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Need to convert varbinary to hex string in a dll

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i am writing a dll the returns a pansichar value but on the sql table it is a varbinary of the hex value


i need to return that thru the dll as a hex string of


then in my calling program i can convert it from hex to ascii string

if it is possible to convert it to ascii string in the dll that is fine but i am not sure how to convert it in the dll from varbinary to anything usable at this point.

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My dll is being called by a cobol program(acucobol) if i try to pass back the binary (stdcall) it thinks i am null terminated for


the 00 comes back null and my string is blank in my cobol program

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the sql column has this info





by using the bintohex it works on the first and third row but the 2nd row is coming back blank.

the info after 0x is exactly what i want to get back in my cobol program. as long as it looks like the string shown.

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this is what i did to get the odd ball 2nd row but i am concerned that i might be overlooking something that could cause it to not be correct...

function bintoAscii(const bin: array of byte): AnsiString;
var i: integer;
  SetLength(Result, Length(bin));
  for i := 0 to Length(bin)-1 do
    Result[1+i] := AnsiChar(bin);

function bintostr(const bin: array of byte): string;
const HexSymbols = '0123456789ABCDEF';
var i: integer;
  SetLength(Result, 2*Length(bin));
  for i :=  0 to Length(bin)-1 do begin
    Result[1 + 2*i + 0] := HexSymbols[1 + bin shr 4];
    Result[1 + 2*i + 1] := HexSymbols[1 + bin and $0F];



      _KeyValue := bintoAscii(dmspCreate.adsAcuLocks1.FieldbyName('KeyValue').AsBytes);
      if (_keyValue[1] = #0) then
        _keyValue := bintoStr(dmspCreate.adsAcuLocks1.FieldbyName('KeyValue').AsBytes); 



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BinToHex should work, but you can give this a try:

Function MyBinToHex(inBinary: TArray<Byte>): String;
 b: Byte;
 Result := '0x';
 For b In inBinary Do
  Result := Result + IntToHex(Ord(b), 2);

..,in older Delphi's:

Function MyBinToHex(inBinary: Array Of Byte): String;
 a: Integer;
 Result := '0x';
 For:= Low(inBinary) To High(inBinary) Do
  Result := Result + IntToHex(Ord(b), 2);


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13 minutes ago, RTollison said:

      _KeyValue := bintoAscii(dmspCreate.adsAcuLocks1.FieldbyName('KeyValue').AsBytes);
      if (_keyValue[1] = #0) then
        _keyValue := bintoStr(dmspCreate.adsAcuLocks1.FieldbyName('KeyValue').AsBytes);  

The first and the third example starts with 0x30 so bintoStr will not be called, but the byte array seems to be binary; not ASCII. If you are sure that the field always contains binary data, drop BinToAscii and call BinToStr only.

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this is from another partys file. (micro focus acucobol) they have a lock file that will let me know what record id is in use already.

via a sample program that is using said lock table as a vision file (non sql which we do not do because we wanted all tables to sql if possible)

they have an example program that uses this to convert the data to hex format for display purposes. if i could get the raw varbinary data thru the dll i am writing then i could do the same thing.

                   perform varying idx from 1 by 2 until idx > 244
                       call "ascii2hex" using
                            list_keyval(2 * idx - 1:4)

the library routine ascii2hex

ASCII2HEX converts binary data to its hexadecimal format. This routine is the inverse of the HEX2ASCII routine.




ASCII-VALUE PIC X(2)    The input data area containing the ASCII representation of a unit of data.
HEX-VALUE PIC X(4) The output data area to contain the hexadecimal value.

When you define the parameters, use the exact field sizes specified in the calling conventions above, otherwise the runtime may terminate abnormally.

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by the way thanks this has solved my problem and i am continuing on with my dll.

i used the mybintohex solution.


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