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Non-breaking spaces in TListItemText (iOS)

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I have a problem with wrapping a line with non-breaking spaces in TListItemText.
The wrapping ignores non-breaking spaces.


For example,

Var Te: TListItemText;
      AItem: TListViewItem;
Te                    := TListItemText.Create(AItem);
Te.Text             := "******************** Received 1 000 bonuses"; // There is a non-breaking space between "1" and "000"
Te.Width          := 120;
Te.height         := 20;
Te.WordWrap := True;

I want to get:
"******************** Received
1 000 bonuses",

but I get what is shown in the picture.

"******************** Received 1 
000 bonuses".

Is it possible?

Edited by Vanar

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Not sure, but have you tried this:

ListItemText.Text := 'This is a non-breaking space:' + #$00A0 + 'here.';


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Clarification (I probably didn't write it precisely enough):


Under Windows, all variants
1. ListItemText.Text := 'This is a non-breaking space:' + #$00A0 + 'here.';
2. ListItemText.Text := 'This is a non-breaking space:' + #160 + 'here.';
3. ListItemText.Text := 'This is a non-breaking space: here.';
work fine


The problem occurs in iOS
(I haven't tried it under Android, but they say it works)


My task is to implement it for iOS

Edited by Vanar

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