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EurekaLog problem

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Can you confirm the assertion code is there ? (i mean the compiler did add the code )


I ran of something similar but it was the IDE fault, sometimes disabling the assertion in project options, and then re-enabling them is not enough for some reason the compiler will not add them until calling clean on the project or closing the project and re-open it, this happen on XE8.


In all cases put a break point and see if the assert code in assembly is there, also it could be a forgotten directive somewhere.

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1 minute ago, Kas Ob. said:

Can you confirm the assertion code is there ? (i mean the compiler did add the code )


I ran of something similar but it was the IDE fault, sometimes disabling the assertion in project options, and then re-enabling them is not enough for some reason the compiler will not add them until calling clean on the project or closing the project and re-open it, this happen on XE8.


In all cases put a break point and see if the assert code in assembly is there, also it could be a forgotten directive somewhere.

The actual Assert is triggered and catched by Delphi IDE.
It is just that it is not catched by EurekaLog.
So there is no EL-logfile and my event OnExceptionNotify is not called

Edited by Berocoder

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EL might be conditionally redirecting the Assert handler.

Place a breakpoint in System._Assert to verify that the Assert code is being called. Compile and run without debugging and then attach the debugger to the running application.

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Problem solved. It was my mistake.

ApplicationEvents.OnException := nil;

I believed that this disabled old JCL that was used before. But it seems to disable whole exception mechanism for software exceptions.
Hardware exceptions still works.

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