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Angus Robertson

Unable to rename source file on save?

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Delphi 11.2, after editing a unit and trying to save it, I get an error: 


Unable to rename 'C:\DelphiComp\ics\Source\OverbyteIcsWebSocketSrv.pas' to 'C:\DelphiComp\ics\Source\__history\OverbyteIcsWebSocketSrv.pas.~74~'.


and can do nothing else than abandon changes.  The version 74 does not exist, only 73. 


Is there a clever way to save the changes, other than copy/paste to a new file? 


Suspect it happens if I edit the same file in another version of Delphi on the same PC, a couple of days ago.





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One situation would be if the source file is open by something else which will cause the rename to fail. Check if something else has the file open with the openfiles command or Resource Monitor.




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I suspect the old source file was still held open by Delphi after it had said 'another application has updated the file, reload it'. 


Tried deleting all historic files, still failed, restarted 11.2 and sanity was restored.




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Just had this IDE problem again, D11.3, edit a source file, unable to rename to history file. 


After having the problem with one file and fixing it by renaming the source file, had it with a second file, despite closing and reopening the IDE, three times. 


Finally discovered there was bds.exe instance still running holding open several source files, so I guess it did not close cleanly during one previous restart, yet allowed another instance to open. 




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bds.exe will not prevent other instances from opening, it wont even tell you there are others running. This is so you could debug the IDE or plugins therein without hassle, should you be so inclined. BUT GExperts has a nag screen, that pops up if mutiple instances of it are started... which makes it sort of a crutch to notice still running bds.exe. But this dialogue may be disabled.

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I often have two or three bds.exe running, but different versions, and all on the task bar.  The problem is when they are not obviously running...




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Could it be that a 11.0 project was copied and renamed to a 11.2 project without changing the guid of new 11.2 project so Delphi 11.2 still looks at 11.0 project source history?



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