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XML: Parsing UBL 2.1 in Delphi

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I have one XML situation, but I'm new in this world (parsing complex XML in Delphi).

The XML file is a UBL 2.1 model invoice, and it has more nodes with child nodes, and child nodes have new child nodes, and so on.

Do I need to make an infinite loop of reading and inspect every node for chield?

My intention is to not lock structure; there are nodes that are not mandatory, so I just want to parse XML and use that data that is in the converted XML file.


I'll attach sample XML to this message.


Thanks to all of you in advance for any help...


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I know for XML mapper, but, as I told you before, there is no full XML every time; one time XML has all UBL 2.1 nodes, one time only nessersty nodes.


Does XML Mapper recognize this situation?

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Posted (edited)

Using native XML Data Binding in Delphi. 

uses Sample_Invoice;

{$R *.dfm}

procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);
var Invoice: IXMLInvoiceType;


Just did a small test and works great..

Edited by Die Holländer

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Do you have an XML Schema file (typically file extention = .xsd) for the UBL 2.1 model invoice?

If so you can use this with XML Mapper to generate a transform (at design time) which you then use in code

so that it can populate a client dataset (at run time) with data from an incoming XML file. 

With this approach XML files that only contain partial amounts of data (as you anticipate)

are handled correctly.

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The problem will be that there are many different versions of this format. There is no one correct scheme. And I think he will receive more of these invoices in the future

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It is much clear now how Delphi works with complex XML files...


Thanks to all of you :-)

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