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Newbie Question 1

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Apologies I last used C++ Builder 5 and trying to get back to date, the learning curve is much harder than I thought.

When typing how do I get useful information? 

My example below only offers templates when I expect one option to be Count 



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Hi Newbee, I wonder what version you are using here? Embarcadero have tried various experiments with the auto completion type editing functionality in recent editions. It is only in 12.1 - with reasonable integration of the visual assists components from Whole Tomato that things are working well. I find 12.1 auto completion fast and reliable. 

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...Also: which compiler are you using. C++ "classic" is the 32 bit compiler developed by Borland but basically frozen quite some number of years ago. The recommended compilers are Clang32 for 32 bit targets and Clang64 for 64bit targets. 12.1 also introduced a new tool chain for clang 64bit which is expected to replace the earlier 64bit system (this is currently called clang64 modern) but in 12.1 it has some minor limitations which may make it not your first choice if you are still finding your way around. These limitations are understood by Embarcadero and are expected to be removed in next version or two with the goal being to replace the clang64 approach with this "clang 64 modern" approach.

You select the compiler used for 32 bit applications using the menu Project | Options and then under Builiding | C++ compiler there is an entry "Use classic borland compiler" (I suggest you set this to "false").

You select the compiler used for 64 bit applications using the "target platform" in the project tree.

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