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RAD 12.3 and Eclipse Temurin JDK

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I'm approaching to install and try Delphi 12.3 in a clean VM.
What is the "Eclipse Temurin JDK with Hotspot" version required to be installed before to start Delphi RAD package to enable Android development ?


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It's always the 17th  (it was as option to install). But I use Oracle SDK version 22th. I don't install other JDK.


And I install the new SDK / NDK without problem. Like always you should install other SDK version by hand.


Set in the Windows Environment :




Sò no check will be done.


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Actually I've installaed Eclipse Temurin JDK with Hostspot 17.0.9+9 (x64) and shoud go fine ?
PS: I'm used with RAD ISO which does not install JDK so it's necessary to be in the OS before to start.
I don't know if web install does things to install also required JDK.

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Just now, shineworld said:

PS: I'm used with RAD ISO which does not install JDK so it's necessary to be in the OS before to start.

In my ISO 12.3 (Enterprise) there is an option to install the JDK, But it is the same like you have.




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I don't know for the ISO, but the web install installs all what is needed to work if you check the options during the installation or after by restarting the installer from OPTIONS menu of the IDE.


The web installer download only what is needed.

The ISO is supposed to contain all packages potentially to install.

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The ISO also install all that you see in the previous post.


One time only, some years ago, in a fresh VM I had to install some prerequisites packages before (Vc++ 2015 redist, .net 4.5 and jdk).


I always used ISO to install Rad Studio.

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