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How to correctly add a platform to a run-time package.

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Embarcadero® Delphi 10.4 Version 27.0.40680.4203


Please tell me how to correctly add a platform to a run-time package.

I have Windows, macOS, Linux (+FmxLinux), iOS, Android platforms installed.

But the Add Platform menu item for the package is unavailable in the IDE.


The packages were created in Delphi 10.3 with Win32 and Win64 platforms.

After opening groupproj in Delphi 10.4, I saw that the IDE converted dproj files from version <ProjectVersion>18.8</ProjectVersion> to version <ProjectVersion>19.2</ProjectVersion> and

Even inside the dproj file, text for the Android, Android64, iOSDevice64, iOSSimulator, OSX64 platforms is visible, but they are not visible in the IDE.




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In the dproj file, locate the <Platforms> element and make sure it has a <Platform> child element for each target platform, and that each platform is set to a value of True.


  <Platform value="Win32">True</Platform>
  <Platform value="Win64">True</Platform>

Sorry, I'm not at a computer right now, so I can't lookup the exact names of the other <Platform> elements. 


UPDATE: here are some other platform names:



Edited by Remy Lebeau

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The supported platform names can be found in PlatformConst.pas. It is what GetAllPlatforms returns.

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I'd rather recreate the packages without using the upgrade package feature when opening a package from a previous version of RAD Studio.
In this case, RAD Studio allows you to add platforms.

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