I am trying to get a reusable TFrame working to use in a number of places in our app to let the users edit and format text in a TJvRichEdit. It consists of a TJvRichEdit and a TJvSpeedBar. The JEDI example code works, and I have copied and pasted the relevant form into the test project where I am developing this frame.
But there is a problem in the frame: the colour buttons (Color and Background), which drop down lists of colours in the sample code and change the colour of the text, don't display correctly in the frame. They appear full length but empty, although selecting an item does change the colour of the text. In contrast the Underline button has a drop down list that looks and works fine in my code. The code is essntially the same. I'm initializing the menus in the form's OnShow event, whereas the JEDI sample does it in the form's OnCreaate.
There's some strange behaviour in Delphi. If I bring up the Speedbar Designer and select the Color buttons, the list that appears in the Events tab is slightly different between the sample form and my frame, even though they should be the same. In the one that works there is a line for DropDownMenu, with the red font for properties that show up on the events tab. That line is absent from the correpsonding place in my frame. That line does show up for the buttons where the DropDownMenu is nil though. Curious.
I'm using Delphi 10.1 Berlin and JCL version 3.50.