sjordi 42 Posted September 16, 2019 Hi, It seems that the MultiSelection property has disappeared from the TListView component. It was available in XE4 if I'm correct. Any quick and smart way to allow the user to touch/click any TListView item and mark it as selected? And then be able to access the list of the selected item? I'd like the list to draw each selected item's background in, say, light blue! Thanks for any light on the technics. Steve Share this post Link to post
Dave Nottage 589 Posted September 16, 2019 Does this help? Share this post Link to post
sjordi 42 Posted September 16, 2019 Hi Dave, Yes I have seen this and it works, but I'm not sure I can escape the "Edit" mode. I'll study this. I just want to achieve a click or touch on any item and set it as selected/not selected... But I guess that it works the same way under the hood. Steve Share this post Link to post
sjordi 42 Posted September 23, 2019 Ok after tinkering with it, it seems that there is no way to multi select except when in Edit mode. Problem is I absolutely don't want it to be in Edit mode, and I don't want the check boxes to be shown... Hard to believe that such a basic feature is not implemented in TListView. I tried to work around this by implementing a CustomDraw mechanism, but even that seems not to be available, rendering ListViews useless in my case... Share this post Link to post
Dave Nottage 589 Posted September 23, 2019 Come to think of it, I did something like this back around the XE3 era and like you had to fight with it to make it work. Sadly, I may not have the code any more, but I'll take a look later just in case. Share this post Link to post
sjordi 42 Posted September 23, 2019 I found an example from Rahiche Raouf, an excellent MVP in Algeria. He has an example on how to colorize a list view by adding a TListItemTextButton But unfortunately it seems that it doesn't work in Rio anymore. Modifying text, etc... works fine, but not the TintColor. procedure TForm1.ListView1UpdateObjects(const Sender: TObject; const AItem: TListViewItem); var textRect : TListItemTextButton ; begin textRect := AItem.View.FindDrawable('Rectangle') as TListItemTextButton ; textRect.TintColor := TAlphaColorRec.Green ; textRect.Text := 'Hello' ; end; This doesn't seem to work anymore 😞 I'll investigate further and post back once (because it will!) it works!!! Share this post Link to post
Serge_G 90 Posted September 23, 2019 I wrote various tutorials (and preparing some others) and blog post about TListView but in french you can read here There are more than one solution to your goal 1- using a list object (i.e the color), yes it's one 2- using an interface to keep all items selected is another one you can use. I don't work on this part, currently working on customizing searching in TListView, but in my mind an interface should do the trick easily. Hum, seem a good subject if y have some times Share this post Link to post
sjordi 42 Posted September 23, 2019 (edited) Thanks, I'm going to check this. French is my mother tongue, so no problem. Interfaces are a must go anyway in good practices. Steve Edited September 23, 2019 by sjordi Share this post Link to post
sjordi 42 Posted September 23, 2019 Honte à moi, en plus j'avais le document quelque part et ne l'ai pas vu!!! Argh! Merci ! (Translated: shame on me, I had that document somewhere and didn't notice it! Argh!) Share this post Link to post
Dave Nottage 589 Posted September 23, 2019 5 hours ago, Serge_G said: 1- using a list object (i.e the color), yes it's one I think that may be how I did it. I was unable to locate my old code. Share this post Link to post
Serge_G 90 Posted September 24, 2019 (edited) Using a list object (even an invisible one) is the easiest way but if you want to have a quick "SelectedItems.count" that's not the fastest way. Sleeping on my second option, using interface, I think it's the best one. Reviewing one Marco Cantu's lesson "Advanced Interface : Using Interfaces to Implement an Adapter Pattern" on Embarcadero Academy my opinion seems to be confirmed. // scheme interface ISelectedLstViewItems = Interface ['{A3A6DE5C-496B-4766-89FF-23F08EA5B329}'] function GetSelectedItems : TList<Integer>; procedure SetSelectedItem(Value : TList<Integer>); property SelectedItems : TList<Integer> read GetSelectedItems write SetSelectedItems; end; In my mind building an interface containing a SelectedItems as a TList<integer> and then overriding TListView as TListView = class(FMX.ListView.TListview, ISelectedLstViewItems) in another unit should do the trick. The only thing I don't know is "is it possible to use TagObject for the "link" ?" (even if it is a contraint) . Think I will test this with my SearchListViewInterface (for info you can follow my steps here) to sjordi "A quoi cela sert que Ducros il se décarcasse !" Edited September 24, 2019 by Serge_G adding scheme code 1 Share this post Link to post
sjordi 42 Posted September 24, 2019 Mhh, @Serge_G I implemented your code and it works fine except... on iOS. Nothing happens. Then I downloaded your code from the website you mention, compiled. Same thing. Ok on macOS, Windows, but not iOS. Don't have my Android device here, so I can't say. Any idea why damn iOS won't colorize? Steve Share this post Link to post
Serge_G 90 Posted September 24, 2019 Hum, here you touch a point "I am not a pear 😣" = "I don't have any Apple device (jealous)" so I could not check my code on these systems, I had to trust technical correctors and some beta testers. None of them rise this behavior though ! Now, as far as I guess could be a problem with style, I ran in this problem when stylecollection have various entries. On another hand, I use a Bitmap (and I read somewhere Apple is not really fan of windows things) it's perhaps there a response Share this post Link to post
sjordi 42 Posted September 24, 2019 (edited) Ok, I won't throw a stone if you don't have Apple devices. I tried on my Android system, same thing: Gray interface. Now I made sure not to have any styles, and also tried the ControlType of the ListView to be set to Styled or Platform. No change. Smartphones are gray. macOS, Windows are colorful with the color I picked... Very strange. Edited September 25, 2019 by sjordi Share this post Link to post
Serge_G 90 Posted September 25, 2019 (edited) Damned ! As far as I remember I test these codes with Berlin version but not for mobile devices. I investigate, (check my old hard disk to remember my various tests) and found the problem but no solution yet. I was right it as to do with bitmap ! But I cheat a little . I don't know which source you use, hope it's the color demo one. Cheating : I add a bitmap to my Tprotypebindsource . I link this one to the image object of the list, doing that we don't need to create (and destroy) bitmaps. Finally I change my code procedure TForm1.ListView1UpdatingObjects(const Sender: TObject; const AItem: TListViewItem; var AHandled: Boolean); var AListItemBitmap : TListItemImage; AListItemText : TListItemText; AColor : TAlphaColor; begin AListItemBitmap:=AItem.Objects.FindObjectT<TListItemImage>('Image2'); AListItemText:=AItem.Objects.FindObjectT<TListItemText>('Text1'); if Assigned(AListItemBitmap) then begin // AListItemBitmap.Bitmap:=TBitmap.Create(40,40); try AColor:=StringToAlphaColor(AListItemText.Text) except // certaines couleurs sont inconnues! i.e. monneygreen, ltgrey AColor:=TAlphaColorRec.Null; end; AListItemBitmap.Bitmap.Clear(AColor); end; end; Don't forget to remove the onCloseQuery event And, as you can see, image attached, it works ! After this "ascertainment", I dug in the forum and found this post i wrote. The goal is now to mix the two but how ? Edited September 25, 2019 by Serge_G Share this post Link to post
sjordi 42 Posted September 25, 2019 Great, I confirm that it now works on iOS... Probably on Android as well but my device is at home. Good workaround. I use it to actually change the background for multi-selected items... for i := 1 to 1000 do ShowMessage('Thanks a lot Serge !'); Share this post Link to post
Serge_G 90 Posted September 25, 2019 Even if this workaround works 👍, for me it's not satisfactory. I don't understand why this bitmap creation does not work on mobile devices ! Share this post Link to post
Serge_G 90 Posted September 25, 2019 I knew I can find a better solution not involving bitmaps in the datasource . Here is the new code procedure TForm1.ListView1UpdatingObjects(const Sender: TObject; const AItem: TListViewItem; var AHandled: Boolean); var AListItemBitmap : TListItemImage; AListItemText : TListItemText; AColor : TAlphaColor; i : Word; begin AListItemBitmap:=AItem.Objects.FindObjectT<TListItemImage>('Image2'); AListItemText:=AItem.Objects.FindObjectT<TListItemText>('Text1'); if Assigned(AListItemBitmap) then begin AListItemBitmap.OwnsBitmap:=True; // this is the trick AListItemBitmap.Bitmap:=TBitmap.Create(40,40); try AColor:=StringToAlphaColor(AListItemText.Text) except // certaines couleurs sont inconnues! i.e. monneygreen, ltgrey AColor:=TAlphaColorRec.Null; end; AListItemBitmap.Bitmap.Clear(Acolor); //:=ABitmap; end; {$ENDIF} end; See line 12. Icing on the cake freeing bitmaps created is not needed anymore ! Tested on Windows10 and Android, hope it works on OSX and iOS 3 Share this post Link to post
sjordi 42 Posted September 26, 2019 I confirm that it also works on macOS and iOS YEAH You will be in my thanks in the about box of the app. 1 Share this post Link to post
Serge_G 90 Posted September 26, 2019 Quote You will be in my thanks in the about box of the app 😤 Well, I follow the track with those selections in edit mode, and I am disappointed ! 2 black points with the checkbox 1- with the common appearance (ListItemChecked, and all same type appearance). It works but if you don't want the checkbox checked when the item is clicked in theory you have to use option ClickOnSelect of TGlyphObjectButtonObject but this option as no effect (note was working with XE4) 2- I try to do the same thing but with appearance I prefer, the TDynamicAppearance one. In this case the checkbox don't react One question to @sjordi which event did you use for your selection, OnItemClick or OnItemClickEx ? 1 Share this post Link to post
sjordi 42 Posted September 27, 2019 I'm going to check once back home and let you know Share this post Link to post
sjordi 42 Posted September 29, 2019 Ok I checked now. My problem is I want to skip the checkboxes. I just want to touch/click an item to select/unselect it. Both OnItemClick or OnItemClickEx seem to be triggered, but I don't find a way to update/refresh the listview. My guess is I actually have to hook the click to the underlying database. This way, when data is changed it should update. I'm not sure whether there is a way to force a refresh: for testing purpose only I was using the Item.Tag to set it on/off, but obviously it's not enough. Share this post Link to post
Serge_G 90 Posted September 30, 2019 Quote My problem is I want to skip the checkboxes. Well you can skip or hide , putting the listview in edit mode and hiding the checkbox works "as expected". I put commas in reference to my previous post. Using a Dynamic appearance this is the best way because checkbox doesn't react (point 2, bug ?) Quote 2- I try to do the same thing but with appearance I prefer, the TDynamicAppearance one. In this case the checkbox don't react But color change the only thing is to find how the color is changing and set-it Quote My guess is I actually have to hook the click to the underlying database... Tag to set it on/off, but obviously it's not enough. Well, if you have a Boolean field to bind, yes (I am writing another tutorial about Listview and ListImage but in review/correction till now). I checked for event like "OnChecked" or similar but for now I don't found one reachable, I searched in Interface IListViewCheckProvider and IListViewPresentation but without good result. I am looking for the checkbox drawing in the source but it's a little hard to track ! The more I check for selection the more I think there is a bug there but, "scalded cat fears cold water", I don't want to report to Bug Tracker (2 last one I report was said to be yet reported and one not reproducible) without any proof/solution I also work on an interface IListViewSelectedItems = interface ['{3D8B9910-A017-4A10-8260-D44E9F7129B7}'] procedure StartSelection; procedure SetSelected(Value : TList<Integer>); function GetSelected : TList<Integer>; property Selected : TList<Integer> read GetSelected write SetSelected; end; TListView = class(FMX.ListView.TListView,IListViewSelectedItems) private FSelected : TList<Integer>; public constructor Create(AOwner : TObject); // <<<<<<<<<<<< destructor Destroy; override; procedure StartSelection; procedure SetSelected(Value : TList<Integer>); function GetSelected : TList<Integer>; property Selected : TList<Integer> read GetSelected write SetSelected; end; { TListView override} procedure TListView.StartSelection; begin if not Assigned(FSelected) then FSelected:=TList<Integer>.Create; end; function TListView.GetSelected : TList<Integer>; begin result := FSelected; end; procedure TlistView.SetSelected(value : TList<Integer>); begin FSelected:=Value; end; Here I can surely add an OnSelect event,(optionally a ClearSelection, SelectAll procedure). But I am still blocked 1 - a way to initialize FSelected at creation time (without using StartSelection) 2 -on painting selection (overriding or duplicating IListViewCheckProvider ?) Share this post Link to post
Serge_G 90 Posted October 3, 2019 (edited) Fool I am with this unnecessary interface ! In fact, it does exists yet. So here is my steps with a TListView / DynamicAppearance without passing it in Edit mode There for write the OnItemClickEvent (here my DynamicAppearance contains an TlistItemImage named 'Image' here is dfm part object YourListView: TListView ItemAppearanceClassName = 'TDynamicAppearance' ItemEditAppearanceClassName = 'TDynamicAppearance' HeaderAppearanceClassName = 'TListHeaderObjects' FooterAppearanceClassName = 'TListHeaderObjects' Position.X = 32.000000000000000000 Position.Y = 360.000000000000000000 Size.Width = 225.000000000000000000 Size.Height = 265.000000000000000000 Size.PlatformDefault = False TabOrder = 5 ItemAppearanceObjects.ItemObjects.ObjectsCollection = < item AppearanceObjectName = 'Image' AppearanceClassName = 'TImageObjectAppearance' Appearance.ScalingMode = Stretch end item AppearanceObjectName = 'Text1' AppearanceClassName = 'TTextObjectAppearance' end> ItemAppearanceObjects.ItemEditObjects.ObjectsCollection = < item AppearanceObjectName = 'Text1' AppearanceClassName = 'TTextObjectAppearance' end> OnItemClick = YourListViewItemClick end and code part var AListItemBitmap : TListItemImage; AListItemText : TListItemText; AColor : TAlphaColor; begin YourListView.Items.SetChecked(AItem.Index,not Aitem.Checked); AListItemBitmap:=AItem.Objects.FindObjectT<TListItemImage>('Image'); if Assigned(AListItemBitmap) then begin AListItemBitmap.OwnsBitmap:=True; AListItemBitmap.Bitmap:=TBitmap.Create(40,40); if AItem.Checked then AColor:=TAlphaColorRec.AliceBlue else AColor:=TAlphaColorRec.Null; AListItemBitmap.Bitmap.Clear(Acolor); end; but you can change text font (afraid AListItemText.TextColor don't work) AListItemText:=AItem.Objects.FindObjectT<TListItemText>('Text1'); if Assigned(AListItemText) then if AItem.Checked then AListItemText.Font.Style:=[TFontStyle.fsBold] else AListItemText.Font.Style:=[]; Edited October 3, 2019 by Serge_G attach image Share this post Link to post