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VCL - Canvas does not allow drawing

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when resizing or minimizing and maximizing VCL application the exception is thrown: First chance exception at $00007FFF326DBA99. Exception class EInvalidOperation with message 'Canvas does not allow drawing'.

Call stack shows exception is thrown in Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas::RequiredState(System::Set<Vcl::Graphics::TCanvasStates, (Vcl::Graphics::TCanvasStates)0, (Vcl::Graphics::TCanvasStates)3>)() - see attached call stack text file.


Best regards.

Call stack.txt

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Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find out which control has the canvas in that state and why.

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Looks like the problem occurs when putting TSpeedButton with TRelativePanel into TScrollBox and then minimizing/maximizing  the application. (C++ Builder 12.1)

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