bravesofts 16 Posted January 10 (edited) unit API.Utils; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.Generics.Defaults; type TRange<T> = class public // Check if a value is within the range [aMin, aMax] using a custom comparer class function IsIn(const aValue, aMin, aMax: T; const aComparer: IComparer<T>): Boolean; overload; static; // Check if a value is within the range [aMin, aMax] using the default comparer class function IsIn(const aValue, aMin, aMax: T): Boolean; overload; static; end; implementation { TRange<T> } class function TRange<T>.IsIn(const aValue, aMin, aMax: T; const aComparer: IComparer<T>): Boolean; begin Result := (aComparer.Compare(aValue, aMin) >= 0) and (aComparer.Compare(aValue, aMax) <= 0); end; class function TRange<T>.IsIn(const aValue, aMin, aMax: T): Boolean; begin Result := IsIn(aValue, aMin, aMax, TComparer<T>.Default); end; end. to put this Super class in test i build a new console project: this unit here act as my objects: unit API.Objects.Comparer; interface uses System.Types, System.Generics.Defaults; type ICustomRecord = interface; // Forward ICustomRecordUpdate = interface function Edit(const aName: string; const aValue: Integer): ICustomRecord; end; ICustomRecord = interface function GetName: string; function GetValue: Integer; function GetCustomRecordUpdate: ICustomRecordUpdate; property Name: string read GetName; property Value: Integer read GetValue; property New: ICustomRecordUpdate read GetCustomRecordUpdate; end; IProduct = interface; // Forward IProductUpdate = interface function Edit(const aID: Integer; const aPrice: Currency): IProduct; end; IProduct = interface function GetID: Integer; function GetPrice: Currency; function GetIProductUpdate: IProductUpdate; property ID: Integer read GetID; property Price: Currency read GetPrice; property New: IProductUpdate read GetIProductUpdate; end; IClient = interface; // Forward IClientUpdate = interface function Edit(const aName: string; const aAge: Integer): IClient; end; IClient = interface function GetName: string; function GetAge: Integer; function GetIClientUpdate: IClientUpdate; property Name: string read GetName; property Age: Integer read GetAge; property New: IClientUpdate read GetIClientUpdate; end; // Compare Custom Records <Helper function> function CompareCustomRecord(const R1, R2: ICustomRecord): Integer; // Compare Products by thier Prices <Helper function> function CompareProductByPrice(const P1, P2: IProduct): Integer; // Compare Clients by thier Ages <Helper function> function CompareClientByAge(const C1, C2: IClient): Integer; // points comparison <Helper functions> function ComparePoints(const P1, P2: TPoint): Integer; overload; function ComparePoints(const P1, P2: TPointF): Integer; overload; // Returns a custom comparer for TPoint function PointComparer: IComparer<TPoint>; function GetTCustomRecord(const aName: string; aValue: Integer): ICustomRecord; function GetTProduct(aID: Integer; aPrice: Currency): IProduct; function GetTClient(const aName: string; aAge: Integer): IClient; implementation uses System.Math; type TCustomRecord = class(TInterfacedObject, ICustomRecord, ICustomRecordUpdate) strict private fName: string; fValue: Integer; function GetName: string; function GetValue: Integer; function GetCustomRecordupdate: ICustomRecordUpdate; function Edit(const aName: string; const aValue: Integer): ICustomRecord; public constructor Create(const aName: string; aValue: Integer); end; TProduct = class(TInterfacedObject, IProduct, IProductUpdate) private fID: Integer; fPrice: Currency; function GetID: Integer; function GetPrice: Currency; function GetIProductUpdate: IProductUpdate; function Edit(const aID: Integer; const aPrice: Currency): IProduct; public constructor Create(aID: Integer; aPrice: Currency); end; TClient = class(TInterfacedObject, IClient, IClientUpdate) private fName: string; fAge: Integer; function GetName: string; function GetAge: Integer; function GetIClientUpdate: IClientUpdate; function Edit(const aName: string; const aAge: Integer): IClient; public constructor Create(const aName: string; aAge: Integer); end; function GetTCustomRecord(const aName: string; aValue: Integer): ICustomRecord; begin Result := TCustomRecord.Create(aName, aValue); end; function GetTProduct(aID: Integer; aPrice: Currency): IProduct; begin Result := TProduct.Create(aID, aPrice); end; function GetTClient(const aName: string; aAge: Integer): IClient; begin Result := TClient.Create(aName, aAge); end; {$REGION ' Points Comparer & Helper Functions .. '} function ComparePoints(const P1, P2: TPoint): Integer; begin if P1.X < P2.X then Exit(-1) else if P1.X > P2.X then Exit(1); if P1.Y < P2.Y then Exit(-1) else if P1.Y > P2.Y then Exit(1); Result := 0; // Points are equal end; function ComparePoints(const P1, P2: TPointF): Integer; begin if P1.X <> P2.X then Result := Sign(P1.X - P2.X) else Result := Sign(P1.Y - P2.Y); end; function PointComparer: IComparer<TPoint>; begin Result := TComparer<TPoint>.Construct( function(const P1, P2: TPoint): Integer begin Result := ComparePoints(P1, P2); end ); end; {$ENDREGION} { Helper CustomRecord function } function CompareCustomRecord(const R1, R2: ICustomRecord): Integer; begin Result := R1.Value - R2.Value; end; { Helper ProductByPrice function } function CompareProductByPrice(const P1, P2: IProduct): Integer; begin if P1.Price < P2.Price then Result := -1 else if P1.Price > P2.Price then Result := 1 else Result := 0; end; { Helper ClientByAge function } function CompareClientByAge(const C1, C2: IClient): Integer; begin Result := C1.Age - C2.Age; end; { TCustomRecord } {$REGION ' TCustomRecord .. '} constructor TCustomRecord.Create(const aName: string; aValue: Integer); begin fName := aName; fValue := aValue; end; function TCustomRecord.GetName: string; begin Result := fName; end; function TCustomRecord.GetValue: Integer; begin Result := fValue; end; function TCustomRecord.GetCustomRecordupdate: ICustomRecordUpdate; begin Result := Self as ICustomRecordUpdate; end; function TCustomRecord.Edit(const aName: string; const aValue: Integer): ICustomRecord; begin fName := aName; fValue := aValue; end; {$ENDREGION} { TProduct } {$REGION ' TProduct .. '} constructor TProduct.Create(aID: Integer; aPrice: Currency); begin fID := aID; fPrice := aPrice; end; function TProduct.GetID: Integer; begin Result := fID; end; function TProduct.GetPrice: Currency; begin Result := fPrice; end; function TProduct.GetIProductUpdate: IProductUpdate; begin Result := Self as IProductUpdate; end; function TProduct.Edit(const aID: Integer; const aPrice: Currency): IProduct; begin fID := aID; fPrice := aPrice; end; {$ENDREGION} { TClient } {$REGION ' TClient .. '} constructor TClient.Create(const aName: string; aAge: Integer); begin fName := aName; fAge := aAge; end; function TClient.GetName: string; begin Result := fName; end; function TClient.GetAge: Integer; begin Result := fAge; end; function TClient.GetIClientUpdate: IClientUpdate; begin Result := Self as IClientUpdate; end; function TClient.Edit(const aName: string; const aAge: Integer): IClient; begin fName := aName; fAge := aAge; end; {$ENDREGION} end. now here is my dpr console code: program RangChecker; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, DateUtils, System.Generics.Defaults, API.Utils in 'API\API.Utils.pas', API.Objects.Comparer in 'API\API.Objects.Comparer.pas'; var gPoint1, gPoint2, gPoint3: TPoint; gRec1, gRec2, gRec3: ICustomRecord; gRecordComparer: IComparer<ICustomRecord>; gProduct1, gProduct2, gProduct3: IProduct; gProductComparer: IComparer<IProduct>; gClient1, gClient2, gClient3: IClient; gClientComparer: IComparer<IClient>; gEndDateStr: string; begin gPoint1 := TPoint.Create(1, 2); gPoint2 := TPoint.Create(0, 0); gPoint3 := TPoint.Create(3, 4); gRec1 := GetTCustomRecord('Low', 10); gRec2 := GetTCustomRecord('Mid', 20); gRec3 := GetTCustomRecord('High', 30); gRecordComparer := TComparer<ICustomRecord>.Construct(CompareCustomRecord); gProduct1 := GetTProduct(1, 10.0); gProduct2 := GetTProduct(2, 20.0); gProduct3 := GetTProduct(3, 30.0); gProductComparer := TComparer<IProduct>.Construct(CompareProductByPrice); gClient1 := GetTClient('Alice', 25); gClient2 := GetTClient('Bob', 30); gClient3 := GetTClient('Charlie', 35); gClientComparer := TComparer<IClient>.Construct(CompareClientByAge); with FormatSettings do begin ShortDateFormat := 'DD MMMM YYYY'; CurrencyString := 'DA'; DecimalSeparator := ','; ThousandSeparator := '.'; end; gEndDateStr := DateToStr(Today +10, FormatSettings); try Writeln('-----------------<< Integer Tests >>--------------------------------'); {$REGION ' Integer Tests .. '} if TRange<Integer>.IsIn(5, 1, 10) then Writeln('5 is within the range [1, 10]') else Writeln('5 is outside the range [1, 10]'); if TRange<Integer>.IsIn(5, 6, 10) then Writeln('5 is within the range [6, 10]') else Writeln('5 is outside the range [6, 10]'); {$ENDREGION} Writeln('-----------------<< Int64 Tests >>--------------------------------'); {$REGION ' Int64 Tests .. '} if TRange<Int64>.IsIn(5_000_000_000_000_000_001, 5_000_000_000_000_000_000, 5_000_000_000_000_000_010) then Writeln('5_000_000_000_000_000_001 is within the range [5_000_000_000_000_000_000, 5_000_000_000_000_000_010]') else Writeln('5 is outside the range [5_000_000_000_000_000_000, 5_000_000_000_000_000_010]'); if TRange<Int64>.IsIn(5_000_000_000_000_000_000, 5_000_000_000_000_000_001, 5_000_000_000_000_000_010) then Writeln('5_000_000_000_000_000_000 is within the range [5_000_000_000_000_000_001, 5_000_000_000_000_000_010]') else Writeln('5_000_000_000_000_000_000 is outside the range [5_000_000_000_000_000_001, 5_000_000_000_000_000_010]'); {$ENDREGION} Writeln('-----------------<< Float Tests >>----------------------------------'); {$REGION ' Float Tests .. '} if TRange<Double>.IsIn(7.5, 5.0, 10.0) then Writeln('7.5 is within the range [5.0, 10.0]') else Writeln('7.5 is outside the range [5.0, 10.0]'); if TRange<Double>.IsIn(7.5, 7.6, 10.0) then Writeln('7.5 is within the range [7.6, 10.0]') else Writeln('7.5 is outside the range [7.6, 10.0]'); {$ENDREGION} Writeln('-----------------<< DateTime Tests >>------------------------------'); {$REGION ' DateTime Tests .. '} if TRange<TDateTime>.IsIn(Today, Today, Today +10) then Writeln('Today is within ['+Today.ToString+'] and ['+gEndDateStr+']') else Writeln('Today is outside ['+Today.ToString+'] and ['+gEndDateStr+']'); if TRange<TDateTime>.IsIn(Yesterday, Today, Today +10) then Writeln('Yesterday is within ['+Today.ToString+'] and ['+gEndDateStr+']') else Writeln('Yesterday is outside ['+Today.ToString+'] and ['+gEndDateStr+']'); {$ENDREGION} Writeln('-----------------<< String Tests >>--------------------------------'); {$REGION ' String Tests .. '} if TRange<string>.IsIn('hello', 'alpha', 'zulu') then Writeln('"hello" is within the range [alpha, zulu]') else Writeln('"hello" is outside the range [alpha, zulu]'); if TRange<string>.IsIn('zulu', 'alpha', 'omega') then Writeln('"zulu" is within the range [alpha, omega]') else Writeln('"zulu" is outside the range [alpha, omega]'); {$ENDREGION} Writeln('-----------------<< TPoint Tests >>-----------------------------'); {$REGION ' TPoint Tests .. '} if TRange<TPoint>.IsIn(gPoint1, gPoint2, gPoint3, PointComparer) then Writeln('Point(1, 2) is within the range [Point(0, 0), Point(3, 4)]') else Writeln('Point(1, 2) is outside the range [Point(0, 0), Point(3, 4)]'); if TRange<TPoint>.IsIn(Point(5, 5), Point(0, 0), Point(3, 4), PointComparer) then Writeln('Point(5, 5) is within the range [Point(0, 0), Point(3, 4)]') else Writeln('Point(5, 5) is outside the range [Point(0, 0), Point(3, 4)]'); {$ENDREGION} Writeln('-----------------<< TCustomRecord Tests >>-----------------------------'); {$REGION ' TCustomRecord Tests .. '} if TRange<ICustomRecord>.IsIn(gRec2, gRec1, gRec3, gRecordComparer) then Writeln('Record is within the range') else Writeln('Record is outside the range'); gRec2.New.Edit('Mid', 40); if TRange<ICustomRecord>.IsIn(gRec2, gRec1, gRec3, gRecordComparer) then Writeln('Record is within the range') else Writeln('Record is outside the range'); {$ENDREGION} Writeln('-----------------<< TProduct Tests >>-----------------------------'); {$REGION ' TProduct Tests .. '} if TRange<IProduct>.IsIn(gProduct2, gProduct1, gProduct3, gProductComparer) then Writeln('Product price is within the range') else Writeln('Product price is outside the range'); gProduct2.New.Edit(2, 40); if TRange<IProduct>.IsIn(gProduct2, gProduct1, gProduct3, gProductComparer) then Writeln('Product price is within the range') else Writeln('Product price is outside the range'); {$ENDREGION} Writeln('-----------------<< TClient Tests >>-----------------------------'); {$REGION ' TClient Tests .. '} if TRange<IClient>.IsIn(gClient2, gClient1, gClient3, gClientComparer) then Writeln('Client age is within the range') else Writeln('Client age is outside the range'); gClient2.New.Edit('Bob', 40); if TRange<IClient>.IsIn(gClient2, gClient1, gClient3, gClientComparer) then Writeln('Client age is within the range') else Writeln('Client age is outside the range'); {$ENDREGION} except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; Readln; end. Output Result: My Github Link Edited January 11 by bravesofts 3 Share this post Link to post
bravesofts 16 Posted 6 hours ago (edited) i update the class my github Repo here unit API.Utils; interface uses System.SysUtils, // [Exceptions] System.Generics.Defaults; // [IComparer, TComparer] type TRange<T> = class public // Check if a value is within the range [aMin, aMax] using a custom comparer class function IsIn(const aValue, aMin, aMax: T; const aComparer: IComparer<T>): Boolean; overload; static; // Check if a value is within the range [aMin, aMax] using the default comparer class function IsIn(const aValue, aMin, aMax: T): Boolean; overload; static; end; implementation { TRange<T> } class function TRange<T>.IsIn(const aValue, aMin, aMax: T; const aComparer: IComparer<T>): Boolean; begin case GetTypeKind(T) of tkString, tkClass, tkLString, tkWString, tkInterface, tkDynArray, tkUString: begin if PPointer(@aValue)^ = nil then Exit(False); end; tkMethod: begin if (PMethod(@aValue)^.Data = nil) or (PMethod(@aValue)^.Code = nil) then Exit(False); end; tkPointer: if PPointer(@aValue)^ = nil then Exit(False); end; if not Assigned(aComparer) then raise EArgumentNilException.Create('Comparer is not assigned.'); Result := (aComparer.Compare(aValue, aMin) >= 0) and (aComparer.Compare(aValue, aMax) <= 0); end; class function TRange<T>.IsIn(const aValue, aMin, aMax: T): Boolean; begin Result := IsIn(aValue, aMin, aMax, TComparer<T>.Default); end; end. the call test : program RangeCheckerPrj; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils, DateUtils, System.Types, System.Generics.Defaults, API.Utils in 'API\API.Utils.pas', API.Objects.Comparer in 'API\API.Objects.Comparer.pas', API.RangeCheckerTest in 'API\API.RangeCheckerTest.pas'; begin try Writeln('-----------------<< Integer Tests >>--------------------------------'); Writeln(TRangeTester<Integer>.Test(5, 1, 10)); // "5 is within the range [1, 10]" Writeln(TRangeTester<Integer>.Test(15, 1, 10)); // "15 is outside the range [1, 10]" Writeln('-----------------<< Int64 Tests >>--------------------------------'); Writeln(TRangeTester<Int64>.Test(5_000_000_000_000_000_001, 5_000_000_000_000_000_000, 5_000_000_000_000_000_010)); Writeln(TRangeTester<Int64>.Test(5_000_000_000_000_000_000, 5_000_000_000_000_000_001, 5_000_000_000_000_000_010)); Writeln('-----------------<< Float Tests >>----------------------------------'); Writeln(TRangeTester<Double>.Test(7.5, 5.0, 10.0)); Writeln(TRangeTester<Double>.Test(7.5, 7.6, 10.0)); Writeln('-----------------<< DateTime Tests >>------------------------------'); Writeln(TRangeTester<TDateTime>.Test(Today, Today, Today +10)); Writeln(TRangeTester<TDateTime>.Test(Yesterday, Today, Today +10)); Writeln('-----------------<< String Tests >>--------------------------------'); Writeln(TRangeTester<string>.Test('hello', 'alpha', 'zulu')); Writeln(TRangeTester<string>.Test('zulu', 'alpha', 'omega')); Writeln(TRangeTester<string>.Test('b', 'a', 'c')); // "'b' is within the range ['a', 'c']" Writeln(TRangeTester<string>.Test('A', 'b', 'c')); Writeln(TRangeTester<string>.Test('B', 'a', 'c')); Writeln('-----------------<< TPoint Tests >>-----------------------------'); Writeln(TRangeTester<TPoint>.Test(gPoint1, gPoint2, gPoint3, PointComparer)); Writeln(TRangeTester<TPoint>.Test(Point(5, 5), Point(0, 0), Point(3, 4), PointComparer)); Writeln('-----------------<< TCustomRecord Tests >>-----------------------------'); Writeln(TRangeTester<ICustomRecord>.Test(gRec1, gRec2, gRec3, gRecordComparer)); gRec1.New.Edit('Mid', 40); Writeln(TRangeTester<ICustomRecord>.Test(gRec1, gRec2, gRec3, gRecordComparer)); Writeln('-----------------<< TProduct Tests >>-----------------------------'); Writeln(TRangeTester<IProduct>.Test(gProduct1, gProduct2, gProduct3, gProductComparer)); gProduct1.New.Edit(1, 40); Writeln(TRangeTester<IProduct>.Test(gProduct1, gProduct2, gProduct3, gProductComparer)); Writeln('-----------------<< TClient Tests >>-----------------------------'); Writeln(TRangeTester<IClient>.Test(gClient1, gClient2, gClient3, gClientComparer)); gClient1.New.Edit('Alice', 40); Writeln(TRangeTester<IClient>.Test(gClient1, gClient2, nil, gClientComparer)); except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; Readln; end. the Output: Edited 6 hours ago by bravesofts add output Snapshot Share this post Link to post