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Can not crate a new project

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Suddenly I am unalbe to create a VCL New Project.

When I launch it in the IDE it freezes for a long time.

The task manager shows a strange list of proceses (see attached image.

This is the project code: (form 3 does nothig, it only contains a stringgrid. Any idea?

program Project4;

  Unit3 in 'Unit3.pas' {Form3};

{$R *.res}

  Application.CreateForm(TForm3, Form3);



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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, alogrep said:

form 3 does nothig, it only contains a stringgrid

You talk about an issue creating a new project but then talk about a StringGrid being on Form3. Strange.


I have no definitive idea about what the issue is but I would try to clear the whole "Projects" folder under "c:\Users\<your_user_name>\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio" and then restart Delphi.

Edited by PeaShooter_OMO

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Posted (edited)

Delete the string grid OR start a new Delphi project without any changes to it.
Sometimes when Delphi acts strange it is enough to restart the IDE.

Since Windows 10, if a PC restart is pending because of Windows updates, Delphi will act strange. Restart the whole PC.

But indeed... "Console host" and "Printer" is strange...
Should not be a subprocess of Delphi.


PC restart!

Edited by GabrielMoraru

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