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3 hours ago, Dave Nottage said:

It appears Android's WebView does not like part of the JavaScript (it works on macOS and iOS). I'm looking into it

I discovered what the problem is: The "default" TWebBrowser implementation for Android uses loadUrl:

procedure TAndroidWebBrowserService.EvaluateJavaScript(const AJavaScript: string);
  FWebView.loadUrl(StringToJString('javascript:' + AJavaScript));

Which I guess does not accept the JavaScript that I provided. In TWebBrowserExt, it uses the evaluateJavascript method:

procedure TPlatformWebBrowserExt.ExecuteJavaScript(const AJavaScript: string; const AHandler: TJavaScriptResultProc);
  if FWebView <> nil then
    FWebView.evaluateJavascript(StringToJString(AJavaScript), CreateValueCallback(AHandler))
    AHandler(cJavaScriptNullResult, -1);

Which does work. I've now added a demo to the HowTo repository, which uses TWebBrowserExt, and it works on Android (as well as iOS and macOS)

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