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How do I "Import" Libraries using Python4Delphi?

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As part of my learning of Python and using Python4Delphi as the learning real-time GUI tool, I came across a youtube tutorial video where the person was calling the following Import libraries: 

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx

In other learning python projects I have imported some libraries successfully.   The ones above are not avail on my laptop.  So I am guessing that I have to download them. 


1. Where can I download them from?

2. and where (hdd folder) do I download them to on my laptop?


Please note: that I am not using any official Python IDE GUI app.  I am using Python4Delphi and building a small IDE for it and am using that as the IDE GUI app to run python code and/or test and run python lessons with. 


Edited by JohnLM

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pip is not on my machine.  I searched around for it.  Also, after some time searching some more, I found out how to tell which version of Python I have installed, which is currently at version 2.7.9rc1 and I must have installed it back in 2014 since the date of the folder "Python27" shows that year it was created.   To the best of my memory, I got interested in it when I heard about and watched a youtube video on Python4Delphi by Jim Mckeeth and I must have installed to try it out back then and then forgot about it until around now.  But the version I have seems to work fine, and I've tried many lessons successfully. Just basic stuff.  But now I want to get into it more deeper. 


Oh, and I searched around for "pandas" or a folder at least, and I did not find any.  It looks like I have a bit of research to do. 

Edited by JohnLM

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