limelect 50 Posted August 13, 2021 (edited) I have done this many times. This time it does not work I have 2 components FDConnection1 and FilesFDTable (FDTable) >>> SQLite first, I do this >>> FDConnection1 active. procedure TForm1.FDConnection1AfterConnect(Sender: TObject); begin FDConnection1.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Files (SectionsId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,Files BLOB NULL)'); FilesFDTable.TableName:='Files'; FilesFDTable.Active:=True; end; I put here all my tries too. Non worked I got NULL no save procedure TForm1.SaveTreeToBlob(Tree: TTreeView); var // MS: TMemoryStream; BlobField:TBlobField; Stream : TStream ; begin //MS := TMemoryStream.Create; BlobField := FilesFDTable.FieldByName('Files') as TBlobField; try // Tree.SaveToStream(MS); // MS.Position := 0; FilesFDTable.Insert; Stream := FilesFDTable.CreateBlobStream(BlobField, bmWrite); Tree.SaveToStream(Stream); // Stream.Write(ms,ms.Size); FilesFDTable.Post; FilesFDTable.Refresh; FilesFDTable.Close;// Active:=False; FilesFDTable.Active:=True; finally // MS.Free; // Stream.Free; end; end; No errors just output NULL or my DATABASE READER DOES NOT SEE THE BLOB?Thanks Edited August 13, 2021 by limelect Share this post Link to post
Bill Meyer 338 Posted August 13, 2021 Some searching turned up this: I've not needed to do this, and the code there is more involved, but I would try that as a starting point, and then perhaps you can find your way to a simpler implementation. Share this post Link to post
limelect 50 Posted August 14, 2021 (edited) @Bill Meyer sorry save does not work procedure SaveTreeviewToStream(tv: TTreeview; S: TStream); 3 var 4 writer: TWriter; 5 node: TTreeNode; 6 begin 7 Assert(Assigned(tv)); 8 Assert(Assigned(S)); 9 writer := TWriter.Create(S, ); 10 try 11 node := tv.Items[]; 12 writer.WriteListBegin; 13 while node <> nil do 14 begin 15 writer.WriteInteger(node.level); 16 writer.WriteString(node.Text); 17 writer.WriteInteger(node.Imageindex); 18 writer.WriteInteger(Integer(; 19 node := node.GetNext; 20 end; 21 writer.WriteListEnd; 22 writer.FlushBuffer; 23 finally 24 writer.Free; 25 end; 26 end; 27 BlobField := FilesFDTable.FieldByName('Files') as TBlobField; FilesFDTable.Insert; Stream := FilesFDTable.CreateBlobStream(BlobField, bmWrite); SaveTreeviewToStream(tree,Stream); FilesFDTable.Post; FilesFDTable.Refresh; As for the reader it has a bug I am stack !!! any help ? Edited August 14, 2021 by limelect Share this post Link to post
limelect 50 Posted August 15, 2021 I wander no one is using FDTable with blobs? I used blob with other database components it works with no problem Is it me or Delphi vcl 10.2.3? Share this post Link to post
Martin Wienold 35 Posted August 15, 2021 Using BLOBs implies that you are storing binary data in a database table. This is data that can't effectifly be queried by the database using SQL alone, you always have to load it into an application. I'm not saying this is bad, I just want to make sure that you know what the implications are. Another potential problem you may face is having different versions of this data in you database. Right now, you are saving Level, Text, ImageIndex and Data. If this list is expanded or the meaning of a value (example ImageIndex may shift) changes you have to have an application loading, converting and storing it. Share this post Link to post
limelect 50 Posted August 15, 2021 @Bill Meyer i used your link to develop my own as strings instead procedure SaveTreeviewToString(tv: TTreeview; Sl: TStringlist); var node: TTreeNode; s:string; begin Assert(Assigned(tv)); try node := tv.Items[0]; while node <> nil do if node.CheckState=csChecked then begin s:=''; s:=s+'#'+inttostr(node.level); s:=s+'#'+(node.Text); Sl.Add(s); node := node.GetNext; end; finally end; end; procedure LoadTreeviewFromFile(tv: TTreeview; Sl: TStringlist); var node: TTreeNode; level,i,x,x2: Integer; s,s1,s2:string; begin try tv.Items.Clear; try node := nil; for i:=0 to sl.Count-1 do begin s:=Sl; x:=PosEx('#',s,1); x2:=PosEx('#',s,x+1); s1:=copy(s,x+1,x2-(x+1)); s2:=copy(s,x2+1,length(s)); level := strtoint(s1); if node = nil then {create root node, ignore its level} node := tv.Items.Add(nil, '') else begin if level = node.level then node := tv.Items.Add(node, '') else if level > node.level then node := tv.Items.AddChild(node, '') else begin while Assigned(node) and (level < node.level) do node := node.Parent; node := tv.Items.Add(node, ''); end; end; node.Text := s2; end; finally end; finally end; end; Share this post Link to post
limelect 50 Posted August 15, 2021 (edited) 19 minutes ago, Martin Wienold said: Using BLOBs implies that you are storing binary data in a database table. This is data that can't effectifly be queried by the database using SQL alone, you always have to load it into an application. I'm not saying this is bad, I just want to make sure that you know what the implications are. Another potential problem you may face is having different versions of this data in you database. Right now, you are saving Level, Text, ImageIndex and Data. If this list is expanded or the meaning of a value (example ImageIndex may shift) changes you have to have an application loading, converting and storing it. I did not understand blob as binary cant i put any format as strigns or else? strings in stream? Edited August 15, 2021 by limelect Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted August 15, 2021 In Firebird (and i am sure other RDBMSs) you have a BLOB subtype. If this subtype is set to text, you can do where clauses on the BLOB column. But the use of querying the blob content re the OPs needs sounds useless, so. 12 minutes ago, limelect said: can't effectifly be queried Emphasis on "effectively", ok! Share this post Link to post
Martin Wienold 35 Posted August 15, 2021 3 minutes ago, Dany Marmur said: Emphasis on "effectively", ok! I'm no native speaker and did not have my coffee yet, have mercy! Share this post Link to post
Martin Wienold 35 Posted August 15, 2021 20 minutes ago, limelect said: I did not understand blob as binary cant i put any format as strigns or else? strings in stream? BLOB is short hand for Binary large object Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted August 15, 2021 @Martin Wienold According to the current programming on the radio (sunday service) everyone, e v e r y o n e, deserves mercy so Mercy you shall have! In abundance! Share this post Link to post
limelect 50 Posted August 15, 2021 Thanks every one 30+ years of Delphi did not teach me everything Share this post Link to post
baeckerg 6 Posted August 15, 2021 I just played around and if you really only need to load a certain status into the database which you need to reload you could do something like this: procedure TForm2.btn1Click(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; node: TTreenode; ms: TMemoryStream; begin node := tv1.Items.Add(nil, 'ROOT Beer') ; for I := 0 to 10 do begin tv1.items.AddChild(node, 'Beer ' + i.toString); end; ms := TMemoryStream.Create; tv1.SaveToStream(ms); qry_1.SQL.Text := 'Insert into files (files) values (?)'; qry_1.Params[0].LoadFromStream(ms, ftBlob); qry_1.ExecSQL(); ms.Clear; qry_1.SQL.Text := 'Select f.files from files f limit 1'; qry_1.Open(); ms.Position := 0; TBlobField(qry_1.FieldByName('files')).SaveToStream(ms); ms.Position := 0; tv2.LoadFromStream(ms); ms.Free; end; just a quick and dirty hack with two treeviews (tv1, tv2) and Firedac on SQlite Share this post Link to post