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Fr0sT.Brutal OSMMap : address instead of coordinates?

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Fr0sT.Brutal, hi.

Is there an easy way to use addresses instead of coordinates in your  OSMMap library?


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Do you mean postal addresses? If so, there's separate HUGE area that requires huge database. I'm not aware if OSM provides such API but they have the database and are able to search for an address.

If there's a 3rd party service that converts an address to coords via REST or something, this is doable.

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On 8/9/2023 at 12:24 PM, Fr0sT.Brutal said:


Do you mean postal addresses? If so, there's separate HUGE area that requires huge database. I'm not aware if OSM provides such API but they have the database and are able to search for an address.

If there's a 3rd party service that converts an address to coords via REST or something, this is doable.

Sorry, can't find your main topic here, so here is another GUI control pack for Delphi/Lazarus: https://github.com/Alexey-T/ATFlatControls

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