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How to get PTypeInfo of TRttiProperty / TRttiField

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For a long time I am using a custom settings class in most of my applications to store it's data. They all have a .AsJSON property to export / import everything, which is automatically called by .Load and .Save. It's working perfectly. The only drawback is that I had to write the getter and setter methods for each instance, even if it's only a sub-class of the main settings. And it was getting tiring.

I started to experiment with RTTI to make the class detect it's own properties in the getter and setter so I finally can forget about these in general situations. Exporting works like a charm; I only could not properly handle TLists but I wrote a custom list wrapper for the rescue.


The importing (loading from JSON) part caused some headache, which I can't seem to solve. One part is left, if the property / field is an array type. The inner helper method looks like this:

Function TApplicationSettings.JSONToValue(inJSON: TJSONValue; inTypeInfo: PTypeInfo): TValue;
 enum: TJSONArray.TEnumerator;
 valarray: TArray<TValue>;
 a: Integer;
 Result := TValue.Empty;
 Case inTypeInfo.Kind Of
  tkArray, tkDynArray:
   enum := TJSONArray(inJSON).GetEnumerator;
   SetLength(valarray, TJSONArray(inJSON).Count);
   If Assigned(enum) Then Try
    a := 0;
    While enum.MoveNext Do
     valarray[a] := JSONToValue(enum.Current, inTypeInfo);
   Result := TValue.FromArray(inTypeInfo, valarray);

..and the outer helper:

Procedure TApplicationSettings.JSONToRttiMember(inJSON: TJSONValue; inRttiMember: TRttiMember);
 val: TValue;
 pi: PTypeInfo;
 ppi: PPropInfo;
 If Not Assigned(inJSON) Then Exit;
 ppi := GetPropInfo(Self, inRttiMember.Name);
 If Not Assigned(ppi) Then Exit;
 pi := ppi^.PropType^;
 val := JSONToValue(inJSON, pi);
 If val.IsEmpty Then Exit;
 If inRttiMember Is TRttiProperty Then (inRttiMember As TRttiProperty).SetValue(Self, val)
 If inRttiMember Is TRttiField Then (inRttiMember As TRttiField).SetValue(Self, val);

This most possibly where my mistake is, as GetPropInfo always returns nil. Before this solution I passed the (PropertyType / FieldType).TypeKind as a parameter to the inner helper, but in that case I won't have access to PTypeInfo, which is needed for the TValue.FromArray.

So the question is; how can I extract the PTypeInfo of an RTTI field / property? Because the code above doesn't, that's for sure 🙂

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I saw handle in the list; I just quickly passed by it as it usually means something different... Thank you!

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