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Uwe Raabe

MMX needs new icons

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The current icons in MMX not only look a bit old, they also don't look well on the Dark Theme. They are not alpha blended and are only available in 16 x 16 pixel size. This may become a problem when the IDE will support High DPI in the future.


I am planning to assign a professional icon designer to create new icons matching the icon guide lines of the Delphi IDE. The icons will be alpha blended and are provided in different sizes. They will use the color scheme and style of the IDE icons.


You all know that I don't make any money with MMX. Thus I am not able to cover the cost for this endeavor from my private pockets. At least not completely. Therefore I created a MoneyPool at PayPal to collect some donations from MMX users willing and able to spare some money for this special purpose.


In case you are willing to donate: Note that you won't get anything for your money (aside a better looking MMX). You cannot expect your favorite feature to be prioritized or your personal bug be fixed any sooner. I promise to spend the money for this special purpose and I will close that MoneyPool when the amount needed is reached.


Also I am not looking at the hobby programmer or one man show using MMX, but I guess there are a couple of companies making some profit out of their heavy use of MMX. Perhaps they can shell out a small amount to help here.

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10 hours ago, Uwe Raabe said:

Also I am not looking at the hobby programmer or one man show using MMX, but I guess there are a couple of companies making some profit out of their heavy use of MMX. Perhaps they can shell out a small amount to help here.

The problem with this approach is that only very few companies will shell out money for something that's not tax deductible. Only the very small ones and one man shows will, in the larger ones there will be a bean counter who prevents this (as probably is his job).

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12 minutes ago, dummzeuch said:

only very few companies will shell out money for something that's not tax deductible

Well, that can be taken care of. When the amount is reached and the icons are ready I can ask the designer to split the bill into a commercial and a private part. For the commercial part my commercial ego can provide invoices to the companies requesting one. Thus the cost will balance out the revenue on my side. Of course this also holds true for single person shops (I just figured out that the term One-Man-Shop is probably not gender neutral).


My initial idea was to find a single sponsor to take care of the complete cost and thus can be billed directly, but the number of icons and thus the total amount turned out to be a bit more than I expected.

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I would wait a bit until the IDE is HDPI compatible.

You could also check if for-example seanau.com would cover your needs.

Most of the new icons are also in SVG, and they are really easy to edit/extend whatever..

Edited by Attila Kovacs

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