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Dave Novo

ISet<T> in spring4D

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I am a bit new to spring 4D, and am attempting to use ISet<T> as a replacement of the standard set of <type> in Delphi.


How do you easily check if an value is in a ISet<T>


The use case I have is with an enum. Where TEnumSet = set of enum;


In Delphi I would do 


if myEnumToCheckFor in MySet then .....


I had expected to see a method ISet<T>.Contains<T>:Boolean, or something along those lines, but I don't see anything. It seems like ISet<T> has lots of helpful methods for dealing with other sets, but I cannot find anything to check if an individual item is in the set. Of course, I can create a new set that contains 1 item and use that, but it seems overkill to do


presuming Myset:=ISet<some enum>

if MySet.InsersetsWith(TCollections.CreateSet([myenumTocheckFor])) do....


am I missing something?


note: sorry, I meant to put this in 3rd party, but somehow it ended up here. I cannot seem to find a way to move it to the 3rd party subforum.

Edited by Dave Novo
note about wrong forum

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Inheritance Tree:






  IEnumerable<T> has many functions including Contains:

    function Contains(const value: T): Boolean; overload;
    function Contains(const value: T; const comparer: IEqualityComparer<T>): Boolean; overload;
    function Contains(const value: T; const comparer: TEqualityComparison<T>): Boolean; overload;


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Oh thanks. I did not think to go all the way up to enumerable, as I am used to that interface just being for enumeration. I will investigate that further....

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FWIW if your type is an enum already it makes no sense to use ISet<T> because you can use the enum set. ISet<T> is for types that are no enums, such as string for example.

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The reason I was thinking of using ISet is just that Delphi is very verbose:


if myEnum in myset then


is not so bad but


if  [enum1,enum2] * myset <> [] then


is obscure and if you dont use this syntax frequently you are constantly reminding yourself what the intention was, particularly for more complex set operations. I feel that


if mySet.DoesNotContainAny([enum1,enum2]) then


 is much easier to understand the intention. Not as performant of course. 

Edited by Dave Novo

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