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Angus Robertson

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Everything posted by Angus Robertson

  1. Originally it was considered allowable for native applications to display an embedded browser window in the application to capture the Authorization Code during redirect. But that potentially means the application can also capture the login as well so is no longer best practice, see RFC8252, and some apps will block the embedded window. The preferred authorization method is for the native application to launch the standard browser and redirect to localhost where a small web server runs to capture the Authorization Code. When OAuth2 was originally added to ICS, the only embedded browser available in Delphi was TWebBrowser using Internet Explorer, which Microsoft had announced was being removed from Windows and Google was ceasing to support. So ICS initially only supported the standard browser for authentication using a local web server. Since then Delphi 10.4 added the embedded TEdgeBrowser Chromium based browser and despite MSIE disappearing TWebBrowser still seems to work, so ICS now also supports both as Embedded Browsers, to provide a better user experience during authentication, with the window closing automatically and not needing a local web server (that may be blocked by a firewall). Earlier Delphi versions will support TWebBrowser but this no longer works with Google, so applications should still allow the standard browser to be used. Edge Chromium can be installed on Windows 7 and later. The form checks for Edge in the registry and for the WebView2Loader.dll, otherwise uses TWebBrowser. Officially the Microsoft.Web.WebView2 runtime (from GetIt) must be installed for Edge Chromium to work, but in practice copying WebView2Loader.dll into the same directory as the executable seems to work, there are Win32 and Win64 versions of this DLL with the same name, you need the correct version for the build! SVN and the overnight zip have a new ICS beta with the new window, it is currently only supported for Delphi 10.4 and 11, VCL only, later betas will add TWebBrowser for old Delphi versions and FMX. Any feedback on the new window cosmetics and it's operation would be appreciated before this is finally released. All three SSL samples for sending and receiving email have been updated with the new window. Angus
  2. Angus Robertson

    OAuth Authentication Embedded or Standard Browser?

    Don't often look at map files, but you are correct, the TRestOAuth object and new OAuthForm are being dragged into the ICS web server sample. I don't believe OAuth is referenced anywhere, but all units using TSslSocketServer bring in TSimpleWebSrv to handle automatic SSL/TLS certificate ordering, and that that is in the same unit as OAuth. Unless you un-define AUTO_X509_CERTS. I've been under the impression for 20 years that Delphi only linked in objects that are actually referenced and ignores unused ones in shared units, but perhaps that has changed? And maybe that is why applications built with new versions of Delphi become bloated in size. If linking is broken, I could move TSimpleWebSrv back to the REST unit (where OAuth used to be) or to a separate unit. I try to avoid lots of small units to simplify maintenance and needing to change over 100 runtime packages each time I add a new unit, but that has to happen for the next ICS release to add the new OAuth forms. Update: looking at some code, the OAuth stuff is being brought in to support automatic SSL/TLS certificate ordering from a German company CertCentre who sell Sectigo and DigiCert certificates, whereas most people probably only need Let's Encrypt. I'll look at making CertCentre conditional. Angus
  3. Angus Robertson

    OAuth Authentication Embedded or Standard Browser?

    The OAuth unit uses TSimpleWebSrv which is a minimal overhead web server, not THttpServer. Angus
  4. Angus Robertson

    How to connect to wss:// server ?

    Looking into the strange host name ws.twelvedata .com posted here, in UTF-8 it is \x77\x73\x2E\x74\x77\x65\x6C\x76\x65\x64\x61\x74\x61\xEF\xBB\xBF\x2E\x63\x6F\x6D which includes a special symbol before the second dot, in UTF-8 xEF\xBB\xBF\ or #65279, which is the non-printing reserved Unicode symbol range. So you can not see it, but it copies and converts into an international domain name (like Chinese). Potentially a risk for phishing, but no idea how it got into the original wss URL. Angus
  5. Angus Robertson

    How to connect to wss:// server ?

    I suspect your URL contains non-ASCII characters that look like ASCII, often used by phishers to hide fake URLs, but can happen for other reasons. When I first tried ws.twelvedata.com ICS gave the error 'Cannot convert host address 'ws.xn--twelvedata-lb99c.com' - Host not found ' (as your screen short) which means the host name contains illegal characters and has been translated into ASCII, note the xn- part which is the giveaway. When I retyped it as ws.twelvedata.com I can connect okay on port 80. Angus
  6. Angus Robertson

    OpenSSL linking with clang compiler

    If you don't want to update your code to support OpenSSL 3, then build an older version instead. These functions have not been used for years. Angus
  7. Angus Robertson

    How to connect to wss:// server ?

    While ICS will connect to a Websockets server using simple TCP, ICS does not have a Websockets client, only a Websockets server, So you are on your own if any handshaking is required, sorry never looked at the WSS protocol. Angus
  8. Angus Robertson

    8.66 installation for D2007 problems

    Sorry, VCLZipPack seems to slipped back into OverbyteIcsD2007Run.dpr/dproj with the changes to remove it in V8.70 from more recent compilers. Just remove it and the package should rebuild, You may have to also fix a missing variable in another old unit. I've now disabled VclZip from my master copy since I'm no longer using it now ICS supports TZipFile, so this should not happen again... These changes are now in SVN. Angus
  9. Angus Robertson

    tsslhttprest response header

    THttpCli and TSslHttpRest have a property RcvdHeader: TStrings which after a request completes has all the received headers, so just search it for your X headers. Angus
  10. Angus Robertson

    Are there any other NTLM options?

    I've changed LmCompatLevel from public to published, so it becomes more obvious. The notes suggest setting it from the registry, but the LSA\LMCompatibilityLevel key doesn't exist on my Windows 11 PC, so no idea how you find the settings. Angus
  11. Angus Robertson

    Convert ISuperObject TDateTime to RFC3339

    But the function you changed also builds the time zone of emails and HTTP headers, where a colon is breaking, probably, Unfortunately I do break ICS occasionally, but take a lot of care to avoid doing so. Angus
  12. Angus Robertson

    Convert ISuperObject TDateTime to RFC3339

    I will be looking at the time zone issue, but fixing it in a non-breaking way. Angus
  13. Angus Robertson

    TSuperObjectIter ObjectFindFirst problem

    Sorry, I don't have the time to enhance your code, unless there is a specific application for it. Nor do I change anything for which there are no tests. Angus
  14. Angus Robertson

    Convert ISuperObject TDateTime to RFC3339

    Date/time handling in ISuperObject was lacking, so I added it myself, from the changes at the top of the OverbyteIcsSuperObject unit: Added new datetime get/set type for Delphi TDateTime, saves as ISO 8601/RFC3339 string: obj.AsDateTime, obj.AsObject.DT['foo'], obj.DT['foo'], obj.AsArray.DT[0] I also improved the parser to return error information upon failure instead of a nil object. Angus
  15. Angus Robertson

    Error with Overbyte ICS sample project

    OK, YuOpenSSL does solve the DLL problem, although your application installer should ensure it's not really a problem anyway. I'm aware there are trial and commercial versions of YuOpenSSL, and that the trial version of other components expire in spectacular manner, so I would check the trial lasts more than a few weeks, and you can get new trial versions with security fixes. Angus
  16. Angus Robertson

    Error with Overbyte ICS sample project

    The latest OpenSSL DLL files can be downloaded from the same site you found ICS V8.70, they are also included in that zip, in the Samples\Delphi\SslInternet\ directory and in OpenSSL-Win32\. You need to copy the DLLs into the same directory as your EXE and leave GSSL_DLL_DIR blank, no idea what path you are trying to set. YuOpenSSL is an alternative commercial product that avoids needing DLLs, you don't need it to use ICS. Angus
  17. Angus Robertson

    ICS & DelphiMVCFramework

    Your solution may be easier than a pool, but it does not seem to work. ICS was not designed for cross thread use, use of threads within ICS is very rare, only for long ZLIB operations and a background mail queue. Angus
  18. Angus Robertson

    ICS & DelphiMVCFramework

    So effectively you want to use an external pool of TSslHttpCli objects from within your threads, rather than creating them as needed within the threads? So why use TSslHttpCli in the thread, why not just use one of the pool objects asynchronously, waiting in the thread for a semaphore to be set on competition? Windows actually creates a thread for async winsock operations, so there is no reason to use TSslHttpCli in the thread with all the messy stuff that goes with it. One of the ICS samples uses a pool of components and a queue to download all the elements on a web page. Angus
  19. Angus Robertson

    TSuperObjectIter ObjectFindFirst problem

    Thanks for the code, added to my local copy, will be in SVN later this week. Angus
  20. Angus Robertson

    OAUTH and Exchange POP 3

    It looks like all the OAuth2 stuff has worked, but the account you authenticated does not have access to POP3 mail. Could be different scopes are required for Exchange, I only test against consumer accounts and servers like office365.com. The error for graph.microsoft.com is attempting to get your profile and email address, which works with Google but not currently Microsoft, I could not find scopes that gave access to all the APIs I needed. It's not fatal. Angus
  21. Angus Robertson

    OAUTH and Exchange POP 3

    To use OAuth2 with the POP3 component, you need to also use the TIcsRestEmail which handles all the OAuth2 stuff, look at the OverbyteIcsSslMailRcv sample which has all the extra code needed. There will be significantly improved OAuth2 support with a new embedded browser window later this week. Angus
  22. Angus Robertson


    Can you reproduce this problem in any of the ICS sample applications? Never seen it before. Generally, ICS handles loading and unloading OpenSSL itself, some application use LoadSsl to load it early to check for errors or version, but it's not necessary. Angus
  23. The main issue in implementing your dual protocol concept is pre-reading the initial data received from the client, and then resetting so that it's read a second time after initialising SSL. That will be messy with our event driven structure. Angus
  24. My own servers listen happily on multiple ports and addresses using IcsHosts without a problem. This is my main web server: Socket 1 State: Listening Only IPv4 on port 80 Socket 2 State: Listening Only IPv6 on 2a00:1940:2:2::150 port 80 Socket 3 State: Listening Only IPv4 on port 443 SSL Socket 4 State: Listening Only IPv6 on 2a00:1940:2:2::150 port 443 SSL Socket 5 State: Listening Only IPv4 on port 80 Socket 6 State: Listening Only IPv6 on 2a00:1940:2:2::155 port 80 Socket 7 State: Listening Only IPv4 on port 443 SSL Socket 8 State: Listening Only IPv6 on 2a00:1940:2:2::155 port 443 SSL Socket 9 State: Listening Only IPv6 on 2a00:1940:2:2::250 port 80 Socket 10 State: Listening Only IPv6 on 2a00:1940:2:2::250 port 443 SSL Socket 11 State: Listening Only IPv4 on port 80 Socket 12 State: Listening Only IPv6 on 2a00:1940:2:2::153 port 80 Socket 13 State: Listening Only IPv4 on port 443 SSL Socket 14 State: Listening Only IPv6 on 2a00:1940:2:2::153 port 443 SSL Hosts=www.telecom-tariffs.co.uk,www.telecom-tariffs.uk,telecom-tariffs.co.uk,telecom-tariffs.uk BindIpAddr= BindIpAddr2=2a00:1940:2:2::150 BindNonPort=80 BindSslPort=443 (lots more) And different Let's Encrypt certificates on each address. Angus
  25. I accept your concept is possible, but would be messy to implement in ICS, and add code that would be of no use to the vast majority of users but would end up in all server applications. I suggest you derive a new component from TSSLWSocketServer, and implement it yourself. If there is interest from other developers for this functionality, it could be added to ICS. Angus