George Bairaktaris 0 Posted 7 hours ago Is there anyone that has uploaded media to wordpress? I am trying to do it with TSslHttpRest but haven't succeeded. Here is the code i use procedure TForm1.UploadImageToWordPress(const URL, Username, Password, FilePath: string); var HttpRest: TSslHttpRest; ResponseCode: Integer; ResponseText: string; aFileStream:TFileStream; begin HttpRest := TSslHttpRest.Create(nil); try HttpRest.OnHttpRestProg := onSslHttpRestProg ; HttpRest.ServerAuth := httpAuthBasic; HttpRest.Username := Username; HttpRest.Password := Password; HttpRest.SslCliSecurity := sslCliSecTls13Only; HttpRest.ExtraHeaders.Add('Content-Disposition: "attachment; filename=example.jpg"'); HttpRest.ExtraHeaders.Add('Content-Type: "image/jpeg"'); HttpRest.ExtraHeaders.Add('Accept: "*/*"'); HttpRest.ExtraHeaders.Add('Accept-Encoding: "gzip, deflate, br"'); HttpRest.ExtraHeaders.Add('Connection: "keep-alive"'); HttpRest.RestParams.AddItemFile('example.jpg', FilePath, 0); HttpRest.HttpUploadStrat := HttpUploadNone; ResponseCode := HttpRest.RestRequest(httpPOST, URL, False, ''); ResponseText := HttpRest.ResponseRaw; ShowMessage('Response Code: ' + IntToStr(ResponseCode)); ShowMessage('Response Text: ' + ResponseText); finally HttpRest.Free; end; end; No matter what i do i get a 500 error. I have successfully uploaded with postman or curl. Thank you all Share this post Link to post