Ian Branch 131 Posted March 31, 2023 Hi Team, D11.3. In my Log In form I have the fololowing code in the form Type section.. ... // protected property Destroying: Boolean read FDestroying write FDestroying; end; var ... The form is called from the project file at startup.. ... // if not TLogInForm.Execute('DBiBackup', %1001) then exit; // Bits 0 & 3 // ... I have long forgotten why it is there and obviously I didn't document it. 😞 Can someone enlighten me what it is there fore please?? Or, do I actually need it??  Regards & TIA, Ian orm Share this post Link to post
Anders Melander 1875 Posted March 31, 2023 You need to show us a bit more of your code. How and when is the form created, how and when is it destroyed, where is Destroying set and read, etc., etc.? Share this post Link to post
Ian Branch 131 Posted April 1, 2023 (edited) Hi Anders, Created - The form is created with the  "if not TLogInForm.Execute('DBiBackup', %1001) then exit; // Bits 0 & 3" in the dpr.  There is a private FDestroying in the Form Type.. private { Private declarations } FDestroying: Boolean; and a public class.. public { Public declarations } class function Execute(const sApplication: string; const iBits: SmallInt): Boolean; FMutex is a genaral Var. FMutex       : THandle; // Mutex Handle The Execute does this.. class function TLogInForm.Execute(const sApplication: string; const iBits: SmallInt): Boolean; begin // sApp := sApplication; iBitsSet := iBits; // with TLogInForm.Create(nil) do try Result := ShowModal = mrOk; finally Free; end; // end; This is the FormCreate.. procedure TLogInForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var wApp : array[0..11] of WideChar; begin // if VirtualUI.Active then begin VirtualUI.ClientSettings.MouseMoveGestureStyle := MM_STYLE_ABSOLUTE; VirtualUI.ClientSettings.MouseMoveGestureAction := MM_ACTION_WHEEL; VirtualUI.ClientSettings.CursorVisible := True; VirtualUI.OnClose := BrowserClosed; // sUsersIP := VirtualUI.BrowserInfo.IPAddress; // if sUsersIP = '' then // begin // ShowMessage('The Users IP is valid'); // ModalResult := mrOK; // PostMessage(Handle, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); // end; end; // if sApp <> 'DBManager' then TStyleManager.TrySetStyle('Windows11 Polar Light'); // StringToWideChar(sApp, wApp, 12); // FMutex := CreateMutex(nil, False, wApp); // if WaitForSingleObject(FMutex, 0) = WAIT_TIMEOUT then Application.Terminate; // // if VirtualUI.Active then // begin // VirtualUI.ClientSettings.MouseMoveGestureStyle := MM_STYLE_ABSOLUTE; // VirtualUI.ClientSettings.MouseMoveGestureAction := MM_ACTION_WHEEL; // VirtualUI.ClientSettings.CursorVisible := True; // VirtualUI.OnClose := BrowserClosed; // sUsersIP := VirtualUI.BrowserInfo.IPAddress; // end; // DBE1.ConfigPath := DBiWIni.ReadString('DBiWorkflow', 'Directory', ''); // iDatabaseType := DBiWIni.readInteger('DBiWorkflow', 'DatabaseType', 0); // DBSLogin.SessionDescription := sApp + ' Login Dialog.'; DBSLogin.RemoteAddress := DBiWIni.ReadString('DBiWorkflow', 'ServerAddress', ''); DBSLogin.RemotePort := DBiWIni.readInteger('DBiWorkflow', 'ServerPort', 0); // try // DBC1.Open; // except on EDatabaseError do begin // TaskMessageDlg('Database Open Error!', 'Please check that the database has been started and is available and that you have correctly configured the Data path with DBiConfig.' + sLineBreak + 'The application will now close.', mtError, [mbOK], 0); DBE1.Close; Application.Terminate; Exit; // end; // end; // end;  Destroyed -  The form normally closes with this.. procedure TLogInForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin // DBC1.CloseDataSets; // DBC1.Close; DBSLogin.Close; DBE1.Close; // ReleaseMutex(FMutex); // Action := caFree; // end; HTH.  Regards, Ian  Edited April 1, 2023 by Ian Branch Share this post Link to post
Remy Lebeau 1487 Posted April 1, 2023 (edited) All of that code is irrelevant. You asked what the Destroying property is meant for. But none of that code is setting or reading that property. So, where is it ACTUALLY being used? If you can't find that, then the property is likely no longer being used at all and could be removed so you don't have to worry about it anymore.  I question why it was ever needed in the first place, since the Form's ComponentState property has a csDestroying flag available. Unless it is not the Form's destruction that you were keeping track of... Edited April 1, 2023 by Remy Lebeau Share this post Link to post
Ian Branch 131 Posted April 1, 2023 Tks Remy. I sorta figured/hoped that was the case but I wasn't sure if there was any under-the-hood Delphi thing happening. All gone now.  Regards, Ian  Share this post Link to post
Ian Branch 131 Posted April 1, 2023 Ah Ha! The login form is used for many Apps. This code was further down.. procedure TLogInForm.DBSLoginRemoteReconnect(Sender: TObject; var Continue, StopAsking: Boolean); begin // if FDestroying then begin Continue := False; StopAsking := True; end else begin Continue := True; MessageBeep(MB_ICONASTERISK); // tdRemRecon.Timer.Interval := 180000; // 3 minutes. // var iResponse := tdRemRecon.Execute; // case iResponse of 200: begin Continue := True; iReconnectCounter := iReconnectCounter + 1; end; 201: begin Continue := False; StopAsking := True; end; 202: Continue := False; end; // if iReconnectCounter = 3 then Continue := False; // lConnected := False; // {$IFDEF SILogging} case iResponse of 200: LogMessage('RemoteReconnect Result = mrYes - (Continue), Continue = True StopAsking = False.'); 201: LogMessage('RemoteReconnect Result = mrCancel - (Ignore), Continue = False, StopAsking = True.'); 202: LogMessage('RemoteReconnect Result = mrNo - (Stop), Continue = False.'); end; {$ENDIF} // end; // end; But still no sign of anything that actually sets FDestroying. Is it possible that FDestroying should be set under specific conditions? i.e. during thr form OnDestroy event, or some other event/condition where the form is closed?? Fishing in unknown waters here. I don't want to totally discount it until I have eliminated all the probabilities.  Regards, Ian  Share this post Link to post
programmerdelphi2k 237 Posted April 1, 2023 Its intention, in fact, would be to allow only one instance of the application, and allow only "n" reconnection attempts to the DB when the connection fails? CreateMutex is one of the easiest ways to do this, so maybe a "Singleton" class could help you here. Â As for trying to reconnect to the DB, if using FireDAC, you can make use of the "OnLost, OnRecover, OnRestored" properties and events suitable for this type of situation, however, don't expect 100%... you will need to adapt it to your application in question! Â unit uMySingleAppInstance; interface type IMyOneInstance = interface ['{----- GUID -------- Ctrl+G }'] procedure MyAppInstanceFree; function MyAppIsRunning(AMutexName: string; out AMsg: string): boolean; end; TMyOneInstance = class(TInterfacedObject, IMyOneInstance) strict private class { class var'S ... } var FMyInstance : IMyOneInstance; FMutexAppHandle: THandle; FMutexAppName : string; private constructor Create; procedure MyAppInstanceFree; public destructor Destroy; override; // class function GetMyAppInstance: IMyOneInstance; // function MyAppIsRunning(AMutexName: string; out AMsg: string): boolean; end; implementation uses System.SysUtils, Winapi.Windows; // MSWindows tests... { TMyOneInstance } constructor TMyOneInstance.Create; begin // just for hide it from "public" end; destructor TMyOneInstance.Destroy; begin CloseHandle(FMutexAppHandle); // inherited; end; class function TMyOneInstance.GetMyAppInstance: IMyOneInstance; begin if (FMyInstance = nil) then FMyInstance := TMyOneInstance.Create; // result := FMyInstance; end; procedure TMyOneInstance.MyAppInstanceFree; begin FMyInstance := nil; end; function TMyOneInstance.MyAppIsRunning(AMutexName: string; out AMsg: string): boolean; var LOSLastError: cardinal; begin result := true; // // an exclusive name... if FMutexAppName.IsEmpty then begin if AMutexName.Trim.IsEmpty then FMutexAppName := 'MyAppMutextNameExclusive' else FMutexAppName := AMutexName.Trim; end; // try FMutexAppHandle := CreateMutex(nil, false, PWideChar(FMutexAppName)); // AMsg := 'Mutex: ' + FMutexAppName + '=' + FMutexAppHandle.ToString; // if (FMutexAppHandle = 0) then // Couldn't open handle at all RaiseLastOSError; // LOSLastError := GetLastError; // if not(LOSLastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) then // We are not the first instance. result := false; except on E: Exception do // generic exception AMsg := 'Error: ' + E.Message; end; end; initialization ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := true; finalization var LAppInstanceToFree := TMyOneInstance.GetMyAppInstance; // if LAppInstanceToFree <> nil then LAppInstanceToFree.MyAppInstanceFree; end. Â unit uMyDBConnectionTry; interface uses FireDAC.Stan.Intf, FireDAC.Stan.Option, FireDAC.Stan.Error, FireDAC.UI.Intf, FireDAC.Phys.Intf, FireDAC.Stan.Def, FireDAC.Stan.Pool, FireDAC.Stan.Async, FireDAC.Phys, FireDAC.VCLUI.Wait, Data.DB, FireDAC.Comp.Client; type TMyProcReference = reference to procedure(const AMsg: string); function MyTryingDBConnect(const ADBConn: TFDConnection; out AMsg: string; { } const AProc: TMyProcReference; ATries: byte = 3; const AInterval: word = 2000): boolean; implementation uses System.SysUtils; // it should be in a "THREAD" to release your UI... No need "Timers" // // if using FireDAC, you can use the "events" for Lost, Recover, Restore connection + properties! // FireDAC try do it automatically!!! function MyTryingDBConnect(const ADBConn: TFDConnection; out AMsg: string; { } const AProc: TMyProcReference; ATries: byte = 3; const AInterval: word = 2000): boolean; var LCounter : word; LInterval: word; begin result := false; AMsg := 'DB connected'; LCounter := 1; LInterval := AInterval; // if (ADBConn = nil) then begin AMsg := 'AConn = nil'; exit; // end; // if not(ATries in [1 .. 5]) then ATries := 3; // if (AInterval < 1000) or (AInterval > 10000) then LInterval := 2000; // while (LCounter <= ATries) do begin if Assigned(AProc) then AProc('Try = ' + LCounter.ToString); // try ADBConn.Connected := true; result := true; break; except on E: exception do AMsg := 'Try = [' + LCounter.ToString + ']' + slinebreak + E.Message; end; // LCounter := LCounter + 1; // sleep(LInterval); // waiting a while... dont abuse! end; end; end. Â program Project1; uses Vcl.Forms, uMainForm in 'uMainForm.pas' {FormMain}, uFormPassWord in 'uFormPassWord.pas' {PasswordDlg}, uMySingleAppInstance in 'uMySingleAppInstance.pas', uMyDBConnectionTry in 'uMyDBConnectionTry.pas'; {$R *.res} var LText: string; begin if TMyOneInstance.GetMyAppInstance.MyAppIsRunning('MyAppNameExclusive', LText) then exit; // Application.Initialize; Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True; Application.CreateForm(TFormMain, FormMain); Application.Run; end. Â var FormMain: TFormMain; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses uMySingleAppInstance, uMyDBConnectionTry; procedure MyProcForTest(const AMsg: string); begin FormMain.Button1.Caption := AMsg; end; procedure TFormMain.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var LMsg: string; begin if not MyTryingDBConnect(FDConnection1, LMsg, MyProcForTest, 3, 1500) then ShowMessage(LMsg); end; end. Â Share this post Link to post
Ian Branch 131 Posted April 3, 2023 Hi Team, Again, thank you all for your inputs. I have eliminated FDestroying and related code altogether so issue resolved. Â Regards, Ian Share this post Link to post