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Android short time format 24h/12h

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Android has 24H/12H hour display format setting.

I wanted to format my time values displayed as in system settings but I couldn't find how to read that specific is24HourFormat value.

Delphi TFormatSettings does not include that information.

There are earlier SO threads like this one. But that code gives me

Invoke error: method not found.


I also tried to import "android/icu/text/DateFormat" that I found in another SO answer and the app crashes without any error displayed.


What would be the correct way to read that system setting?


Thanks & Regards,



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On 12/10/2024 at 5:48 PM, ertank said:

But that code gives me

Invoke error: method not found.


The method name is24HourFormat, not is24hourformat, and is also a static method, so the declaration should be:

  JDateFormatClass = interface(JObjectClass)
    {class} function is24HourFormat(context: JContext): Boolean; cdecl;

  JDateFormat = interface(JObject)
  TJDateFormat = class(TJavaGenericImport<JDateFormatClass, JDateFormat>) end;

..and called like this:


procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  if TJDateFormat.JavaClass.is24HourFormat(TAndroidHelper.Context) then
    // is 24 hour
    // is 12 hour

Note that I have not tested the code above - I am just going by the documentation (which I linked to) 

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2 hours ago, Dave Nottage said:

Note that I have not tested the code above - I am just going by the documentation (which I linked to) 

I tested it on Android 12 and and it is working just fine.

Original SO answer was missing the case match of the function and its declaration type which I should be careful for the next time.

Thanks for the help.


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