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Sample for TWaitFor (or something similar)

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I am in a (foreign) communication thread. I must call a function in the MainThread and send the result back.

My approach:


I put a record with TFunc, Para in a TOmniValue and then in a TOmniBlockingCollection.
I call: PostThreadMessage( System.MainThreadID, sms_Synchronize, 0, 0);
And here (in the comm thread) I have to wait. Wait for a signal. ?? perhaps CreateEvent ??


In the main thread main messageloop I get the message.

I take the record from the TOmniBlockingCollection and execute the function TFunc(para).

Now I have to put the result in ... what? And signal the origin thread

Is TWaitFor the right choice?

Can you give me a sample? The WaitFor-Example from OmniThreadLibrary (test_59_TWaitFor) is too complex.


Or is there a better way? Without use (my own) main thread message loop?


Many thanks

(The function must be run in the main thread, because it uses a windows com server object and this don't work in any threads. I have synchronize/serialize the calls from the communication thread)

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14 hours ago, t2000 said:

The function must be run in the main thread, because it uses a windows com server object and this don't work in any threads. I have synchronize/serialize the calls from the communication thread

COM objects will work in a sub-thread if they are created after calling WinAPI.ActiveX.CoInitialize(nil) and destroyed before calling WinAPI.ActiveX.CoUnintialize, in that thread.

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No, WaitFor is not the right choice.


Just use TThread.Queue and execute the code in the main thread. Something like:


res := CalculateTheResult();
    // This procedure will execute in the main thread.
    // The address of the 'res' variable will be automatically captured so you can use its value here.


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I think this should be TThread.Synchronize because the code needs to wait for the result.

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@Lars Fosdal Is CoInitialize fast enough? This is a communication thread (of a REST Microservice), which is called very often.


I will test the TThread.Queue approach.
It looks way too easy :classic_wink:

But I have to use:

res := ProcessInMainThread(para);


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Yes, that could work.
TThread.Queue doesn't work, because I need the result.

TThread.Synchronize doesn't work at all. I do not know why.

I have a BackgroundWorker for some things to do (parallel and without a function result)
Now I can try to create a Worker Thread. But


the most important is, I need the result. I need it IN the communication thread. The communication thread has to wait.


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If Synchronize is not working (can't tell why without your code), use Queue with a record containing (data, result, flag) and wait for main thread to set the flag. Like this:

  res, data: ...
  flag: boolean;

flag := false;

    res := Process(data);
    flag := true;

while not flag do Sleep(0);

Or make 'flag' an event and wait on it. 

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I have a command line application.

Here are then Synchronize Test, the application loop and the ProcessMessage function

function TServerApp.SynchronizeAndWait( AFuncToCall: TFunc<TOmniValue,TOmniValue>; AData: TOmniValue): TOmniValue;
  CallRec : TFuncAndDataRec;
  oValue  : TOmniValue;

  oValue := TOmniValue.Null;
//  TThread.Queue( nil, procedure
  TThread.Synchronize( nil, procedure
      //oValue := AFuncToCall( AData);
      oValue := TOmniValue.Create(['dhfljhadskjfasdkjfh']);

  Result := oValue;

          if not ProcessMessage(Msg) then
          on e: Exception do
      until Terminated


function TServerApp.ProcessMessage(var Msg: TMsg): Boolean;
  Handled: Boolean;
  Result := False;
  //if PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) then begin
  if PeekMessage(Msg, NativeUInt(-1), 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) then begin
    Result := True;

    if Msg.Message <> WM_QUIT then begin
      Handled := False;

      case Msg.Message of
        sms_Processing             : ;
        sms_Quit                   : FCloseTimer.Enabled := true;
        sms_Synchronize            : SyncExecute;
        sms_Workerthread           : CreateWorkItem;
      end; // case

      //if Assigned(FOnMessage) then
      //  FOnMessage(Msg, Handled);
      if not Handled then begin
    end else begin
      FTerminate := True;


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23 minutes ago, t2000 said:



What does that do?

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For a quick test replace that with `CheckSynchronize(10)`.


Optimal would be a MsgWaitForMultipleObjects waiting on Thread or Process Termination and the SyncEvent while handling messages.

Edited by FredS

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1 hour ago, FredS said:

Optimal would be a MsgWaitForMultipleObjects waiting on Thread or Process Termination and the SyncEvent while handling messages. 

Ok, that was my first approach. (see 1st post)

Only that I have to use TEvent and MsgWaitFor... instead of TWaitFor

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1 hour ago, t2000 said:

see 1st post


I did, but I don't actually know what TWaitFor does..

I can tell you that the code you posted has a chance of being stuck not synchronizing.

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For Synchronize mechanism to work, console application should be calling function CheckSynchronize from System.Classes repeatedly. You can do that from the message processing loop.

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The reason is, I have to use a hardware with a DLL/TLB/ActiveX (I cannot use DLL directly) for getting a code on every receipt, that I create. And this works only one by one, but I want to use this with my REST Microservice.

Thank you all

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