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Editor Status Bars for Delphi IDE

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If you like my Forms Humanizer for Delphi IDE, I have something new for you and other colleagues. It's a new free plug-in for Delphi 10.2.3 IDE, which shows the status of opened files in the form of colored bars in the tabs above the editor:


If you are interested you can download and test it here: https://sites.google.com/site/kryvich/kryvichs-editor-status-bars


It is interesting that as follows from the article "New in 10.3: IDE UI Improvements in the Main Window", an appearance of the file tabs in the new Delphi 10.3 will change significantly:



Edited by Kryvich
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I could not find any of the words "modified", "disappear", "icons" in this context on this page, but there is a setting in the options to show or hide those icons.

At least in older IDEs.

I also have those icons off because it takes too much place, so I prefer your solution.

Do you offer it for older IDE versions too? Maybe with configurable colors? Publishing the source code?

Edited by Attila Kovacs

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@Attila Kovacs Fair remark. I made this conclusion from the article (see GIF above). In fact, I did not know that these icons can be turned off (Tools | Options | Editor options | Display | Show image on tabs). Looks even better, thank you for the tip!


In addition to 10.2.3 CE, I have XE2 and older versions here. I do not have access to Delphi XE3 - 10.2.2. So if you're interested, I can try to recompile the package for the Delphi XE2.

The plan for my future open-source and free projects is to move to 10.3 Community Edition when it will be available.

Edited by Kryvich

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@Attila Kovacs I updated the plugin for Delphi 10.3.




BTW There are no file icons on the tabs anymore. Although the checkbox "Show image on tabs" in the settings remained.

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