.Create('V:\DelphiXE104_PROJECT\Test\BASE_HTML_TEMPLATE.html'); don't work Hint ?
  9. Mauro Botta

    iOS libcrypto.a, libssl.a

    fortunately this forum exists ....
  10. Mauro Botta

    IDE Fix pack for Rio

    IDE Fix Pack 6.4.4 Hotfix support last version of Delphi 10.3.3 ? Thank you 🙂 Last file is : IDEFixPackD103Reg64.4.7z (August 2019) IDE Fix Pack 6.4.4 Hotfix for Delphi 10.3.2
  11. Mauro Botta

    Delphi 10.3 Update 2 available

    Server embarcadero are down Can i to install and to activate Release 2, now ?
  12. Hi I need to view any Canon / Nikon reflex jpeg photos in high quality. I have tested with RIO, a FMX project with TImageControl. i have compared the colors and the quality with Canon or Adobe software and FMX, fmx result is very bad, FMX may be... don't support any features of jpeg files ( sRGB ? 32bit ? ) A Canon reflex produce 10 / 20 MB file jpeg in very high quality. i need show it in best mode, under Windows 10 today, Next version on iPad... Best Regards
  13. Mauro Botta

    View Canon/Nikon reflex jpeg photo in high quality (Adobe sRGB?)

    The problem may be in resize / resample of Image....