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Everything posted by GrumpyNoMore

  1. I am a hobby developer. I run Delphi 11 Community Edition with FireDAC components accessing an Interbase DB under a Developer license. I have Interbase Server, hosting the database, running on an old laptop on our home network. I have Interbase Client installed on my PC. this is the machine I have used to develop an app to track our vegetable gardening efforts. My wife wants to have the app on her PC also, to access and edit the Interbase data. I have installed Interbase Client and the app on her PC but I keep getting an error whenever the app loads and tries to connect to the Interbase server: [FireDAC][Phys][IB] Unable to complete network request to host "<wife's PC hostname>/3050" Failed to establish a connection. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. Presumably that means her machine needs a license applied, but I have been unable to apply the Developer license to her machine successfully. It seems strange if Interbase Client can only be installed on one machine under the Developer license, since you often need to test things like file locking and simultaneous access by multiple users. Am I doing it wrong? Is there a workaround? Do I need to get a separate Developer license for my wife? We are not in a position to pay for a commercial license just to track which variety of carrots did better in the wicking beds. Thanks in advance people!
  2. GrumpyNoMore

    Use Interbase Developer license on 2 Windows PCs?

    Port 3050 is definitely open on the server, but thanks for the suggestion. My own PC connects to the server through port 3050 with no problem.
  3. GrumpyNoMore

    Use Interbase Developer license on 2 Windows PCs?

    Thanks for the warning about Firebird, I was not relishing the idea of porting the app from Interbase to Firebird and was planning to do that only as a last desperate resort. Re your comment about Client not needing a license... That was my original assumption, but I have not been able to get Interbase Client to connect to the Server on any machine other than my own Dev machine. Is there something I should be including in my Deployment settings, or some configuration in Interbase Server that will let the connection request through?
  4. GrumpyNoMore

    Use Interbase Developer license on 2 Windows PCs?

    The connection is indeed to the Interbase Server PC (laptop). That is what puzzles me about the error message. I am assuming it is referring to Interbase Client on my wife's machine rejecting the call and not even passing it through to the server. The connection parameters specify the Interbase Server, and the Database on the server, and specifies port 3050, and yet the error message names the client machine not the server.
  5. I am a hobby developer so I use CE. I have an Android app developed in the FireMonkey framework. I want to connect it to an Azure SQL database but I have found the Community Edition restrictions seem to prevent it. CE contains ADO components in the normal Delphi IDE but the FireMonkey IDE doesn't. FireMonkey in CE contains many of the FireDAC components but not an MSSQL driver. There are some 3rd party components but the ones I have found are too expensive for me. Does anyone know any way I can connect my Community Edition FireMonkey Android app to an Azure SQL database without paying hundreds of dollars?
  6. Thanks so much for your patience @Serge_G. To replicate the issue I think all you have to do is drop a ZConnection component on a form and Compile. ZeosLib 8, Delphi 11 CE. Windows or Android, they both throw the error for me.
  7. Thanks @Serge_G, doing it your way finally got ZeosLib installed in my Delphi11 CE. I now have access to all the components. However... I have now come up against another roadblock. This one takes us away from the original title of this post, so please advise me if it should be respawned as a new post. In my FireMonkey Android app, I now have a TZConnection component. This requires ZAbstractConnection and ZConnection in the Uses clause. Those units have dependencies of their own, including ZDbcResultSet. When I try to compile the app, I get an error thrown by the compiler in ZDbcResultSet: "E2037 Declaration of 'Realloc' differs from previous declaration" I have never been inside component library units much before but, looking into ZDbcResultSet.pas (attached) I see the function Realloc seems to be declared 3 times, in lines 1379, 1393 and 1405. While, to my eyes, the three declarations appear identical, the compiler only throws the error in respect of the declarations at lines 1379 and 1405. Is that because the compiler gets to the one in line 1393 first? I don't know enough to know the answer to that. As an experiment I commented out the declarations at lines 1379 and 1405 but the compiler still threw the same error on the remaining declaration (line 1393). In that case, what is the previous declaration it is complaining about? Maybe Realloc() is declared in another unit? Again, I don't know enough to know if that is even worth investigating. I have spent half a day struggling over this one because I don't want to keep asking for help. Sorry, but I need help! ZDbcResultSet.pas
  8. Thanks @Serge_G and @DelphiUdIT for your assistance. I have tried the following but still having trouble: Downloaded ZeosLib v7 install files from SourceForge and installed successfully in Delphi 11 but found roadblocks trying to get TZConnection to make a successful connection. I put that down to incompatibility between ZeosLib 7 and Delphi 11 so uninstalled and went looking for ZeosLib 8. Downloaded ZeosLib 8 packages/Delphi11 and src folders from https://github.com/frones/ZeosLib and began compiling/building from them but ran into issues that stopped me from installing he component package. The design-time package is ZComponentDesign.dproj (ZComponentDesign.dpk) but it has dependencies on the others so I built them all, culminating in ZComponentDesign. As I built each one, it generated its corresponding .bpl and .dcp files with the file suffix 280 which is the one you expect for Delphi11 compatibility. However, when I attempt to build ZComponentDesign.dproj (or ZComponentDesign.dpk), it throws an error: "Can't load package ZComponentDesign280.bpl. The system cannot find the file specified" and neither its .bpl or .dcp files are created. I think, 'Of course it can't find ZComponentDesign280.bpl - that is the file I am trying to create by building this package!' I have tried all kinds of things that I won't bore you with unless you ask specifically, but I can't get past this. Downloaded ZeosLib 8 packages/Delphi11 and src folders from http://svn.code.sf.net/p/zeoslib/code-0/trunk and used them to build instead, in case there was some crucial difference, but got to the same roadblock. In the Output tab, it shows as having succeeded with no errors... ... but in the Build tab it throws an error and doesn't create the file it says it can't load. I would be grateful for any assistance and advice you can give.
  9. ...and by the way @Serge_G thanks for taking the trouble to respond over the Christmas holiday period. You are a champion!
  10. Thanks for the suggestion @Serge_G. I downloaded V7 and installed it. Looks good but it is throwing some errors that I think are related to V7 being compatible with Delphi 10 but not Delphi 11. ZeosLib V8 which is apparently for Delphi 11 isn't yet released. Do you (or anyone) know whether it is possible to use the unreleased V8 and if so how I could do that?
  11. I am tackling my first Android app (Firemonkey) using RAD Studio. It is supposed to be a mobile version of a Windows VCL app I already did (language: Pascal). It has to access the same client dataset files (.xml) that the Windows app uses, which are stored in a local Windows network share. I have Googled and found all sorts of esoteric references to JCIFS, Samba, etc. I have got as far as installing JCIFS-1.3.19.jar under the Libraries folder in my Android Target node in Project Manager. So how do I actually use this in my app? Thanks in advance for any help you can give me