Mark NZ 6 Posted 20 hours ago I've had a couple of requests for information on what settings etc I use to edit, compile Delphi from VSCode and I'm hoping others can add insights on what they use. I don't have extensive experience with VSCode and moved to it last year for the following reasons, in priority order To work around a lot of problems we encounter with the Embarcadero IDE with our projects To have a consistent IDE between Linux C work and Windows Delphi To trial effectiveness of CoPilot after co-workers said how great it was. Unfortunately I haven't done a clean VSCode setup and notes record from scratch so these aren't definitive notes. I do some C coding on a Linux VM for a real time control app as well as Windows Delphi, hence C/C++ extensions Extensions I have following extensions installed C/C++, C/C++ Extension Pack, C/C++ GNU Global, C/C++ Themes, CMake, CMakeTools, CodeLLDB Delphi LSP, Insert GUID, #region folding, #region tree view GitHub Copilot GitHub Copilot Chat Numbered Bookmarks Pascal, Pascal Formatter SVN Todo Tree WSL XML The following extensions are installed but disabled #region tree view Auto-align Better Align My notes say I installed the following but they aren't there now Delphi Extension Pack which installs Pascal (still installed), Numbered Bookmarks (still installed), Delphi Keymap, Delphi Themes, CodeRunner, MakeFile, Note on CoPilot, I'm a greybeard (although haven't had a beard for many years) and have been amazed at what it suggests, can do and some of the inferences it makes. Sometimes it's mind boggling, eg coming up with a correct suggestion for something you're typing that's not related to anything else in the code nor anything else that you would think was commonplace. You do need to check it carefully though, hallucinations, subtle and not subtle mistakes but well worth the time it can save. Editor Tab colors I use dark themes. It can be difficult to see which tab item in the tab bar belongs to the currently visible file in the editor, especially when jumping to function definitions etc. To add colorization open settings and search for colorcustomization Under workbench: Color Customization click on Edit in settings.json Example settings 1) black inactive tab header with active tab having medium blue background and light blue activeBorder and activeBorderTop "workbench.colorCustomizations": { "tab.activeBackground": "#0091ff56", "tab.activeBorder": "#00aaff", "tab.unfocusedActiveBorder": "#000000", "tab.activeBorderTop": "#00aaff" // Active Tab Top Highlighting }} 2) black tab headers with red activeBorder and activeBorderTop "workbench.colorCustomizations": { "tab.activeBackground": "#11ff001a", "tab.activeBorder": "#ff0000", "tab.unfocusedActiveBorder": "#000000", "tab.activeBorderTop": "#ff0000" // Active Tab Top Highlighting } VSCode for Delphi Programming Here’s Embarcadero’s page on setting up DelphiLSP with Visual Studio Code Generation of a .delphilsp.json file from Delphi is controlled through Delphi Options, Editor->Language->Code Insight->Generate LSP Config Type LSP into VSCode settings to to Delphi LSP settings and set the location of the project delphilsp json file Preferences / Settings I don't like the LSP suggestion autocomplete happening when I press enter, for example by default when I type begin and hit enter it replaces it with BeginGlobalLoading To prevent this I leave suggestions on but turn off ENTER as a completion shortcut ( TAB can still be used). Go to settings File > Preferences > Settings > Text Editor > Suggestions > Accept Suggestions On Enter > Select on, off or smart. ("Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on Enter, in addition to Tab [...]" Building via VSCode tasks I suspect creating an extension to build by normal VSCode method would be not difficult to do but haven't had time to investigate. Currently I build using tasks and it's a bit messy but is functional. If you were only building a single DEBUG config using this method it would be simpler as you wouldn’t need to choose the config each time you build or run, we build different configs for different emulations. I was hoping we could somehow easily preselect the emulator config we want to use at the start of a session and then just build/run each time (eg via <shift><ctrl>B) without having to select the config but haven't had time to look into that further. We already had batch files setup for release building done outside of the IDE, ie Crbuild.bat, and use these for building via VSCode. tasks.json needs to go in the .vscode folder, eg if I'm working on the TC7\TC7.dproj project then in TC7\.vscode folder, assuming TC7 is the workspace folder you have open. <shit><ctrl>B will build or you can choose to run your desired task from Tasks: Run Task Sample tasks.json from our wiki /* Tasks definitions for compiling and running TC7 in VS Code. You can use this file for .vscode/tasks.json file in a workspace, or as "User level tasks" (indepedent of workspace). This tasks file allows to compile /run / compile+run the TC7 project using Wrist Bevel Emulator associated with the currently open file. Need to look at how to handle building using different emulators. One option could be to open a file in the emulator folder and then use ${fileDirname}, can set cwd using the following "cwd": "${fileDirname}" See for the documentation about the tasks.json format. */ { "version": "2.0.0", "inputs": [ { "id": "emulatorFolder", "type": "pickString", "description": "Select the emulator folder", "options": [ "RELEASE", "DEBUG", "abs encoded 12 magnet twin sled PUG", "700 Towers", "725 K4100 wrist bevel", "wrist bevel x86", "K5100 wrist bevel and unloader" ], "default": "K5100 wrist bevel and unloader" } ], "tasks": [ // Compile and then Run the TC7 project of the currently open editor file. // This is like F9 in Delphi. { "label": "(TC7) Compile And Run", /* We use VS code "dependsOn" feature to run 2 tasks in a sequence. This is better than using shell command with && which is not universally supported by PowerShell. */ "dependsOn": [ "(TC7) Compile", "(TC7) Run" ], "dependsOrder": "sequence", "group": { "kind": "build", } }, // (Re)build the TC7 project { "label": "(TC7) (Re)Build", "type": "shell", /* Compile in debug mode using TC7 build tool (calls msbuild under the hood). */ "command": "${workspaceFolder}\\crbuild.bat", "args": [ "-ProductVersion", "23.0", // "-config", "DEBUG", "-config", "${input:emulatorFolder}", "-nolog", "-target", "rebuild" // "-OutDir", "${workspaceFolder}\\Output\\EMUs\\${input:emulatorFolder}" ], "options": { "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}" // "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/Output/EMUs/${input:emulatorFolder}" }, "group": { "kind": "build", "isDefault": false }, "problemMatcher": { "fileLocation": "autoDetect", //["autoDetect", "${workspaceFolder}"], "pattern": [ { /* Match lines like xxx.pas(123,456) Fatal: some message Deliberately avoid matching summary line like xxx.pas(2201) Fatal: There were 26 errors compiling module, stopping Deliberately avoid xxx.pas(648,15) Error: Found declaration: ... because they only make sense when connected to previous error message, and VS Code reorders them. Test: (ECMAScript flavor) */ "regexp": "^([^\\(]+)\\(([\\d+,]+)\\)\\s+(Fatal|Warning|Error|Note|Hint):\\s+((?!\\(10026\\) There were)(?!There were)(?!Found declaration: )(?!\\(5088\\)Found declaration: ).*)$", "file": 1, // location may be line or line+column. "location": 2, "severity": 3, "message": 4 } /* , { // Match lines like // Compiling xxx.pas "regexp": "^(Compiling) ([^\\s]+)$", "file": 2, "message": 1, "kind": "file" } */ ], /* We need non-empty owner to hide older problems on recompilation. See, */ "owner": "Kinetic Engineering" } }, // Compile the TC7 project { "label": "(TC7) Compile", "type": "shell", /* Compile in debug mode using TC7 build tool (calls msbuild under the hood). */ "command": "${workspaceFolder}\\crbuild.bat", "args": [ "-ProductVersion", "23.0", // "-config", "DEBUG", "-config", "${input:emulatorFolder}", "-nolog", "-target", "build" // "-OutDir", "${workspaceFolder}\\Output\\EMUs\\${input:emulatorFolder}" ], "options": { "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}" // "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/Output/EMUs/${input:emulatorFolder}" }, "group": { "kind": "build", "isDefault": true }, "problemMatcher": { "fileLocation": "autoDetect", //["autoDetect", "${workspaceFolder}"], "pattern": [ { /* Match lines like xxx.pas(123,456) Fatal: some message Deliberately avoid matching summary line like xxx.pas(2201) Fatal: There were 26 errors compiling module, stopping Deliberately avoid xxx.pas(648,15) Error: Found declaration: ... because they only make sense when connected to previous error message, and VS Code reorders them. Test: (ECMAScript flavor) */ "regexp": "^([^\\(]+)\\(([\\d+,]+)\\)\\s+(Fatal|Warning|Error|Note|Hint):\\s+((?!\\(10026\\) There were)(?!There were)(?!Found declaration: )(?!\\(5088\\)Found declaration: ).*)$", "file": 1, // location may be line or line+column. "location": 2, "severity": 3, "message": 4 } /* , { // Match lines like // Compiling xxx.pas "regexp": "^(Compiling) ([^\\s]+)$", "file": 2, "message": 1, "kind": "file" } */ ], /* We need non-empty owner to hide older problems on recompilation. See, */ "owner": "Kinetic Engineering" } }, // Run the previously compiled TC7 project. // This is like <ctrl><shift><F9> in Delphi IDE. { "label": "(TC7) Run", "type": "shell", "command": "./TC7.exe", "args": [ "/no_scale", "/t:0", "/l:105", "/portrait", "/no_polling_err", "/moveable_display", "/web_debug:..\\Web\\Resources\\" ], "options": { "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/Output/EMUs/${input:emulatorFolder}" }, "group": { "kind": "build" } } ] } A sample crbuild.bat is as follows @echo off set BUILD_TARGET_TYPE="rebuild" set BUILD_CONFIG=Release set OUTPUT_TO_LOG=Y set OUTPUT_FOLDER_PARAM= rem Set the default Delphi version to compile with, 22.0 => Delphi 11.x, 23.0 => Delphi 12.1 set ProductVersion=22.0 :argsloop IF NOT [%1]==[] ( IF /i [%1]==[-config] ( SET BUILD_CONFIG=%2 shift ) IF /i [%1]==[-ProductVersion] ( SET ProductVersion=%2 shift ) IF /i [%1]==[-Target] ( SET BUILD_TARGET_TYPE=%2 shift ) IF /i [%1]==[-nolog] ( SET OUTPUT_TO_LOG=N ) SHIFT GOTO :argsloop ) set BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG set BUILD_CONFIG_UNQUOTED=%BUILD_CONFIG:"=% if /i ["%BUILD_CONFIG_UNQUOTED:~0,7%"]==["RELEASE"] ( set BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE ) set DELPHI_VARS_PATH="C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\%ProductVersion%\bin\rsvars.bat" call %DELPHI_VARS_PATH% rem build using msbuild set MSBUILD_CMD=msbuild TC7.dproj /t:%BUILD_TARGET_TYPE% /p:config=%BUILD_CONFIG% echo Running %MSBUILD_CMD% if /i "%OUTPUT_TO_LOG%"=="Y" ( %MSBUILD_CMD% 2>&1>>".\Output\crbuild.log" ) else ( %MSBUILD_CMD% ) Debugging Not working yet, would like to get it working for simple debugging and have only spent a little bit of time on it. Whether it's overly usable for inspecting values/classes etc though will be interesting - but then we have a lot of problems with Delphi debugging inspection etc of things not working. Have tried using lldb setup via the following VSCode launch.json setting file but lldb won't run the exe (eg running lldb from command line). WinDBG will run the exe but have only briefly tried it { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Launch Delphi TC7 L102 Maxphotonics", "type": "lldb", "request": "launch", "program": "${workspaceFolder}/Output/emus/L102 Maxphotonics/TC7.exe", "args": ["/no_scale /t:0 /l:105 /portrait /no_polling_err /moveable_display /web_debug:..\\Web\\Resources\\"], "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/Output/emus/L102 Maxphotonics", "stopOnEntry": false, "preLaunchTask": "Echo vars" } ] } 3 Share this post Link to post
omnibrain 15 Posted 8 hours ago Does anyone know what happened to OmniPascal? Share this post Link to post
Sherlock 672 Posted 6 hours ago 1 hour ago, omnibrain said: Does anyone know what happened to OmniPascal? Not much since 2022. Sadly I just now got interested in the subject. So I'm putting my hopes on @Mark NZs efforts. Share this post Link to post