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Access violation when creating thread

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I am trying to make a thread, and thought that I had understood how to pass initial values to that thread while creating it. I have used examples from Embarcadero, combined with examples from threads in this forum.

However, I get an access violation at the first line of code in the constructor.


Type definition of thread and form:

  TPingThread = class(TThread)
    LocOwnIP : in_addr;
    LocFromIP : Byte;
    LocToIP : Byte;
    Progress : Byte;
    LastByte : Byte;
    AddressList : TStringList;
    LocOwner : TComponent;
    Ping1 : TPing;
    procedure Execute; override;
    constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent; OwnIP : in_addr; FromIP : Byte; ToIP : Byte); reintroduce;
    destructor Destroy;
    function GetProgress : Byte;
    function GetLastByte : Byte;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    ListBox1: TListBox;
    Label1: TLabel;
    Label2: TLabel;
    Button1: TButton;
    Label9: TLabel;
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }
    PingThread1 : TPingThread;

  Form1: TForm1;


Definition of constructor, destructor and Execute procedure:

constructor TPingThread.Create(AOwner : TComponent; OwnIP : in_addr; FromIP : Byte; ToIP : Byte);
  inherited Create(false); // <-- Access violation happens here
  LocOwnIP := OwnIP;
  LocFromIP := FromIP;
  LocToIP := ToIP;
  LocOwner := AOwner;

destructor TPingThread.Destroy;
  inherited Destroy;

procedure TPingThread.Execute;
  IPAddressRec : in_addr;
  i : Byte;
  TempInt : Integer;
  PingResult : Integer;
  AddressList := TStringList.Create;
  Ping1 := TPing.Create(LocOwner);
  for i := LocFromIP to LocToIP do
    IPAddressRec.S_un_b.s_b4 := i;
    if (IPAddressRec.S_addr <> LocOwnIP.S_addr) then
      LastByte := i;
      if (LocFromIP < LocToIP) then Progress := ((i - LocFromIP) * 100) DIV (LocToIP - LocFromIP);
      Ping1.Address := inet_ntoa(IPAddressRec);
      PingResult := Ping1.Ping;
      if (PingResult <> 0) then AddressList.Add(Ping1.Address);

The thread is created in a button click event:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  DelayVal : TDateTime;
  Handle1 : THandle;
  OwnIP : in_addr;
  TempStr : string;
  // blah-blah...
  PingThread1.Create(Form1, OwnIP, 1, 31);
  Handle1 := PingThread1.Handle;
  while ((PingThread1 <> nil) and (WaitForSingleObject(Handle1, 0) <> WAIT_OBJECT_0)) do
  // blah-blah

As soon as TPingThread hits its first line of code, I get an access violation. It doesn't matter if it is the "inherited Create" line that comes first, or if I rearrange it like this:

constructor TPingThread.Create(AOwner : TComponent; OwnIP : in_addr; FromIP : Byte; ToIP : Byte);
  LocOwnIP := OwnIP; // <-- Access violation happens here
  LocFromIP := FromIP;
  LocToIP := ToIP;
  LocOwner := AOwner;
  inherited Create(false);

In the first example, I get the access violation on the "Inherited Create" line. In the second example, I get it on the LocOwnIP := OwnIP line.


I don't understand why. I thought that the variables defined in the thread's private section was accessible to all parts of the thread. Also, I think that it looks very much like the examples I've used.

Am I missing something here?

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 PingThread1 := TPingThread.Create(Form1, OwnIP,1,31);

you also have a leak because you don't release Ping1.

And I also think you're blocking the main thread, so you might as well not use a thread.

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3 minutes ago, Christophe E. said:

 PingThread1 := TPingThread.Create(Form1, OwnIP,1,31);

you also have a leak because you don't release Ping1.

And I also think you're blocking the main thread, so you might as well not use a thread.

Oh, crap. This is so obvious. I've stared myselft blind at that. Thanks!


True. I need to destroy Ping1 when done. Well spotted.

About blocking: This is an example, just to get the thread to work. In the final version, there is supposed to be a number of threads, and the main thread will not be blocked.

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20 hours ago, ErikT said:


  TPingThread = class(TThread)
    constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent; OwnIP : in_addr; FromIP : Byte; ToIP : Byte); reintroduce;
    destructor Destroy; override; // <---- Add override to the destructor



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On a side note, you should not be passing an Owner to your thread. You are creating the TPing object inside your worker thread, so don't assign a component from the main thread as its Owner. Set the Owner to nil instead, and then Free() the object when you are done using it.

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