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Found 5 results

  1. As the subject implies, I am just messing around with code snippets found on the web. Some I downloaded from people writing code for various purposes. Anyway... So I have this code snippet that I downloaded and was trying to see what happens. The snippet has the line: IdTCPClient1.writeln('start'); and in another: listbox1.item.add(IdTCPClient1.readln); These two commands do not appear in Indy 10.x for XE7 and D12.2 versions. Have those commands been moved some place else in the IdTCPClient component and where?
  2. Hi all, First of all, I apologise if what is required is poorly described, but unfortunately I know very little about networks and their knowledge. But let's get down to facts. In an industrial machine control application, I have inserted a server, a TCP/IP server based on JSON messages, which allows the connection of several clients at the same time and enables motor movement commands to be executed or information to be retrieved from the system. A client programme connects to the server and from then on can do anything with the device it has connected to. At this point, security problems arise, especially for the operator standing at the machine, since a malicious client intruding into the network could trigger dangerous operations for the operator standing near the machine and unaware that someone unauthorised has taken control of it remotely. Now I have been asked to add a security layer, but as a complete ignoramus on the subject, I deal mainly with compilers of languages and UI environments and not with networks, I was wondering how to add a system of certification and authorisation of the client to the server connection. For the client I use python while the server is done with Indy 10 using TIdTCPServer. Thank you in advance for any suggestions and help. Best regards Silverio
  3. Hello, I am developing a program with Delphi 7. I am using interbase as database. I used "Zeos7214" component for database connection. I encountered a problem with the client connection and I could not solve it until today. What I did on Client PC. -When I set up an interbase on the Client PC, a database connection is established with the Server PC. -I removed interbase from Client PC and did the following. --into C:\Windows\SysWOW64; I manually copied the gds32.dll & ibxml.dll files. --into C:\Windows\System32; I manually copied the ibxml64.dll & ibclient64.dll files. --I made the necessary addition to the "services" file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. In this way, the Client PC established a database connection with the Server PC. The problem is; Although the settings I explained above were made exactly on the Client PC without interbase installed, “gds32.dll found but couldnot be loaded. Check compile-target and librarycompatibilty." gives an error message. What could be the cause of this error. I would like to thank all interested users in advance. Good work everyone. Note: Translated with google.
  4. Hi all Delphier , good morning 😀😀 i have rest firemonkey app ,server , client im trying to check if the server is up or down from the client side using the code below , the code work fine , but when i run it its freeze the app for a while is there any proper way to do this ,thank you ,🤓☺️ try RequestLogin.Execute; if FrmLogin.RequestLogin.Response.Status.Success then begin showmessage ('server up') do something ..... end else except on e : exception do begin showmessage (' server down.... go home ') end end;
  5. Hello, I tried to find solution to my problem in several places already including stackoverflow When consuming a SOAP web service, response to a request comes in fine, but it is not populated in response object in code. I already provided details in above link. Let me know if they really need to be in this post, please. I added all files needed to test my case. I did not provide username and password as they are irrelevant to my problem. Below is an example code to use provided units. uses EFinans.EArsivFatura; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Input: TFaturaOlusturInput; begin // required before calling any EFinans.EArsivFatura procedure/function EFinans.EArsivFatura.URLEArsivFatura := 'https://earsiv.efinans.com.tr/earsiv/ws/EarsivWebService'; EFinans.EArsivFatura.Username := 'someuser'; EFinans.EArsivFatura.Password := 'somepassword'; // preparing parameters Input.donenBelgeFormati := Ord(TGelenBelgeFormatlari.gePDF); Input.goruntuOlusturulsunMu := 1; // 0=hayır, 1=evet Input.islemId := TGUID.NewGuid.ToString().Substring(1, 36).ToLower(); Input.vkn := '123456789'; Input.sube := '000000'; Input.kasa := '0000'; Input.numaraVerilsinMi := 0; Input.faturaSeri := EmptyStr; Input.sablonAdi := 'einvoice_efinans_15_06_04_3.xslt'; Input.erpKodu := 'ERP1'; Input.gzip := 1; if not EFinans.EArsivFatura.AFaturaOlustur(Input, TGidenBelgeFormatlari.PDF, 'test.zip', 'test.pdf') then begin ShowMessage(EFinans.EArsivFatura.LastError); Exit(); end; end; Above sample code will get you an error response from web service. That response will be saved in "response.xml" file in same directory as your EXE. If you debug and put a break point in line 237 of EFinans.EArsivFatura.pas you should see that Response.return is nil. That is my problem. I have same problem in other methods, too. Just trying to see how I fix this single one now. Thanks & regards, Ertan EarsivWebService1.pas EFinans.EarsivFatura.Utils.pas EFinans.EArsivFatura.pas response.xml test.zip