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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/19 in Posts

  1. David Heffernan

    optset files

    I use them to apply the same options to all my various projects. They work quite nicely. It means that if ever I change an option, or make a new project, I can roll it out effortlessly, and with confidence.
  2. FredS

    optset files

    I did and stopped due to: RSP-14723. However applying them via that dialog is inconvenient the better way is to use the 'Configuration Manager': One example is to redirect output or change configuration for an entire project group. I used this a lot for UniDAC's FastReport components to change output directories. Each time new version was made available I would simply run the 'Configuration Manager' using an altered Option Set before compiling.
  3. David Heffernan

    jpg validation

    I'd want to fix the code first. There should be two try/finally blocks and no try/except block. MotionBitmap1.Canvas.Lock; try jpeg := TJPEGImage.Create; try jpeg.Assign(MotionBitmap1); jpeg.SaveToFile('D:\picture.jpg'); finally jpeg.Free; end; finally  MotionBitmap1.Canvas.Unlock; end; And I don't know whether or not the lock/unlock is necessary. Why did you include it? As for checking whether or not it worked, there's no point. What failure more do you have in mind?
  4. Maybe this is time to do it the right way? Given that you have to change.
  5. The value is that you have the images in a useful form, not trapped in some weirdo base16 dfm format. You have names for your images, and not just integer indices.
  6. Images should not be stored in dfm files. They should be held in their original format and linked as resources.