idontknow 0 Posted August 13, 2020 Hello Community, since last week I have been trying to let a TsslWSocket and a TsslWSocketServer communicate with each other. I want to get a long-term stable connection between a TCP client and a TCP server that is secured with TLS1.3. However, after a runtime of a few minutes, the data transfer breaks down. There is a client thread and a server thread. In the respective Execute method I create the socket and initialize it, call Listen (server) or Connect (client) and run the MessageLoop. After a successful SSL handshake, my client sends 128KB data packets to the server. The data arrives at the server, TwSocketClient.onDataAvailable is triggered, the bytes can be read there with TwSocketClient (Sender).Receive (pBuffer ...). When the server has received 128KB, it sends an "ACK" packet to the client (An AnsiString "ACK", 3 bytes). When the client receives the packet, it sends again 128KB of testdata. This works a few thousand, sometimes some tenthousands times, until TwSocketClient.onDataAvailable is suddenly no longer called. There is no OnSessionClosed, no onError, no onException and also no onBgException that would indicate a problem. Apparently the problem is on the client side: A running Wireshark shows an [ACK] packet from the server to the client as last entry. Further clicks on the "Manual Send" button do not lead to any further lines in the Wireshark log. When this state has been reached another client can connect to the server without any problems, so the server is not completely dead. I have no idea what I could do wrong ... Maybe it's not ok to send in the context of another thread? But how is that supposed to work when the client thread is blocked by the MessageLoop? Simultaneous web browsing leads to the problem faster. When I look at any website, it usually takes less than half a minute to see the problem. My test project is attached. I would be interested to know if you have observed the same problem and if anyone has a guess as to what might be the cause ... The project is complete, the Win32 folder also contains the certificate used for testing ... Usage: Enter your own IP address, press the "btCreateStart" button, then the "btSendData Manual Send" button. The "logICStest.log" file in the program directory grows until the problem occurs ... Thanks in advance... P.S: I have already tried not to send after receiving the ACK packet, but cyclically via timer or thread. If you can select both in the test project with checkboxes, the result is the same. The problem does not only occur with TLS1.3, also with TLS1.2. I even think it shows up without encryption, just takes longer ... I crossposted this in the german Delphi-Praxis in german language ( Test Overbyte ISC Client und Server.7z Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 621 Posted August 13, 2020 I would suggest you test the OverbyteIcsIpStmLogTst sample, the demo has a local mode where it acts as both client and server sending packets to each other. I've used this component in several applications for 10 year or more, and SSL connections of days are commom, if they drop the client retries. It will also order and install it's own SSL/TLS certificates. Angus Share this post Link to post
Fr0sT.Brutal 901 Posted August 13, 2020 (edited) I would check if your thread stuff is correct. With ICS you usually don't need threads. procedure TServerThread.ScDataAvailable(Sender: TObject; ErrCode: Word); begin if ErrCode = 0 then begin Socket := TwSocketClient(Sender); while (True) do begin BytesReceived := Socket.Receive(pBuffer, 32768); if BytesReceived <= 0 then Exit; end; end end This is wrong. I guess you've come from blocking socket world. ICS is async so you've to learn its completely different approach. Edited August 13, 2020 by Fr0sT.Brutal Share this post Link to post
idontknow 0 Posted August 13, 2020 Hi Angus, thank you very much, i will look in the example code, especially the possibility to automatically order certificates sounds very good. But i really would like to understand what I'm doing wrong. Hi Fr0sT.Brutal, thank you, too. i tried a very lot of things. I suppose you mean the while loop. I know the OnDataAvailable will trigger again, if i don't read everything from the receive buffer. But even if i don't use a while loop, the client hangs after some packets... the last run was more than 18000 Packets, then the same thing... 13.08.2020 17:16:23.963 [07056] scDataAvailable 13.08.2020 17:16:23.963 [09372] MessageHandler: Server hat 18233 128KB-Pakete empfangen 13.08.2020 17:16:23.964 [09372] MessageHandler: Client hat 3 Bytes empfangen 13.08.2020 17:16:23.964 [09372] Sende 128KB, Paket #18233 13.08.2020 17:16:23.966 [07056] scDataAvailable 13.08.2020 17:16:23.966 [07056] scDataAvailable 13.08.2020 17:16:23.967 [07056] scDataAvailable 13.08.2020 17:16:23.967 [15264] TClientThread.ClientDataSent: ErrCode=0 13.08.2020 17:16:23.967 [07056] scDataAvailable 13.08.2020 17:16:23.968 [07056] scDataAvailable 13.08.2020 17:16:23.970 [07056] scDataAvailable 13.08.2020 17:16:23.971 [07056] scDataAvailable 13.08.2020 17:16:23.974 [07056] scDataAvailable 13.08.2020 17:16:23.975 [09372] MessageHandler: Server hat 18234 128KB-Pakete empfangen 13.08.2020 17:16:23.975 [09372] MessageHandler: Client hat 3 Bytes empfangen 13.08.2020 17:16:23.986 [15264] TClientThread.ClientDataSent: ErrCode=0 13.08.2020 17:16:23.986 [09372] Sende 128KB, Paket #18234 Server: procedure TServerThread.ScDataAvailable(Sender: TObject; ErrCode: Word); var Socket: TWSocketClient; pBuffer: PByte; BytesReceived: Integer; AckAnsiString: AnsiString; begin Info('scDataAvailable'); if ErrCode = 0 then begin Socket := TwSocketClient(Sender); Getmem(pBuffer, 32768); BytesReceived := Socket.Receive(pBuffer, 32768); FreeMem(pBuffer); // It's only a Test: Purge the Data, but count the Bytes if BytesReceived >= 0 then ServerBytesReceivedComplete := ServerBytesReceivedComplete + BytesReceived; if ServerBytesReceivedComplete >= 128*1024 then begin // Fine, received 128KB or more. PostMessage WM_SERVER_HAS_RECEIVED_DATA... just for logging... CountPackets := CountPackets+1; ServerBytesReceivedComplete := ServerBytesReceivedComplete - 128*1024; PostMessage(Form1.Handle, WM_SERVER_HAS_RECEIVED_DATA, CountPackets, 0); // Send AnsiString 'ACK' to Client AckAnsiString := 'ACK'; Socket.Send(TWSocketData(@AckAnsiString[1]), 3); end; end else Info('TServerThread.ScDataAvailable: ErrCode=%d', [ErrCode]); end; Client: procedure TClientThread.ClientDataAvailable(Sender: TObject; ErrCode: Word); var Socket: TWSocket; pBuffer: PByte; BytesReceived: Integer; begin // Mal so wie in D:\development\!Delphi\Components\Overbyte ICS\trunk\Samples\Delphi\SslInternet\OverbyteIcsSimpleSslCli.dproj if ErrCode = 0 then begin Socket := TwSocketClient(Sender); Getmem(pBuffer, 128); BytesReceived := Socket.Receive(pBuffer, 128); FreeMem(pBuffer); // Only a Test, purge the Bytes but count them... if BytesReceived > 0 then begin // Count them ClientBytesReceivedComplete := ClientBytesReceivedComplete + BytesReceived; if ClientBytesReceivedComplete >= Length('ACK') then begin ClientBytesReceivedComplete := ClientBytesReceivedComplete - Length('ACK'); // to keep it simple: that was 3 Bytes, in my testcase nothing else will send by the server... PostMessage(Form1.Handle, WM_CLIENT_HAS_RECEIVED_DATA, BytesReceived, 0); // Reaction in Form1: WM_CLIENT_HAS_RECEIVED_DATA -> ClientThread.Client.Send(AnsiStringWith128KB) end; end; end else Info('TClientThread.ClientDataAvailable: ErrCode=%d', [ErrCode]); end; Main (VCL-Thread): procedure TForm1.MessageHandlerClientReceivedData(var Msg: TMessage); begin Info('MessageHandler: Client has received an ACK'); if CheckBoxAutoSendAfterReceivingAck.Checked then btSendDataClick(nil); // Send 128KB-Packet to Server end; and: procedure TForm1.btSendDataClick(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; Text: AnsiString; BytesSend: Integer; begin if Assigned(Client) then begin SetLength(Text, 128 * 1024); // 128KB for i := 1 to Length(Text) do Text[i] := AnsiChar(Ord('A')+ (i mod 26)); // ABCDEFG...XYZABCDEFG... BytesSend := Client.ClientSocket.Send(TWSocketData(@Text[1]), Length(Text)); if BytesSend = Length(Text) then begin Info('Sende 128KB, Paket #%d', [GesendetePakete]); // always comes... Inc(GesendetePakete); end else begin Info('Fehler: Paket konnte nicht gesendet werden'); // never comes... end; end else Info('Fehler: Client=nil'); end; What am I doing wrong? Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 621 Posted August 13, 2020 We have explained why threads are very rarely necessary in ICS applications a few times in this forum. I don't debug such applications. Angus Share this post Link to post
Fr0sT.Brutal 901 Posted August 13, 2020 13 minutes ago, idontknow said: But even if i don't use a while loop, the client hangs after some packets... the last run was more than 18000 Packets, then the same thing... I'd advice you to get rid of threads and try very-very simple case. Like Angus said, threads in ICS are pretty advanced thing Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted August 13, 2020 I tried your example and i agree with Agnus and Fr0sT.Brutal, few will have spare hours to track this, So if you need help, i suggest to simplify that test with one thread for client and one for server and separate them, unless being in the same application is the cause, because i have good news or lets say something to start with. I didn't fire My WireShark as your example already eating most of disk storage with huge logs, and i don't want to close my IDE and reinstall a workaround for loop back or start to debug over internet, but i used the next good thing, Process Monitor After thousands of sending it always stop with this Those packets !, i don't think belongs to ICS per se but most likely to OpenSSL, either some sort of renegotiating or heartbeat or something else.. Those what you need to track in WireShark, if you managed to capture them bring them here for autopsy, just those two 176 bytes and 25 bytes, do you have them with no SSL/TLS connection ? Sorry couldn't help more, but if it is coming form OpenSSL then this is serious, or even worse if it is coming from being client and server in same application. Share this post Link to post
Angus Robertson 621 Posted August 13, 2020 Quote i will look in the example code, especially the possibility to automatically order certificates sounds very good. That is actually part of TSslSocketServer providing you are using IcsHosts to configure it which handles all the SSL stuff for you, even creating a self signed certificate automatically if nothing supplied so it can start and order one from Let's Encrypt. Angus Share this post Link to post
idontknow 0 Posted August 13, 2020 The problem seems to be the usage of TwSocket from inside a Thread. I have left the ServerThread unchanged, but the Client is running in the VCL-Thread Context now. I have no problems anymore, the test is still running and has transferred more than 1200000 packets right now, i will test it over night. I created the TwSocket from inside Thread.Execute, told him it shall use MultiThreading, and had a message loop running inside the TClientThread. But maybe my approach to send from the vcl thread like TClientThread.Client.Send(...) was the problem, but i don't know how to send from within the ClientThread Context, if the ClientThread is running its messageloop. Thanks and Good Night, Oliver Share this post Link to post
aehimself 402 Posted August 13, 2020 2 hours ago, Kas Ob. said: Those packets !, i don't think belongs to ICS per se but most likely to OpenSSL, either some sort of renegotiating or heartbeat or something else.. That was my initial thought when I started to read this thread. In cases like this I try to disable as much 3-rd party dependencies as I possibly can to see if the problem still occurs. SSL would be my first to go in this case. Share this post Link to post
aehimself 402 Posted August 13, 2020 3 minutes ago, idontknow said: I created the TwSocket from inside Thread.Execute, told him it shall use MultiThreading, and had a message loop running inside the TClientThread. Aren't those two are effectively the same thing? Afaik, .MultiThreaded := True only means the socket will use it's internal message pump. You easily can create a deadlock in any VCL application if you have two "While xxx Do Application.ProcessMessages" blocks running "simultaneously". Maybe this is the case here...? Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted August 13, 2020 4 minutes ago, idontknow said: The problem seems to be the usage of TwSocket from inside a Thread. When i was trying to monitor it, it did happen, it worked for long time ( over 5 minutes) so i had to stop it, all other runs worked less than 30 second. There is a bug in there, it is serious and should be discovered and handled, so i suggest to try to reproduce it and track it in multithreaded if needed. On side note : i never liked OpenSSL, it does have many unexplained things and default values, if i would suggest replacement then it would be one of two 1) BoringSSL the OpenSSL forked by Google. 2) NSS from Mozilla which is the best of them all, it does everything you need from OpenSSL, but very similar interfaced and well written and tested, it is not slower than OpenSSL. That was a suggestion as food for thoughts, someone might take this and port the interface to Pascal/Delphi. Share this post Link to post
idontknow 0 Posted August 14, 2020 The problem was how I sent, it seems sending needs to be from within the context of the Thread where TSslWSocket is attached to to work stable. I solved the problem by deriving from TSslWSocket and adding a new Message FMsg_WM_SEND_ASYNC. If the Component receives this Message, it runs the OnSendAsync-Method from its own ThreadContext, and that's where data is send... It seems to work... TSendAnsiItem = record Data: AnsiString; end; pSendItem = ^TSendAnsiItem; TSendAnsiText = procedure(Sender: TObject; Data: AnsiString) of object; TMySslWSocket = class(TSslWSocket) protected FMsg_WM_SEND_ASYNC: UINT; FonSendAnsiAsync: TSendAnsiText; procedure AllocateMsgHandlers; override; procedure FreeMsgHandlers; override; procedure WndProc(var MsgRec: TMessage); override; public procedure SendAnsiASync(const Data: AnsiString); property OnSendAnsiAsync: TSendAnsiText read FonSendAnsiAsync write FonSendAnsiAsync; end; procedure TClientThread.NoMessagePump(Sender: TObject); begin // Nothing. Empty Message Pump. end; procedure TClientThread.SendAnsiText(Sender: TObject; Data: AnsiString); var BytesSent: Integer; begin BytesSent := TMySslWSocket(Sender).Send(TwSocketData(@Data[1]), Length(Data)); if BytesSent <> Length(Data) then Info('Fehler: Problem beim Senden!'); end; procedure TClientThread.Execute; begin ClientSocket := TMySslWSocket.Create(nil); ClientSocket.MultiThreaded := TRUE; ClientSocket.OnMessagePump := NoMessagePump; // Thread will do ClientSocket.MessageLoop later... ClientSocket.OnSendAnsiAsync := SendAnsiText; ... ClientSocket.MessageLoop; end; procedure TMySslWSocket.AllocateMsgHandlers; begin inherited AllocateMsgHandlers; FMsg_WM_SEND_ASYNC := FWndHandler.AllocateMsgHandler(Self); end; procedure TMySslWSocket.FreeMsgHandlers; begin if Assigned(FWndHandler) then begin FWndHandler.UnregisterMessage(FMsg_WM_SEND_ASYNC); end; inherited FreeMsgHandlers; end; procedure TMySslWSocket.SendAnsiASync(const Data: AnsiString); var pItem: pSendItem; begin New(pItem); pItem^.Data := Data; PostMessage(Handle, FMsg_WM_SEND_ASYNC, 0, lParam(pItem)); end; procedure TMySslWSocket.WndProc(var MsgRec: TMessage); var pItem: pSendItem; begin try with MsgRec do begin if Msg = FMsg_WM_SEND_ASYNC then begin pItem := PSendItem(MsgRec.lParam); if Assigned(FonSendAnsiAsync) then FonSendAnsiAsync(Self, pItem^.Data); System.Dispose(pItem); end else inherited WndProc(MsgRec); end; except on E: Exception do HandleBackGroundException(E, 'TMySslWSocket.WndProc'); end; end; Share this post Link to post