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Esteban Pacheco

RemObjects SDK is adding channels based on Grijjy Foundation!

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The next version of the RemObjects SDK will add support for the great Grijjy (https://github.com/grijjy/GrijjyFoundation) foundation classes on their SUPERTCP, SUPERHTTP and HTTP channels!


This could imply big perfomance improvements, high output, Google protocol buffers and more.  Great news!



Edited by Esteban Pacheco
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Is there a page that lists alternatives? I would like to list my Delphi+HTTP platform there also so people can check it out and decide what would suit them best:


It started as a way to use the Delphi compiler to create dynamic web-pages, and not so much a API/ORM/Data-connector style HTTP+Delphi setup you see with almost all the other solutions.

I kept a strong focus on having everything for the website in a single DLL, and have the option of switching the same DLL between IIS, Apache or anything really. And even hot-swapping the DLL for a next version of the DLL, suspending new requests a little to unload the old DLL and load the new one instead. This is also something I haven't seen with other Delphi for the web solutions out there...

Edited by stijnsanders

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