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Strange behavior with "RANGE checking" and "Overflow checking"

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I was doing some tests and I came across a strange "behavior".
The code here simply performs a division between a random value taken from an array and a constant via an assembler function, and returns the result of the division in integer and the remainder.

Program Project1;


{$R *.res}

uses  System.SysUtils, System.Diagnostics;  //WinApi.Windows,

function DivandMod(Dividendo: UInt32; Divisore: UInt32; var Resto: UInt32): UInt32; overload;
  mov EAX, ECX
  mov ECX, EDX
  xor EDX, EDX
  div ECX
  mov DWORD PTR [R8], EDX

  counting = 500_000_000;

  i, k: UInt32;
  t: TStopWatch;
  a: TArray<UInt32>;
  resto: UInt32;
  //risultato: UInt32;
  //prochandle: THandle;

  // procHandle := GetCurrentProcess;
  // SetProcessAffinityMask(prochandle, $1);
  SetLength(a, counting + 1);
  t := TStopWatch.StartNew;
  for i := 0 to counting do
    a[i] := Random(High(Int32));
  WriteLn('Load random values:':20, t.ElapsedMilliseconds);

  for k := 1 to 3 do
      t := TStopWatch.StartNew;
      for i := 0 to counting do
        DivandMod(a[i], 2039, resto);
      // risultato := DivandMod(-12, 7, resto);
      WriteLn('Test:':20, t.ElapsedMilliseconds);

  writeln('Press any key to close the program');


Now the code if compiled with the options "Overflow checking" and "Range checking" (typical of debugging) enabled has the times (in ms.)  listed here:



 Load random values:876

Press any key to close the program


If they are disabled I would expect the times to improve, instead they get worse:


 Load random values:826

Press any key to close the program

Does anyone have any idea why?


I noticed this because when running the program in RELEASE mode the times increased. I wasted some time trying to understand why, then simply activating or deactivating those options changes occur (this is independent of the DEBUG or RELEASE mode).


Try with Windows 11, I9 14900HX , Delphi 12.2 last patch, project build for X64 without optimization and without stack frames.

Edited by DelphiUdIT

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Sure you don't have the options reversed between debug/release? The processor might be making poor choices in where it sends instructions but it would be odd to see a couple more instructions execute faster even with poor choice of execution unit scheduling or register usage.


The only difference I see is the default debug settings generate code that does range bounds checking on


checking it is within the array bounds.

-- range and bounds checking off

Project1.dpr.51: DivandMod(a[i], 2039, resto);
000000000036CB5E 488B05834B0300   mov rax,[rel $00034b83]
000000000036CB65 8B0D594B0300     mov ecx,[rel $00034b59]
000000000036CB6B 8B0C88           mov ecx,[rax+rcx*4]
000000000036CB6E BAF7070000       mov edx,$000007f7
000000000036CB73 4C8D05764B0300   lea r8,[rel $00034b76]
000000000036CB7A E881FEFFFF       call DivandMod

-- range and bounds checking on

Project1.dpr.51: DivandMod(a[i], 2039, resto);
000000000036CB83 8B053B4B0300     mov eax,[rel $00034b3b]
000000000036CB89 48833D574B030000 cmp qword ptr [rel $00034b57],$00
000000000036CB91 740D             jz Project1 + $150
000000000036CB93 488B0D4E4B0300   mov rcx,[rel $00034b4e]
000000000036CB9A 483B41F8         cmp rax,[rcx-$08]
000000000036CB9E 7205             jb Project1 + $155
000000000036CBA0 E8BBFFECFF       call @BoundErr
000000000036CBA5 488B0D3C4B0300   mov rcx,[rel $00034b3c]
000000000036CBAC 8B0C81           mov ecx,[rcx+rax*4]
000000000036CBAF BAF7070000       mov edx,$000007f7
000000000036CBB4 4C8D05354B0300   lea r8,[rel $00034b35]
000000000036CBBB E840FEFFFF       call DivandMod


Edited by Brian Evans

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1 hour ago, Brian Evans said:

Sure you don't have the options reversed between debug/release?

I can change the two options in DEBUG or RELEASE and the final otput is the same, there are not difference between RELEASE and DEBUG: if I uncheck them in RELEASE the time increased like if I uncheck them in DEBUG.

And I'm sure about the "inversion".

1 hour ago, Brian Evans said:

The processor might be making poor choices in where it sends instructions but it would be odd to see a couple more instructions execute faster even with poor choice of execution unit scheduling or register usage.

I think the same. That is really strange, 'cause the instructions executed are the same in either (with or without check) but there are more others with check.


And the "processor logic" seems to prefer the long path ....

Edited by DelphiUdIT

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1 hour ago, David Heffernan said:

Probably the benchmark code is not telling you anything useful

You might be right.

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