Mike Torrettinni 198 Posted November 26, 2021 In my projects, I don't gather user identifiable info, even for licensing. Worked good so far, but now I have the need for different licensing style. I have methods to get user name, computer name, some hardware info, local IP... for Windows. But I'm looking also for Linux version. Also identifying if VM is used or not. So, looking for a library (linux would be a plus) that handles also cases like VM, RDP, Citrix, roaming user profile management... and other network particulars that can give odd results with basic methods. Any suggestions? Share this post Link to post
timfrost 81 Posted November 26, 2021 For Windows, MiTeC System Information Component Suite can get every hardware and software detail you can think of, and more; there is also a trial version available. https://www.mitec.cz/msics.html 1 Share this post Link to post
shineworld 79 Posted November 26, 2021 You can get any info with WMI support. WMI covers a very very incredible set of infos. This is a sample that I use to recover some system info. unit osSystemInfo; interface type TSystemInfoMode = ( simdCompact, simdFull ); TMotherBoardInfo = ( mbiSerialNumber, mbiManufacturer, mbiProduct, mbiModel ); TMotherBoardInfos = set of TMotherBoardInfo; TOSInfo = ( osiBuildNumber, osiBuildType, osiManufacturer, osiName, osiSerialNumber, osiVersion ); TOSInfos = set of TOSInfo; TProcessorInfo = ( priDescription, priManufacturer, priName, priProcessorId, priUniqueId, priSystemName ); TProcessorInfos = set of TProcessorInfo; type TSystemInfo = class private FBuffer: AnsiString; FMotherBoardInfos: TMotherBoardInfos; FNeedUninitialize: Boolean; FOSInfos: TOSInfos; FProcessorInfos: TProcessorInfos; private procedure Clear; public function GenerateInfo(Mode: TSystemInfoMode = simdCompact): Boolean; public property Buffer: AnsiString read FBuffer; property MotherBoardInfos: TMotherBoardInfos read FMotherBoardInfos write FMotherBoardInfos; property OSInfos: TOSInfos read FOSInfos write FOSInfos; property ProcessorInfos: TProcessorInfos read FProcessorInfos write FProcessorInfos; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation uses ComObj, ActiveX, SysUtils, Variants, osExceptionUtils; var MotherBoardInfoText: array[TMotherBoardInfo] of AnsiString = ( 'SerialNumber', 'Manufacturer', 'Product', 'Model' ); OSInfoText: array [TOSInfo] of AnsiString = ( 'BuildNumber', 'BuildType', 'Manufacturer', 'Name', 'SerialNumber', 'Version' ); ProcessorInfoText: array [TProcessorInfo] of AnsiString = ( 'Description', 'Manufacturer', 'Name', 'ProcessorId', 'UniqueId', 'SystemName' ); procedure TSystemInfo.Clear; begin FBuffer := ''; end; constructor TSystemInfo.Create; begin inherited; FBuffer := ''; FMotherBoardInfos := []; FNeedUninitialize := False; FOSInfos := []; FProcessorInfos := []; FNeedUninitialize := CoInitialize(nil) = S_OK; end; destructor TSystemInfo.Destroy; begin if FNeedUninitialize then CoUninitialize; inherited; end; function TSystemInfo.GenerateInfo(Mode: TSystemInfoMode): Boolean; var S: AnsiString; OSInfo: TOSInfo; IValue: LongWord; OSInfos: TOSInfos; OEnum: IEnumvariant; OWmiObject: OLEVariant; ObjWMIService: OLEVariant; ObjSWbemLocator: OLEVariant; objWbemObjectSet: OLEVariant; ProcessorInfo: TProcessorInfo; ProcessorInfos: TProcessorInfos; MotherBoardInfo: TMotherBoardInfo; MotherBoardInfos: TMotherBoardInfos; function VarArrayToStr(const vArray: Variant): AnsiString; function _VarToStr(const V: Variant): AnsiString; var Vt: Integer; begin Vt := VarType(V); case Vt of varSmallint, varInteger : Result := AnsiString(IntToStr(Integer(V))); varSingle, varDouble, varCurrency : Result := AnsiString(FloatToStr(Double(V))); varDate : Result := AnsiString(VarToStr(V)); varOleStr : Result := AnsiString(WideString(V)); varBoolean : Result := AnsiString(VarToStr(V)); varVariant : Result := AnsiString(VarToStr(Variant(V))); varByte : Result := AnsiChar(Byte(V)); varString : Result := AnsiString(V); varArray : Result := VarArrayToStr(Variant(V)); end; end; var I: Integer; begin Result := '['; if (VarType(vArray) and VarArray) = 0 then Result := _VarToStr(vArray) else begin for I := VarArrayLowBound(vArray, 1) to VarArrayHighBound(vArray, 1) do begin if I = VarArrayLowBound(vArray, 1) then Result := Result + _VarToStr(vArray[I]) else Result := Result + '|' + _VarToStr(vArray[I]); end; end; Result:=Result + ']'; end; function VarStrNull(const V: OleVariant): AnsiString; begin Result := ''; if not VarIsNull(V) then begin if VarIsArray(V) then Result := VarArrayToStr(V) else Result := AnsiString(VarToStr(V)); end; end; begin Clear; try ObjSWbemLocator := CreateOleObject('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator'); if VarIsNull(ObjSWbemLocator) then AbortFast; ObjWMIService := objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer('localhost','root\cimv2', '',''); if VarIsNull(ObjWMIService) then AbortFast; if FMotherBoardInfos <> [] then begin MotherBoardInfos := FMotherBoardInfos; ObjWbemObjectSet := objWMIService.ExecQuery('SELECT * FROM Win32_BaseBoard', 'WQL', 0); OEnum := IUnknown(ObjWbemObjectSet._NewEnum) as IEnumVariant; while OEnum.Next(1, OWmiObject, IValue) = 0 do begin if MotherBoardInfos = [] then Break; for MotherBoardInfo := Low(TMotherBoardInfo) to High(TMotherBoardInfo) do begin if MotherBoardInfo in FMotherBoardInfos then begin S := VarStrNull(OWmiObject.Properties_.Item(MotherBoardInfoText[MotherBoardInfo]).Value); Exclude(MotherBoardInfos, MotherBoardInfo); case Mode of simdCompact: FBuffer := FBuffer + S; simdFull: FBuffer := FBuffer + MotherBoardInfoText[MotherBoardInfo] + ' = ' + S + #13#10; end; end; end; OWmiObject := Unassigned; end; end; if FOSInfos <> [] then begin OSInfos := FOSInfos; ObjWbemObjectSet := objWMIService.ExecQuery('SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem', 'WQL', 0); OEnum := IUnknown(ObjWbemObjectSet._NewEnum) as IEnumVariant; while OEnum.Next(1, OWmiObject, IValue) = 0 do begin if OSInfos = [] then Break; for OSInfo := Low(TOSInfo) to High(TOSInfo) do begin if OSInfo in OSInfos then begin S := VarStrNull(OWmiObject.Properties_.Item(OSInfoText[OSInfo]).Value); Exclude(OSInfos, OSInfo); case Mode of simdCompact: FBuffer := FBuffer + S; simdFull: FBuffer := FBuffer + OSInfoText[OSInfo] + ' = ' + S + #13#10; end; end; end; OWmiObject := Unassigned; end; end; if FProcessorInfos <> [] then begin ProcessorInfos := FProcessorInfos; ObjWbemObjectSet := objWMIService.ExecQuery('SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor', 'WQL', 0); OEnum := IUnknown(ObjWbemObjectSet._NewEnum) as IEnumVariant; while OEnum.Next(1, OWmiObject, IValue) = 0 do begin if ProcessorInfos = [] then Break; for ProcessorInfo := Low(TProcessorInfo) to High(TProcessorInfo) do begin if ProcessorInfo in ProcessorInfos then begin S := VarStrNull(OWmiObject.Properties_.Item(ProcessorInfoText[ProcessorInfo]).Value); Exclude(ProcessorInfos, ProcessorInfo); case Mode of simdCompact: FBuffer := FBuffer + S; simdFull: FBuffer := FBuffer + ProcessorInfoText[ProcessorInfo] + ' = ' + S + #13#10; end; end; end; OWmiObject := Unassigned; end; end; Result := True; except Clear; Result := False; end; end; end. There is also a WMI Delphi Code Generator in which you can brose the interesting data and it creates code for you: https://github.com/RRUZ/wmi-delphi-code-creator 1 1 Share this post Link to post
David Heffernan 2364 Posted November 26, 2021 2 hours ago, shineworld said: You can get any info with WMI support. WMI covers a very very incredible set of infos. Not such much on Linux 1 Share this post Link to post
Mike Torrettinni 198 Posted November 28, 2021 On 11/26/2021 at 9:35 AM, timfrost said: For Windows, MiTeC System Information Component Suite can get every hardware and software detail you can think of, and more; there is also a trial version available. https://www.mitec.cz/msics.html Thanks, it looks like it does cover a lot. And having available all the demos is quite refreshing. No Linux support is not a deal breaker, but it would be nice to have all in one. On 11/26/2021 at 12:21 PM, shineworld said: You can get any info with WMI support. WMI covers a very very incredible set of infos. Thanks, at this moment I'm looking for ready-made library (commercial) up to date and a Linux support is a plus. There's plenty example available online for all sorts of system info, but I'm trying to avoid my own trial and error. Share this post Link to post