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Attila Kovacs

Club 12

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So, I've updated to Delphi 12 from Berlin, and I have to say, it's a big {expletive} WOW, especially during the first couple of hours. What immediately stands out is that the IDE is much faster, both in terms of code and graphics. (There were zero issues installing it and both old and new IDE's are running parallel.)


But as I proceed, some questions are slowly arising...


I'm currently converting my experts, and I can't find the clipboard history window/function in Delphi 12. Has it been removed?


Also, the web is full of help files with custom managed records and their constructors and destructors, but it doesn't work and I accidentally found a user comment on Marco's blog that it became the initialize and finalize operators. Does it? Is there any reading on how this evolved and if there are any drawbacks/pitfalls or can I start converting my "smart" objects to use that?



Edited by Attila Kovacs
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Clipboard history was removed. The argument (probably valid) was that the Windows clipboard history does the job just as well (or better). Use left hand "Windows icon" key combined with "V" to bring up clipboard history.

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7 minutes ago, Roger Cigol said:

Use left hand "Windows icon" key combined with "V" to bring up clipboard history.

I see, thanks. I had that on Ctrl-Shift-F1 while cycling through the items with multiple F1 presses while holding the Ctrl-Shift key.
I'll just reimplement this function then, not a big deal. I can even make sure that only text copied or previously pasted into the IDE appears there, so it stops "spying".


Edited by Attila Kovacs

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48 minutes ago, Attila Kovacs said:

Also, the web is full of help files with custom managed records and their constructors and destructors, but it doesn't work and I accidentally found a user comment on Marco's blog that it became the initialize and finalize operators.

I don't know what web finds you are referring to but afair they had been called Initialize and Finalize from the beginning when they were actually released - see https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Custom_Managed_Records

They initially planned them for 10.3 but they were dropped shortly before because they were even more broken than at the time they got released in the version after - at that time the syntax was different but as said this was never released https://blog.marcocantu.com/blog/2018-november-custom-managed-records-delphi.html

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3 minutes ago, Stefan Glienke said:

I don't know what web finds you are referring to but afair they had been called Initialize and Finalize from the beginning when they were actually released

Thank you Stefan,


I think this one: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/de/Benutzerdefinierte_verwaltete_Records

And google gave me that link, maybe it shgould be deleted then.



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