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Simple Android App Template

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Hi programmers,


i'm a Delphi programmer now for 20+ years since Delphi 3, having subscription and now on Delphi Rio 10.3.3. Because of not having enough experiences with Android i need a template for starting projects with android:

I need at least following functionality:


* Login Screen with Register new user screen (all data can be saved / received later from a restserver)

* List of Functions Screen like the settings screen on android 9 with a search-area on top + in same area my details with login/registrationdata and below a list of different functions with icon+caption + small description (smaller font)

* Function details screen where we have different options details etc (can be made later by us)

* An android service in backgroud which can i.e. collect gps positions each x minutes into a table for later use within the app


For now this is all. I'm searching for a programmer which has enough experiences with android to create this template / app for us so we can use it as "starting template" with latest Delphi Rio.

Offers welcome.


Yusuf Zorlu / MicrotronX

Edited by microtronx

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13 hours ago, microtronx said:

An android service in background which can i.e. collect gps positions each x minutes into a table for later use within the app

I can help particularly with this part if you're interested.


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9 hours ago, Dave Nottage said:

I can help particularly with this part if you're interested.


Hi Dave,

give me a while so i can check the projects in limelect's suggestion. If i can start with something from there i will need only the service programmed by someone. So yes i'm interested.

But i have not too much time so if someone is willing to create everything on his side i can invest my time for serverside so the beta in january is not impossible 😉

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