bravesofts 24 Posted January 10 (edited) unit API.Utils; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.Generics.Defaults; type TRange<T> = class public // Check if a value is within the range [aMin, aMax] using a custom comparer class function IsIn(const aValue, aMin, aMax: T; const aComparer: IComparer<T>): Boolean; overload; static; // Check if a value is within the range [aMin, aMax] using the default comparer class function IsIn(const aValue, aMin, aMax: T): Boolean; overload; static; end; implementation { TRange<T> } class function TRange<T>.IsIn(const aValue, aMin, aMax: T; const aComparer: IComparer<T>): Boolean; begin Result := (aComparer.Compare(aValue, aMin) >= 0) and (aComparer.Compare(aValue, aMax) <= 0); end; class function TRange<T>.IsIn(const aValue, aMin, aMax: T): Boolean; begin Result := IsIn(aValue, aMin, aMax, TComparer<T>.Default); end; end. to put this Super class in test i build a new console project: this unit here act as my objects: unit API.Objects.Comparer; interface uses System.Types, System.Generics.Defaults; type ICustomRecord = interface; // Forward ICustomRecordUpdate = interface function Edit(const aName: string; const aValue: Integer): ICustomRecord; end; ICustomRecord = interface function GetName: string; function GetValue: Integer; function GetCustomRecordUpdate: ICustomRecordUpdate; property Name: string read GetName; property Value: Integer read GetValue; property New: ICustomRecordUpdate read GetCustomRecordUpdate; end; IProduct = interface; // Forward IProductUpdate = interface function Edit(const aID: Integer; const aPrice: Currency): IProduct; end; IProduct = interface function GetID: Integer; function GetPrice: Currency; function GetIProductUpdate: IProductUpdate; property ID: Integer read GetID; property Price: Currency read GetPrice; property New: IProductUpdate read GetIProductUpdate; end; IClient = interface; // Forward IClientUpdate = interface function Edit(const aName: string; const aAge: Integer): IClient; end; IClient = interface function GetName: string; function GetAge: Integer; function GetIClientUpdate: IClientUpdate; property Name: string read GetName; property Age: Integer read GetAge; property New: IClientUpdate read GetIClientUpdate; end; // Compare Custom Records <Helper function> function CompareCustomRecord(const R1, R2: ICustomRecord): Integer; // Compare Products by thier Prices <Helper function> function CompareProductByPrice(const P1, P2: IProduct): Integer; // Compare Clients by thier Ages <Helper function> function CompareClientByAge(const C1, C2: IClient): Integer; // points comparison <Helper functions> function ComparePoints(const P1, P2: TPoint): Integer; overload; function ComparePoints(const P1, P2: TPointF): Integer; overload; // Returns a custom comparer for TPoint function PointComparer: IComparer<TPoint>; function GetTCustomRecord(const aName: string; aValue: Integer): ICustomRecord; function GetTProduct(aID: Integer; aPrice: Currency): IProduct; function GetTClient(const aName: string; aAge: Integer): IClient; implementation uses System.Math; type TCustomRecord = class(TInterfacedObject, ICustomRecord, ICustomRecordUpdate) strict private fName: string; fValue: Integer; function GetName: string; function GetValue: Integer; function GetCustomRecordupdate: ICustomRecordUpdate; function Edit(const aName: string; const aValue: Integer): ICustomRecord; public constructor Create(const aName: string; aValue: Integer); end; TProduct = class(TInterfacedObject, IProduct, IProductUpdate) private fID: Integer; fPrice: Currency; function GetID: Integer; function GetPrice: Currency; function GetIProductUpdate: IProductUpdate; function Edit(const aID: Integer; const aPrice: Currency): IProduct; public constructor Create(aID: Integer; aPrice: Currency); end; TClient = class(TInterfacedObject, IClient, IClientUpdate) private fName: string; fAge: Integer; function GetName: string; function GetAge: Integer; function GetIClientUpdate: IClientUpdate; function Edit(const aName: string; const aAge: Integer): IClient; public constructor Create(const aName: string; aAge: Integer); end; function GetTCustomRecord(const aName: string; aValue: Integer): ICustomRecord; begin Result := TCustomRecord.Create(aName, aValue); end; function GetTProduct(aID: Integer; aPrice: Currency): IProduct; begin Result := TProduct.Create(aID, aPrice); end; function GetTClient(const aName: string; aAge: Integer): IClient; begin Result := TClient.Create(aName, aAge); end; {$REGION ' Points Comparer & Helper Functions .. '} function ComparePoints(const P1, P2: TPoint): Integer; begin if P1.X < P2.X then Exit(-1) else if P1.X > P2.X then Exit(1); if P1.Y < P2.Y then Exit(-1) else if P1.Y > P2.Y then Exit(1); Result := 0; // Points are equal end; function ComparePoints(const P1, P2: TPointF): Integer; begin if P1.X <> P2.X then Result := Sign(P1.X - P2.X) else Result := Sign(P1.Y - P2.Y); end; function PointComparer: IComparer<TPoint>; begin Result := TComparer<TPoint>.Construct( function(const P1, P2: TPoint): Integer begin Result := ComparePoints(P1, P2); end ); end; {$ENDREGION} { Helper CustomRecord function } function CompareCustomRecord(const R1, R2: ICustomRecord): Integer; begin Result := R1.Value - R2.Value; end; { Helper ProductByPrice function } function CompareProductByPrice(const P1, P2: IProduct): Integer; begin if P1.Price < P2.Price then Result := -1 else if P1.Price > P2.Price then Result := 1 else Result := 0; end; { Helper ClientByAge function } function CompareClientByAge(const C1, C2: IClient): Integer; begin Result := C1.Age - C2.Age; end; { TCustomRecord } {$REGION ' TCustomRecord .. '} constructor TCustomRecord.Create(const aName: string; aValue: Integer); begin fName := aName; fValue := aValue; end; function TCustomRecord.GetName: string; begin Result := fName; end; function TCustomRecord.GetValue: Integer; begin Result := fValue; end; function TCustomRecord.GetCustomRecordupdate: ICustomRecordUpdate; begin Result := Self as ICustomRecordUpdate; end; function TCustomRecord.Edit(const aName: string; const aValue: Integer): ICustomRecord; begin fName := aName; fValue := aValue; end; {$ENDREGION} { TProduct } {$REGION ' TProduct .. '} constructor TProduct.Create(aID: Integer; aPrice: Currency); begin fID := aID; fPrice := aPrice; end; function TProduct.GetID: Integer; begin Result := fID; end; function TProduct.GetPrice: Currency; begin Result := fPrice; end; function TProduct.GetIProductUpdate: IProductUpdate; begin Result := Self as IProductUpdate; end; function TProduct.Edit(const aID: Integer; const aPrice: Currency): IProduct; begin fID := aID; fPrice := aPrice; end; {$ENDREGION} { TClient } {$REGION ' TClient .. '} constructor TClient.Create(const aName: string; aAge: Integer); begin fName := aName; fAge := aAge; end; function TClient.GetName: string; begin Result := fName; end; function TClient.GetAge: Integer; begin Result := fAge; end; function TClient.GetIClientUpdate: IClientUpdate; begin Result := Self as IClientUpdate; end; function TClient.Edit(const aName: string; const aAge: Integer): IClient; begin fName := aName; fAge := aAge; end; {$ENDREGION} end. now here is my dpr console code: program RangChecker; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, DateUtils, System.Generics.Defaults, API.Utils in 'API\API.Utils.pas', API.Objects.Comparer in 'API\API.Objects.Comparer.pas'; var gPoint1, gPoint2, gPoint3: TPoint; gRec1, gRec2, gRec3: ICustomRecord; gRecordComparer: IComparer<ICustomRecord>; gProduct1, gProduct2, gProduct3: IProduct; gProductComparer: IComparer<IProduct>; gClient1, gClient2, gClient3: IClient; gClientComparer: IComparer<IClient>; gEndDateStr: string; begin gPoint1 := TPoint.Create(1, 2); gPoint2 := TPoint.Create(0, 0); gPoint3 := TPoint.Create(3, 4); gRec1 := GetTCustomRecord('Low', 10); gRec2 := GetTCustomRecord('Mid', 20); gRec3 := GetTCustomRecord('High', 30); gRecordComparer := TComparer<ICustomRecord>.Construct(CompareCustomRecord); gProduct1 := GetTProduct(1, 10.0); gProduct2 := GetTProduct(2, 20.0); gProduct3 := GetTProduct(3, 30.0); gProductComparer := TComparer<IProduct>.Construct(CompareProductByPrice); gClient1 := GetTClient('Alice', 25); gClient2 := GetTClient('Bob', 30); gClient3 := GetTClient('Charlie', 35); gClientComparer := TComparer<IClient>.Construct(CompareClientByAge); with FormatSettings do begin ShortDateFormat := 'DD MMMM YYYY'; CurrencyString := 'DA'; DecimalSeparator := ','; ThousandSeparator := '.'; end; gEndDateStr := DateToStr(Today +10, FormatSettings); try Writeln('-----------------<< Integer Tests >>--------------------------------'); {$REGION ' Integer Tests .. '} if TRange<Integer>.IsIn(5, 1, 10) then Writeln('5 is within the range [1, 10]') else Writeln('5 is outside the range [1, 10]'); if TRange<Integer>.IsIn(5, 6, 10) then Writeln('5 is within the range [6, 10]') else Writeln('5 is outside the range [6, 10]'); {$ENDREGION} Writeln('-----------------<< Int64 Tests >>--------------------------------'); {$REGION ' Int64 Tests .. '} if TRange<Int64>.IsIn(5_000_000_000_000_000_001, 5_000_000_000_000_000_000, 5_000_000_000_000_000_010) then Writeln('5_000_000_000_000_000_001 is within the range [5_000_000_000_000_000_000, 5_000_000_000_000_000_010]') else Writeln('5 is outside the range [5_000_000_000_000_000_000, 5_000_000_000_000_000_010]'); if TRange<Int64>.IsIn(5_000_000_000_000_000_000, 5_000_000_000_000_000_001, 5_000_000_000_000_000_010) then Writeln('5_000_000_000_000_000_000 is within the range [5_000_000_000_000_000_001, 5_000_000_000_000_000_010]') else Writeln('5_000_000_000_000_000_000 is outside the range [5_000_000_000_000_000_001, 5_000_000_000_000_000_010]'); {$ENDREGION} Writeln('-----------------<< Float Tests >>----------------------------------'); {$REGION ' Float Tests .. '} if TRange<Double>.IsIn(7.5, 5.0, 10.0) then Writeln('7.5 is within the range [5.0, 10.0]') else Writeln('7.5 is outside the range [5.0, 10.0]'); if TRange<Double>.IsIn(7.5, 7.6, 10.0) then Writeln('7.5 is within the range [7.6, 10.0]') else Writeln('7.5 is outside the range [7.6, 10.0]'); {$ENDREGION} Writeln('-----------------<< DateTime Tests >>------------------------------'); {$REGION ' DateTime Tests .. '} if TRange<TDateTime>.IsIn(Today, Today, Today +10) then Writeln('Today is within ['+Today.ToString+'] and ['+gEndDateStr+']') else Writeln('Today is outside ['+Today.ToString+'] and ['+gEndDateStr+']'); if TRange<TDateTime>.IsIn(Yesterday, Today, Today +10) then Writeln('Yesterday is within ['+Today.ToString+'] and ['+gEndDateStr+']') else Writeln('Yesterday is outside ['+Today.ToString+'] and ['+gEndDateStr+']'); {$ENDREGION} Writeln('-----------------<< String Tests >>--------------------------------'); {$REGION ' String Tests .. '} if TRange<string>.IsIn('hello', 'alpha', 'zulu') then Writeln('"hello" is within the range [alpha, zulu]') else Writeln('"hello" is outside the range [alpha, zulu]'); if TRange<string>.IsIn('zulu', 'alpha', 'omega') then Writeln('"zulu" is within the range [alpha, omega]') else Writeln('"zulu" is outside the range [alpha, omega]'); {$ENDREGION} Writeln('-----------------<< TPoint Tests >>-----------------------------'); {$REGION ' TPoint Tests .. '} if TRange<TPoint>.IsIn(gPoint1, gPoint2, gPoint3, PointComparer) then Writeln('Point(1, 2) is within the range [Point(0, 0), Point(3, 4)]') else Writeln('Point(1, 2) is outside the range [Point(0, 0), Point(3, 4)]'); if TRange<TPoint>.IsIn(Point(5, 5), Point(0, 0), Point(3, 4), PointComparer) then Writeln('Point(5, 5) is within the range [Point(0, 0), Point(3, 4)]') else Writeln('Point(5, 5) is outside the range [Point(0, 0), Point(3, 4)]'); {$ENDREGION} Writeln('-----------------<< TCustomRecord Tests >>-----------------------------'); {$REGION ' TCustomRecord Tests .. '} if TRange<ICustomRecord>.IsIn(gRec2, gRec1, gRec3, gRecordComparer) then Writeln('Record is within the range') else Writeln('Record is outside the range'); gRec2.New.Edit('Mid', 40); if TRange<ICustomRecord>.IsIn(gRec2, gRec1, gRec3, gRecordComparer) then Writeln('Record is within the range') else Writeln('Record is outside the range'); {$ENDREGION} Writeln('-----------------<< TProduct Tests >>-----------------------------'); {$REGION ' TProduct Tests .. '} if TRange<IProduct>.IsIn(gProduct2, gProduct1, gProduct3, gProductComparer) then Writeln('Product price is within the range') else Writeln('Product price is outside the range'); gProduct2.New.Edit(2, 40); if TRange<IProduct>.IsIn(gProduct2, gProduct1, gProduct3, gProductComparer) then Writeln('Product price is within the range') else Writeln('Product price is outside the range'); {$ENDREGION} Writeln('-----------------<< TClient Tests >>-----------------------------'); {$REGION ' TClient Tests .. '} if TRange<IClient>.IsIn(gClient2, gClient1, gClient3, gClientComparer) then Writeln('Client age is within the range') else Writeln('Client age is outside the range'); gClient2.New.Edit('Bob', 40); if TRange<IClient>.IsIn(gClient2, gClient1, gClient3, gClientComparer) then Writeln('Client age is within the range') else Writeln('Client age is outside the range'); {$ENDREGION} except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; Readln; end. Output Result: My Github Link Edited January 11 by bravesofts 4 Share this post Link to post
bravesofts 24 Posted January 23 (edited) i update the class my github Repo here unit API.Utils; interface uses System.SysUtils, // [Exceptions] System.Generics.Defaults; // [IComparer, TComparer] type TRange<T> = class public // Check if a value is within the range [aMin, aMax] using a custom comparer class function IsIn(const aValue, aMin, aMax: T; const aComparer: IComparer<T>): Boolean; overload; static; // Check if a value is within the range [aMin, aMax] using the default comparer class function IsIn(const aValue, aMin, aMax: T): Boolean; overload; static; end; implementation { TRange<T> } class function TRange<T>.IsIn(const aValue, aMin, aMax: T; const aComparer: IComparer<T>): Boolean; begin case GetTypeKind(T) of tkString, tkClass, tkLString, tkWString, tkInterface, tkDynArray, tkUString: begin if PPointer(@aValue)^ = nil then Exit(False); end; tkMethod: begin if (PMethod(@aValue)^.Data = nil) or (PMethod(@aValue)^.Code = nil) then Exit(False); end; tkPointer: if PPointer(@aValue)^ = nil then Exit(False); end; if not Assigned(aComparer) then raise EArgumentNilException.Create('Comparer is not assigned.'); Result := (aComparer.Compare(aValue, aMin) >= 0) and (aComparer.Compare(aValue, aMax) <= 0); end; class function TRange<T>.IsIn(const aValue, aMin, aMax: T): Boolean; begin Result := IsIn(aValue, aMin, aMax, TComparer<T>.Default); end; end. the call test : program RangeCheckerPrj; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils, DateUtils, System.Types, System.Generics.Defaults, API.Utils in 'API\API.Utils.pas', API.Objects.Comparer in 'API\API.Objects.Comparer.pas', API.RangeCheckerTest in 'API\API.RangeCheckerTest.pas'; begin try Writeln('-----------------<< Integer Tests >>--------------------------------'); Writeln(TRangeTester<Integer>.Test(5, 1, 10)); // "5 is within the range [1, 10]" Writeln(TRangeTester<Integer>.Test(15, 1, 10)); // "15 is outside the range [1, 10]" Writeln('-----------------<< Int64 Tests >>--------------------------------'); Writeln(TRangeTester<Int64>.Test(5_000_000_000_000_000_001, 5_000_000_000_000_000_000, 5_000_000_000_000_000_010)); Writeln(TRangeTester<Int64>.Test(5_000_000_000_000_000_000, 5_000_000_000_000_000_001, 5_000_000_000_000_000_010)); Writeln('-----------------<< Float Tests >>----------------------------------'); Writeln(TRangeTester<Double>.Test(7.5, 5.0, 10.0)); Writeln(TRangeTester<Double>.Test(7.5, 7.6, 10.0)); Writeln('-----------------<< DateTime Tests >>------------------------------'); Writeln(TRangeTester<TDateTime>.Test(Today, Today, Today +10)); Writeln(TRangeTester<TDateTime>.Test(Yesterday, Today, Today +10)); Writeln('-----------------<< String Tests >>--------------------------------'); Writeln(TRangeTester<string>.Test('hello', 'alpha', 'zulu')); Writeln(TRangeTester<string>.Test('zulu', 'alpha', 'omega')); Writeln(TRangeTester<string>.Test('b', 'a', 'c')); // "'b' is within the range ['a', 'c']" Writeln(TRangeTester<string>.Test('A', 'b', 'c')); Writeln(TRangeTester<string>.Test('B', 'a', 'c')); Writeln('-----------------<< TPoint Tests >>-----------------------------'); Writeln(TRangeTester<TPoint>.Test(gPoint1, gPoint2, gPoint3, PointComparer)); Writeln(TRangeTester<TPoint>.Test(Point(5, 5), Point(0, 0), Point(3, 4), PointComparer)); Writeln('-----------------<< TCustomRecord Tests >>-----------------------------'); Writeln(TRangeTester<ICustomRecord>.Test(gRec1, gRec2, gRec3, gRecordComparer)); gRec1.New.Edit('Mid', 40); Writeln(TRangeTester<ICustomRecord>.Test(gRec1, gRec2, gRec3, gRecordComparer)); Writeln('-----------------<< TProduct Tests >>-----------------------------'); Writeln(TRangeTester<IProduct>.Test(gProduct1, gProduct2, gProduct3, gProductComparer)); gProduct1.New.Edit(1, 40); Writeln(TRangeTester<IProduct>.Test(gProduct1, gProduct2, gProduct3, gProductComparer)); Writeln('-----------------<< TClient Tests >>-----------------------------'); Writeln(TRangeTester<IClient>.Test(gClient1, gClient2, gClient3, gClientComparer)); gClient1.New.Edit('Alice', 40); Writeln(TRangeTester<IClient>.Test(gClient1, gClient2, nil, gClientComparer)); except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; Readln; end. the Output: Edited January 23 by bravesofts add output Snapshot 1 Share this post Link to post
Der schöne Günther 325 Posted January 24 That's a lot of text and code on your readme page. I must admit I did not read all of it, especially the code. I still have a some questions: Since Delphi cannot put constraints like "can be ordered" or "has an equality operator" on generics, your function seems to work on all types of T. What is the runtime behaviour? For example, what happens when comparing two arbitrary records? Why did you not use DUnit or DUnitX for unit tests and instead rolled your own console application? PS: You committed some unnecessary files (like .exe, .dcu, ...) to your repository. Only the source is necessary. For creating .gitignore files, there are tools like 1 Share this post Link to post
bravesofts 24 Posted January 24 Thank you for your questions and feedback! On 1/24/2025 at 9:03 AM, Der schöne Günther said: That's a lot of text and code on your readme page. I must admit I did not read all of it, especially the code. I understand—it’s a lot to go through! That was long for a reason: I know many people don’t have much time to browse a repo, so I wrote everything necessary to make it easier for them, especially on mobile devices. Still, I’ll consider shortening it for better clarity. Thanks for the feedback! On 1/24/2025 at 9:03 AM, Der schöne Günther said: I still have a some questions: Since Delphi cannot put constraints like "can be ordered" or "has an equality operator" on generics, your function seems to work on all types of T. What is the runtime behaviour? For example, what happens when comparing two arbitrary records? My class specifically handles the IsInRange case. In the demo, I used TPoint (a record) and a custom comparer to determine if a point is within a range of two points. While equality or ordering functions aren’t implemented yet, I believe they would work similarly. Adding these is something I plan to explore in future updates and It would be great if you’d like to contribute by adding this functionality—it’d be much appreciated! 😊 On 1/24/2025 at 9:03 AM, Der schöne Günther said: Why did you not use DUnit or DUnitX for unit tests and instead rolled your own console application? To be honest, I’ve never used this functionality before in my life. I didn’t publish this class to boast or to tell people, “Look how skilled I am in Delphi.” In reality, I’m a very simple and self-taught Delphi developer, and I’m proud of that, of course. I’m still in the process of learning and discovering what amazing capabilities and skills can be unlocked in Delphi. I might try DUnit or DUnitX in the future, but for now, I’m focused on exploring and growing my understanding of the language. On 1/24/2025 at 9:03 AM, Der schöne Günther said: PS: You committed some unnecessary files (like .exe, .dcu, ...) to your repository. Only the source is necessary. For creating .gitignore files, there are tools like Like I mentioned before, I’m not as good a programmer as you might think—I’m just a self-taught Delphi enthusiast. Honestly, I think I just love Delphi and its tools, but when it comes to GitHub or any other tools, they’re not really my thing. I’ve never worked as a programmer or developer in a professional capacity, and tools like Agile or Git aren’t even on my radar. I guess you could call me a jungle developer! 😊 That said, I appreciate the feedback and will try to improve the repo organization in the future. Thanks for the feedback! Share this post Link to post
dormky 3 Posted February 12 For most cases, I would recommend using the delphi-provided libraries instead of rolling your own, see Share this post Link to post