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Found 6 results

  1. I have been implemented send email with FNC CloudPack to OutLook in Azure. Technically everything works fine. But now there is a change request to automate login. First time a user send an email the browser is started and user need to login. I want to remove that step. I found XOAuth2 protocol that seems to be an extension to OAuth2 that can do this automation by periodically refresh the token ? Is this possible with FNC CloudPack. I found TMS Sphinx. is it possible with this one ? Found this XOAUTH2 Demo from another Component supplier Any other way forward ? I am using Delphi 11.3
  2. Hello everyone, I' trying to understand where I get the certificate files for the SSL certificate and CA certificate from. I have to specify them in the FireDAC connection component. With the component I want to connect to the Azure cosmos DB for MongoDB (vCore). Do I need to get them from somewhere like " www.digicert.com " or do I get them from Azure itsself? Connection parameter: SSLPEMKeyFile -- is the path name to the .pem file that contains the SSL certificate and key. SSLCAFile -- is the path name to the .pem file that contains the certificate from the Certificate Authority (CA). (Source: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/Connect_to_MongoDB_Database_(FireDAC)) Thanks in advance. Robert
  3. Hello everyone, I'm new to the Cloud topic and how to connect my Delphi 10.1 dektop application to the "Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB" Cloud-storage (NoSQL?). The MongoDB is set up by someone else and I have to connect to it, send and retrieve data in json format. In my understanding, the cloud needs a REST-API as interface to which I connect with my Delphi-App (because of security). I don't really understand with which component or class of Delphi 10.1 I can communicate with it. Can I use the "AzureConnectionInfo" and "AzureAPI" for all tasks? Do I need to use TRESTClient/Request/Response? Is the use of FireDAC reasonable for NoSQL? I'm lost here, because the documentation of Embarcadero is really short on that. Thank you very much in advance! Robert
  4. I need to collect data via a web site and add it to an Azure SQL Database. I found the following blog/examples by Glenn Dufke: https://code-kungfu.com/delphi-demystified/9-getting-started-with-azure-function-apps-in-delphi.html I got it working locally. When I try to deploy to Azure I get the message "Matches multiple schemas when only one must validate." Per StackOverflow I restarted everything and checked tasks.json. Still runs ok locally but not when deployed. Returns 200-OK. Seems to be skipping my custom handler. Error is attached to host.json file, Line 1 Col 1. What schema might it be talking about?
  5. I am a hobby developer so I use CE. I have an Android app developed in the FireMonkey framework. I want to connect it to an Azure SQL database but I have found the Community Edition restrictions seem to prevent it. CE contains ADO components in the normal Delphi IDE but the FireMonkey IDE doesn't. FireMonkey in CE contains many of the FireDAC components but not an MSSQL driver. There are some 3rd party components but the ones I have found are too expensive for me. Does anyone know any way I can connect my Community Edition FireMonkey Android app to an Azure SQL database without paying hundreds of dollars?
  6. Looking for a developer, who creates 2 simple Programs using Delphi (Communitiy Edition) and MS Azure. a) Create a simple Program for Text to Speach, with Subtitles. b) Create a simple Program to Convert a Wav / mp3 to Text, with Subtitles. c) Guide me in the MS Azure universe to create or find the necessary keys, secrets and all that stuff. If you are interesting, please drop me a line: klaus.meier9@gmx.net Greetings - Klaus